The Lampasas Dispatch had THIS little nugget the other day….
The city of Lampasas has completed its funding of the water and wastewater infrastructure at the Lampasas Economic Development Corp. Business Park, and roadway and utility work is now complete.
Next up for the LEDC Business Park is solicitation of commercial enterprises to fill it.
Although the city is ready tocommence its marketing efforts, Lampasas remains in need of a full-time economic development director to lead that endeavor. Mandy Walsh, who served in that capacity for five and a half years, resigned at the end of September to pursue other work.
Solicitation of commercial enterprises? Commence marketing efforts? You mean like blowing $15,000 on videos and print ads? Granted, that is very small potatoes compared to the over $7,100,000.00 they have already wasted on this thing.
[Actually, it should read “RE-commence its marketing efforts”, because they started promoting this shit pile over SEVEN YEARS AGO! They ALREADY threw money at Neon Cloud for a PREVIOUS video! Not to mention MORE money to Zoom Advertising for “logos, magazine ads , art work, banner art, and business cards”.]
That would all be swell and good if the LEDC hadn’t ALREADY lied right to the faces of City council MANY times by telling them they ALREADY had “about four” serious prospects for the Business Pork back when Talbert went begging and then swiped $971,000 of city money for her disaster of a project.

See how it works? When Talbert and the LEDC wanted to pilfer the City coffers for ANOTHER million bucks, they made it sound like there were prospects just salivating to get in there.
Now that this piece of shit is finally “complete”, there are no prospects to be found. Instead, they have to go out and “solicit commercial enterprises”.
Not to mention, every single “Economic Development Director” and LEDC president has stated on more than one occasion that “We receive RFIs from the governors office on a weekly basis“
Mandy said this verbatim. Cherry Hargrove said it. Kathi Masonheimer said it. Even that moron Mike Talbot said it back in 2004! It has been said so many times, I even dedicated an entire post to it called The Lie That Keeps On Giving!

So I will ask the obvious question AGAIN, as I have been doing for years now: if you are getting all of these many, many requests for acreage from business prospects through the Governor’s office, then why do you need to go out and blow $15,000 to solicit commercial enterprises??? They should be coming to you on a weekly basis, according to your previous statements.
Because the LEDC has been lying non-stop from Day One.
I have to admit, the thing I am MOST looking forward to in 2023 is watching these worms try to fill the Business Pork and then listening to their new lies when they fail to do so.