Eco-Flex False Press Release – Part II

I gave you all the set up in Part I: Eco-Flex sending out false press releases at the exact same time the LEDC and City council were spinning their wheels in mid-May trying to figure out how to proceed on scrounging up ANOTHER $1.9 million dollars in tax money to incinerate on the ‘business’ park.

My first step was to email Ewan Scott of Tyre and Rubber Magazine as well as Mary Sikora with Scrap Tire News to find out WHO actually sent them that phony press release and WHEN they got it. Emails copied below.

Lampasshole in blue…responses in red:

(8/31/20) Good morning Mr Scott!

I was reading this article with great interest.  I live in Lampasas and there has most certainly NOT been any ground broken on any tire recycling plant – not back in May and certainly not now in August, three months later.  This information is patently false.  

Where did you actually get this “information”?  Who submitted this press release?  Why has the article not been removed for being entirely factually incorrect? Thanks for any info!

Mr Scott responds:

(9/1/20) Okay, Eco-flex.

This article came from a text only press release – it is, almost verbatim, available on several publication websites.  We have not removed it because we were not aware of any issues.

As it was published elsewhere though, we ran the press release.

I would be very grateful if you could give me some more information. Firstly, what is your interest in this “project”?  Are you involved in the recycling sector? Or are you a concerned resident?

Could I ask you to send me a photograph of the proposed site and the lack of development? I can then go and ask Eco-Flex questions about the project. In fact, having taken a closer look at Eco-Flex, I can go to Kal Tire for some information.

I will get back to you when I know more.

Regards, Ewan Scott

Lampasshole responds:

Thanks so much! I’m just a citizen of Lampasas who keeps a very close eye on our local government.  The Lampasas Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) has been trying to develop 165 acres into a ‘business park’ for over 10 years now and it has been an unmitigated disaster and a waste of millions.

They are trying AGAIN to scam almost a million bucks from the US Government in the form of a “covid grant” claiming our town was ‘economically injured’ by Covid (not true – quite the opposite).  Anyhow, Mike Cour and “Eco-Strong” is supposedly going to be their tenant.  Mike has made a presentation to the LEDC twice, but that is as far as it has gone.  They are still FAR away from any usable ‘business park’.  Any talk of a ‘ground breaking’ is laughable and completely false (unless it is in another town, but I would think Mike Cour would be trumpeting that on all his social media sites – he hasn’t)

I have emailed Mike himself over this and he hasn’t responded.  He appears to be a one-man operation working out of his home.

My concern is as a citizen and a taxpayer.  I’m always suspicious of all this “green new deal” b.s.  It’s my personal contention that Cour is trying to make a money grab from the LEDC and thus, the taxpayers of our tiny town of 7,500 people.

There is no ground-breaking.  There never was.  There isn’t even a viable site at the ‘business park’ yet and won’t be for a while, since they haven’t even submitted the grant application yet.  All they have is about $850,000 worth of empty water pipes underground.

SO – I am just trying to establish who handed out that line of b.s. in the press release.  It appears it was Eco-Strong/Eco-Flex, as I suspected but I didn’t want to assume anything.

Thanks very much for your quick response!! I have enclosed a photo of current ‘business park’ – as you can see, no activity.

Ewan Scott responds:

(9/1/20) We are making enquiries in Canada and in Lampasas. We have asked Mike Cour for a response.

I can’t say any more than that at the moment as we have not had any responses from any of the parties involved.

I have contacted LEDC for a comment as well.

Regards, Ewan Scott

Lampasshole asks again a couple days later if anyone has responded:

(9/3/20) Good morning Mr Scott! Any luck digging up an answer yet?

Thanks very much.

Ewan Scott responds and inadvertently exposes what I suspected was the truth all along:

Don’t expect any quick responses.

One partner in the Legal, Alberta, operation has referred me to Liberty Tire…   Mike Cour is not responding… Neither have I had any response from Lampasas Economic Development.  We have altered the title and heading on the May news item.

I don’t hold out getting much of a response on this. To be honest, this is, and I’m sorry to say this, rather typical of many US projects where there is more show than go, to raise funds – then it all goes flat and everyone disappears until they come up with their next big idea. I have lost count of the operations that have come and gone. I only ran this because it was everywhere and it was tied to Eco-Flex, which is an established player.

Excuse my cynicism, but this is what the American Dream seems to bring with it – no offence intended.

Regards, Ewan Scott

WOW!! “More show than go“. In other words – a lot of hype and bullshit in the green energy/recycling/green new deal area. Usually to raise funds and look viable when they are actually far from getting anywhere. Gee. Who woulda thunk it!

Also notice Mike Cour doesn’t bother responding to either of us. Only when I go poking around to even more publications and pointing out Eco-Flex are lying does Mike Cour email me in a panic.

In part III, we will see how Mike Cour, Eco-Flex and a moron named Alan Champagne (supposedly CEO of Eco-Flex) send me emails with various stories trying to explain the lies. Of course, they just get more tangled in their own bullshit. Stay tuned!

Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts Back on Facebook Pushing Overpriced Laxatives

As I watched Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts pushing laxatives (CorVive CorRenew product) and lying with almost every breath he took on his latest CorVive Facebook video, it occurred to me he might have made a great politician. If he wasn’t so short and fat, he might have had a chance to be a world-class, government-paid liar and maybe U.S. Senator instead of a sad, lumpy clown who pushes overpriced laxatives to suckers via Facebook video. It takes a special kind of scumbag to spout such absolute nonsense with a straight face. Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts is just such a scumbag.

In his latest video, Meatball Fouts not only tells everyone they should take his laxative every single morning because it removes all those pesky “toxins and chemicals” (lie) but he also intimates that it can probably reduce colon cancer as well! Wow. Meatball will stoop as low as he needs to in order to get your money.

Here is a transcript of his latest lies (8:32 mark in the video):

“Everyone today is struggling with their diets…with stress….they are struggling with going to the bathroom on a regular basis, that’s why colon cancer is so much on the rise…

Stop right there for a moment. See how casually he throws out these lies and unfounded statistics? That is why you shouldn’t trust this scum bag and it is why any grown adult who is selling this garbage should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. He just makes up complete lies on the fly without batting an eye. I don’t know how any of you sleep at night – even P.T Barnum would be ashamed to go this far with his hucksterism.

Colon cancer is NOT “so much on the rise”. Colon cancer has been DECREASING STEADILY for DECADES. Nice try, Meatball. Even if colon cancer WAS an exploding epidemic, your shitty, overpriced laxative isn’t going to do anything about it, except line the pockets of Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts and dirty the toilets of a lot of gullible suckers.

This is how Meatball Fouts, the midget snake, operates all the time: FIRST he throws out a ridiculous, demonstrably false claim (“colon cancer is on the rise” or “the leading cause of weight gain is failure to pass waste from your body”) THEN he offers his shitty, overpriced pills and says they will solve this fake problem – even though there is ZERO evidence of that. He REPEATEDLY claims that the CorRenew laxative removes “toxins and chemicals” from your body. This is absolute bullshit. I have repeatedly requested by email ANY studies that have to prove any of these wild claims and they refuse to respond.

In fact, ALL “cleanses” and “detoxes” are absolute, unmitigated bullshit. Of this, there is no question or doubt in the scientific realm.

The midget makes up a fake problem then offers a fake solution. This is the very definition of a scum bag and a snake oil salesman. Look up “huckster” in the dictionary, and you should see a photo of the scumbag Jeremy Fouts there staring you in the face.

Never ONCE does Meatball Fouts utter the words “exercise” or “proper nutrition” or “see your doctor before taking our snake oil” or “get a complete blood workup” or ANYTHING a normal person would do if they were serious about improving their health.

Anybody who believes a word this slime ball says has a pea brain.