This woman is unbelievable. A garden is supposed to produce food for minimal cost. This one just incinerates money in ever-increasing amounts. And while that would be fine if it operated on the fees she charges her “gardeners” plus whatever fundraising she pulls off, that is not the case at all. She has bilked the City out of piles of money and continues to do so today. Her latest?

That would be Chris Eicher, Director of Parks. Why he is caving in to this moron is beyond me. That sidewalk was perfectly fine before Crazier Crozier put in her garden. Now it needs to be altered so this idiot can proceed with her hare-brained “ADA compliant” project?
You’ll remember, a year and a half ago I strung her along by email pretending to be a crippled Russian who wanted to garden when I answered her public pleas for handicapped people:
Yes, you read that right. She actually had to go out ADVERTISING for handicapped people in the first place so she could blow another $15,000 or so to make it ADA compliant.
Putting this moron in charge of money is like handing a bottle of whiskey and car keys to a teenaged boy. She has ALREADY blown over $25,000 on this thing. How about taking a break and growing some tomatoes or something, lady?
Then again, what do you expect from a raging liberal locust from Ohio who is a failed Life Coach and thinks autistic kids are clairvoyant? Par for the course.