Vote NO On Proposed 3,800 Acre Solar Farm.

Kudos to Sam Kier (Facebook posts) and also Wayne and Linda Wickman (Dispatch editorial) for laying out the rational case AGAINST the proposed solar farm. They are both 100% right.

There are MANY reasons to oppose this, but the most solid reason to oppose it is that idiots like Bruce Haywood are for it. Bruce is never right about anything and has a mind like a 5-year-old girl, so he is an excellent contrarian indicator on anything he opens his gargantuan mouth about. This was proved true during Covid with his love of masks and remote learning. It was proved true again with his love of Joe Biden.

Let’s take a look at the world of energy through the mind of a slightly retarded five-year-old girl who is also a massive hypocrite:

First of all, Bruce spills a lot of Facebook ink shitting all over oil while extolling the virtues of solar. If solar is such a layup and makes SO much sense, these solar projects shouldn’t need massive subsidies to exist. THAT is what the rest of us are against. The proposed farm would get TEN YEARS of abatement at a 70% rate. Bruce doesn’t care about THAT side of the ledger because Bruce is a useless moron who sits home all day collecting government checks and who thinks money grows on a special government tree. Right Bruce?

“I never pay in but I want to take out!!!”

People who don’t pay any taxes don’t get to have a say in these issues Bruce. So do us a favor and shut up. Mmm kay?

He asks what the big deal is if people want to do this with THEIR property. That’s not the point, dummy. The point is the MASSIVE SUBSIDIES they are asking for. At the end of the day, your taxes will NOT go down and your electric rates will NOT go down. So we all gain ZERO from this project.

The issue isn’t THEIR property. The issue is OUR tax base getting pilfered. Bruce doesn’t care about that because, once again, Bruce is a useless parasite who TAKES from government and sees it as his savior and caretaker. That’s how helpless babies and quasi-retarded five-year-olds (like Bruce Haywood) think.

Hey Bruce? If solar is so awesome and Big Oil is so dirty and evil, why do you have ZERO solar panels on your house and why do you drive a big old gas guzzling pickup truck? Why do you even NEED a truck, Bruce? Are you a fake rancher like your heroine Clayton Tucker? You need that truck to drive around your .794 acre empire?

I even see an evil PROPANE tank there! Planet-killing BASTARD!!!

I even hear through the grapevine that Bruce buys a new truck every couple of years! How about it Bruce? Is that true? I’ll bet you A HUNDRED DOLLARS that it is.

What an environmentalist you are! Cruising around your neighborhood in a giant gas guzzling truck you don’t even NEED getting 14 miles per gallon and then buying a new one every few years. Truly, you are saving the planet!

But you probably sip your 64oz Big Gulp through a cardboard straw so you can sleep at night.

Bruce is like every other fake, hypocrite “environmentalist” (John Kerry, Clayton Tucker, Leonardo DiCaprio) who LOVES to virtue signal and demand stupid shit like plastic straw bans but who refuse to spend a single nickel of their own money or inconvenience themselves in any way whatsoever.

They are all for YOUR money being wasted on these boondoggles, but never spend a penny of their own. Clayton Tucker does the same thing. He has ZERO solar or wind on his parents’ house or grandpa’s ranch. Gigantic hypocrites, all of you.

A final thought:

A single nuclear power plant sits on roughly 220 acres of land. 

For solar panels to generate the equivalent energy, you’d need 8,000 times more space – maybe even more.