City Can’t Find Money To Pay Lifeguards. But They Had TONS Of Money For Stuff That NEVER Benefitted The Taxpayer

By my calculations, it would take maybe $20,000 extra to bump up wages for lifeguards this summer to a respectable level. Without doing that, the city has zero chance of recruiting from a very tight labor market. That would mean the Hannah pool would be closed for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT.

That’s unacceptable. Letting a huge investment like a pool sit there unused for yet ANOTHER summer is a massive failure of leadership from both City council and our overpaid City manager Finley deGraffenreid.

Don’t tell me there isn’t money in the budget. These clowns ALWAYS have a chunk of money to waste on projects and people who don’t deserve it. Here are a few ways the City was wasted a ton of money on themselves and their chosen buddies:

The City spent $7,500 on a grant application that was never submitted.

Wasted $12,000 on a WHIM – for some PLANS (yes, a piece of paper) for a future bike trail that will likely never be built.

City manager was given a very quiet $10,000 raise from $130,000 to $140,000 last May in the middle of a pandemic when taxpayers were losing their jobs by the millions.

They wasted $96,000 on a NO-BID A/V system for City council chambers They had a bid from Broadcast Works for around $35,000 – instead they went no-bid with Azbell and blew an extra $60,000 right there.

They went with a $128,000 elevator (for City Hall remodel again!) when there was a $96,000 bid on the table from Austin Elevator. That’s ANOTHER $32,000 wasted in the blink of an eye.

They sold a building for $75k then bought it back for $229k – City Hall building AGAIN. That’s $154,000 squandered.

They squandered almost $170,000 on a pre-fab BATHROOM in Campbell Park….yet another no-bid project that could have been done for half of that. That’s about $80,000 wasted.

Mike White managed to find about $40,000 instantly last year to provide “free” electricity to the businesses they forced closed due to Wuhan flu – including paying money to Burger King, which is a major corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Apparently there was just $40,000 laying around unused.

Rich developer Deorald Finney was handed “free” electrical hookups for his houses in Stone Valley a year or two ago – at a cost to the City of about $72,000 in lost fees. Deorald lives in a mansion, by the way. But they had no trouble kissing $72,000 goodbye to “help him out”. TJ Monroe actually voted to give him MORE breaks and wanted to waive all his building permit fees!!! Yes, the same TJ Monroe who is up for election in a few weeks.

Developer S2M2 was handed $185,000 for THEIR housing development after FORMER CITY COUNCIL MEMBER “Greasy” Chris Harrison begged for it.

City council and the LEDC spent $15,000 on three giant metal LTX letters that sit in the town square, supposedly attracting throngs of tourists. LOL.

The City has wasted MILLIONS on the “business park”. Literally millions.

The City spent over ONE POINT FIVE MILLION DOLLARS on the “Old City Hall” renovation, which is used by City council twice a month for approximately 2 hours.

City handed $70,800 to Eckermann Engineering to YET AGAIN “survey” and “engineer” the ‘business’ park in preparation for “Phase I” (actually Phase II) construction for a 165-acre goat pasture that has sat empty for the last 17 years or so. City STILL doesn’t know how they are going to pay to implement these plans they paid $70,800 for. Typical!

Sales tax receipts were so far ahead of projections last year (thanks to stimmy money sloshing around) that Finley suggested giving every warm body on the City payroll a 5% raise. Just not the lifeguards, I guess.

So, as you can see: when it comes to handing out piles of money to their rich developer buddies or to build vanity projects to serve themselves (like the Old City Hall project), there is ALWAYS money to be burned.

But try and pay some local high school kids a reasonable wage so a major investment like a COMMUNITY POOL can open up, and that is just a bridge too far.

What a complete clown show.

Finley and The Goldfish STILL Refuse To Pay Decent Wage to Lifeguards. Too Dumb To Understand Why Nobody Applies

From today’s Radiogram:

The City Manager also shared that the city is finding it challenging to get enough applicants to work the city pools. The City of Lampasas wants to open both pools, but have no returning lifeguards. Anyone that has an interest in lifeguarding, or working around pools should put an application in at City Hall.

You’d think a guy who makes $140,000 per year (plus another $40,000 or so in benefits) to run the city would be smart enough to RAISE THE OFFERED WAGE for a job they can’t fill.

You’d be wrong. He only raises wages for high-paying City Nerf jobs that have multiple applicantslike when he raised the Economic Director salary from $33,000 to around $66,000 for no reason whatsoever.

Or when the Chamber of Commerce position was cranked from $45,000 up to $65,000 despite having multiple applicants!

These nitwits have my brains and acumen available to them for free and refuse to listen. I’ve gone over this several times now. HERE and HERE. But apparently skulls are way too thick and IQs are far too low on City council and at City Hall.

City council has been totally out to lunch on this issue. Mist Talbert threw down $12,000 without blinking an eye for some plans…PLANS…for a bike trail at some point in the future – but she refuses to open the purse to lure in kids to work two pools WE ALREADY HAVE SITTING THERE. Absolute and complete mental retardation, if you ask me.

Council is also discussing blowing $200,000 or $300,000 to make the Hostess House look pretty, but again – can’t pay lifeguards more than the pittance they are offering.

Here’s the problem: Finley has never worked in the real world. He doesn’t understand how it all works. Ditto for much of City council (Williamson was a lifelong government bureaucrat, Toups and Kuehne work for government schools).

So let me clue you in:

There are several forces at work right now in the labor market. FIRST is our moron president handing out money to people for doing nothing AND throwing in federal unemployment payments to boot. Not to mention the plethora of other welfare programs that make it worth more to sit on ass than work. This KILLS the incentive to work. You are competing against THAT, first of all.

Secondly, you are competing against OTHER cushy, overpaid government jobs. I remember seeing one recently for our own City that paid something like $17/hr to sit in a booth and collect utility payments from citizens. PLUS benefits!

Yet you stupidly offer only $7.25 for a lifeguard position that, arguably, is a lot tougher than most City Nerf jobs. Hell, Mandy Walsh makes over $100,000 in salary in benefits – just for reposting Facebook posts and getting tricked into trying to hand free money to an obvious scam artist like Mike Cour!

The solution is very simple. PAY A HIGHER WAGE. We have an awesome pool sitting there PAID FOR and READY TO USE, but you morons absolutely refuse to throw a few thousand more dollars at the wages….at the same time you are blowing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS on stupid shit like the Business Park, the Hostess House and all the rest.

What a sad bunch of clowns. Can’t wait until City council is cleaned out in a few weeks. We might actually get some people in there who have worked in the private sector and understand all this.