Well, Dog-Gone-It

Just out of curiosity, when our “Economic Development Director” Mandy “Mandy Clause” Walsh hands out free money from her big Santa sack to subsidize new businesses and then they fail mere months later, does the taxpayer get their money back?

Does the much-trumpeted number of “new businesses” actually get reduced as well?

Asking for a friend.

This is not a knock on The Doghouse. An entrepreneur had an idea and he got up there and swung the bat. The restaurant biz is brutal even in the best of time and something like 80% of restaurants fail in the first few years. I would never begrudge a guy for swinging the bat.

I DO begrudge overpaid government tit-milk slurpers like Mandy Walsh throwing tax dollars around for “free” while trying to pick winners and losers and calling it “growth”. Mandy has no idea what the small business owner does because she has never owned a small business.

She sits on her biscuit, never having to risk it.

Recession? Mandy still gets paid (over $100,000 in salary and benefits). Business she threw money at fails and results in a 100% loss on her “investment”? Mandy gets paid. Small business getting fucked by inflation and supply chain issues and goes bankrupt? Mandy Walsh gets paid. Covid wreaking havoc and shutting people down? Mandy still gets paid.

And she gets paid a HELL of a lot more than the small business guy who risked everything – THAT is what is truly nauseating. If she ever owned a small business, she would realize how outrageous her risk-free government Nerf job salary (plus bennies) really is.

Hey, I have an idea! Maybe MANDY should buy the Doghouse! She certainly has the money! She could actually attempt to run a business and hire locals and organically “grow” the economy instead of using the fake growth method she now employs by tossing taxpayer cash at everyone.

How about it, Mandy? Think you could run a hot dog stand – and make more than $100,000 every single year for yourself?

Betcha can’t.