We already know that this virus is no big deal to kids. The numbers are indisputable:

So when I see hysterical parents afraid to send their nine-year-old to school in a few weeks, I’d like to slap them upside the head a few times. Your kid is more likely to choke on his lunch than be killed by this virus. THAT IS A FACT.
If you insist on being irrationally scared of nothing, then fine – keep junior home for the year. But NO special accommodations for him! None of this bullshit “remote learning” or any of that nonsense. You can keep him home, babysit him and let him turn into a moron. Which, let’s face it, had a good chance of happening anyway with you as a parent.
FACT #1: The Wuhan Flu was running loose WAY before those dirty yellow Chinese dogs admitted it on December 31. Like, MONTHS before. So, it was likely spreading globally in late summer 2019. But did it get OVER HERE to Lampasas? I’ll bet you a signed dollar that it did. Why am I so sure?
FACT #2: I noticed an anomaly in OUR OWN LAMPASAS CITY GOVERNMENT MINUTES!!! I read ALL the minutes from City council AND the LEDC religiously from cover to cover. I also have a very good memory.
Here is what I found in the LEDC minutes for November 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 (there is never a December meeting – no minutes):
11/20/19 minutes – page 3: “enrollment is good but ATTENDANCE IS TERRIBLE – FLU AND STREP THROAT GOING AROUND“
1/15/20 minutes – page 3: “ATTENDANCE IS DOWN – FLU VIRUS GOING AROUND“
2/19/20 minutes – page 4: “FLU IS STILL IMPACTING ATTENDANCE“
The “flu” (likely Wuhan flu that wasn’t recognized yet) was SO BAD that they mentioned it in the LEDC minutes!! Nobody freaked out then, did they? No. It was only after the liberal morons got ahold of this that everyone became petrified.
Now, I know what you’d say to me if you were smart: “that’s probably mentioned in the minutes EVERY YEAR, dummy!”. Naturally, I considered that…and went back to check the exact same months in the LEDC minutes for 2017 and 2018. Guess what?
November 2018, January 2019 and February 2019 LEDC minutes: ZERO MENTION OF THE FLU.
November 2017, January 2018, February 2018 LEDC minutes: One mention of the flu in the 1/17/18 minutes. Page 4 says “attendance has been down due to flu season”. ONE MENTION OF THE FLU.
So – for the first SIX months I examined (Nov 2017 through Feb 2019), there was only ONE mention of the flu affecting attendance in Jan 2018. But for the three months from Nov 2019 through Feb 2020, there are THREE mentions and the word “TERRIBLE” is used.
It is my belief that the LEDC reporting on the school system unwittingly exposes that this virus was ALREADY running rampant late last year. THEREFORE, our children (and the teachers!!) were very likely already exposed.