[We continue “Never Forget or Forgive Covid Loons Week”]
Stephanie Fitzharris spent a LOT of time on Facebook in 2020, 2021 and 2022 chastising anyone who refused to wear a useless mask. Those of us with a brain who could read medical research from the last 100 years knew back in April of 2020 that the masks were useless. Saint Anthony Fauci said it HIMSELF before he did a 180 to cover up his own actions in CAUSING the entire pandemic in the first place.
She was one of the dummies who actually wore a mask OUTSIDE – which is a foolproof indicator of a low IQ and/or extreme left political leanings. Here she is with Texas House scumbag and anti-Second-Amendment worm Vikki Goodwin, who is also dumb enough to wear a mask outside (Goodwin was one of the clowns who ran away to D.C. on a private jet in July of 2021 instead of doing her job and voting):

The mask was a symbol of obedience and subjugation to Big Government Morons. No freaking way were a lot of us going along with that. But being a Marxist who loves The State and despises the individual, Potato Head could not put her mask on fast enough. If they’d told her to jam an 8-pound zucchini up her twat to “curb the spread,” she would have done that too – then called you selfish for refusing. Because she’s stupid like that.
Potato Head was actually right for once in her life, however: I do NOT like being told what to do. Especially not by libtard half-wits who cannot understand basic science….

You are goddamned right I don’t like being told what to do. I’m a grown man and twice as smart as you. I can make my own decisions.
So yeah, we knew that (1) it was a useless act of virtue signaling, (2) had LOTS of downside (reduced field of vision, breathing your own shitty bacteria and CO2 trapped in your shitty mask), (3) devastated little toddlers who need to see their parents’ faces and mouth move to help with development.
Zero upside for me and lots of downside. Therefore, I declined to wear the stupid mask.
But obedient Marxist scum like Stephanie Fitzharris and Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson just CANNOT mind their own business. Like all lefty scum, they think they have the right to tell you how to live your life. In fact, those two ass hats became quite buddy-buddy during Covid as they each tried to out-do each other for who cares more about everyone else:

Maybe “wearing a mask is not hard” for YOU – you probably LOVED covering up half your face, looking like you do! But you didn’t have a job to worry about and could afford to sit home and eat bon bons for a year living off of your husband’s checking account and playing with your inner child. Weren’t you going to “write a screenplay”? Yeah. How’d that work out for you?

Other poor saps had to actually go to work during the lockdown/mask bullshit. Amazon drivers had to run around with a stupid mask on to deliver junk to Miss Piggy and her libtard neighbors in Austin…in the heat. Meanwhile the pro-mask Miss Piggy lounged around the house maskless in her muumuu, drank boxed wine and typed away on Facebook about how selfish every unmasked person was.
You are all “simple and self-consumed” if you refused to bend the knee to useless mask stupidity.

“You’re doing your part, as far as I’m concerned.” LOL. What makes you think ANYONE gives a shit about your “concern” on the matter? Buzz off. You aren’t my mom and you aren’t the queen. You are nobody.

Stephanie Fitzharris (who believes she knows best while the individual who thinks for himself is a Yahoo) has declared that a year of inconvenience for you is no big deal…because she says so. Her default setting is “I know what’s best for everyone else,” and if you question that, you are a selfish asshole.
What a self-important twat of biblical proportions.
Oh, and what’s that at the end about being totally not afraid of death? That’s weird because you said you left Austin because of “stalkers” and because “my life is in danger” over some blog posts. So which is it, you imbecile?
Never, ever forget what these scumbags did during Covid. Never forget how they wanted to fine people $500 for not wearing a mask. Never forget they wanted to deny you entry to a hospital if you refused the “vaccine.” Never forget they let tens of thousands of old people die alone in nursing homes because their stupid rules forbade you from entering and giving your dying parents a final physical hug. Never forget how they ratted out the local golf course on social media because someone wasn’t wearing a mask OUTSIDE.
Never forget they lied and cheated and stretched that Covid bullshit out long enough to implement a dropbox/ballot harvesting scheme that allowed Biden to steal the election – thus destroying the country further.

They will act in the EXACT same manner the next time a crisis arrives. Stephanie Fitzharris is one of those people.