TIME Magazine Finally Admits What Libtards Won’t: Ukraine Is Corrupt As Hell, Has Lost The War, And Zelensky Is A Deluded, Corrupt Scumbag.

Every American should read the new TIME cover story on what a complete disaster the war in Ukraine has become, how the many billions sent by the US have been and continue to be stolen by Kiev, and how delusional Zelensky now is.

But this summary of the key points is perfect.

Time Magazine reports that Ukraine struggles to rally financial support after its failed counteroffensive and amid allegations of widespread corruption.

• A top Ukrainian presidential advisor warns that “people are stealing like there’s no tomorrow” when asked about bribes and corruption.

• 59% of Americans don’t want Congress to provide more weapons to Kyiv, up from 35% in June.

• The southeastern fifth of Ukraine, where the population is predominantly Russian speakers, remains under Russian control.

• Zelensky’s close advisor warns that “He deludes himself. We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

• Ukraine’s shortage of soldiers is more dire than its deficit in arms and ammunition. Draft officers pull men off trains and buses and send them to the front.

• The death toll has long surpassed 100,000 on each side of the war, forcing the draft of the elderly, raising the average age of a Ukrainian soldier to around 43 years.

• Corruption remains widespread despite Zelensky firing numerous officers and the Defense Minister.

• Zelensky is worried that the focus of Ukraine’s allies in the U.S. and Europe and of the global media has already shifted to Israel, Palestine, and the Gaza Strip.

Don’t forget how eager all the local libshits were to send hundreds of billions over there to be stolen, wasted and pilfered. The Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats even hoisted the Ukrainian flag up onto his his parent’s house! Remember, EVERYTHING the commies touch turns to shit. They are on the wrong side of EVERY issue. Ukraine is no exception.

Quite frankly, I think morons like Comrade Clayton and Stephanie Fitzharris should be conscripted, handed a rifle and sent to the front lines. That would be a win/win for everyone.