Small victories. I’ll take them.
Maybe Ybarra finally got a tap on the shoulder from the City’s hack attorney JC Brown telling her to lay off all the bullshit and lies because it was making it harder and harder to keep denying me information.
Here is the OLD “economic matrix” – complete with the horseshit about “20 – to 35 jobs created” and “project wins” and “announced capital investments”

I filed Open Records Requests for the name/names of the company/companies who are providing all these new jobs and who “won” a project. Just the NAME. I was refused. It seemed weird that they didn’t want to crow about all these new jobs. I suspected that was because it was all pie-in-the-sky bullshit.
It was.
Here is the NEW “economic matrix” from this week’s LEDC packet (page 27) – all that garbage has been erased. In its place is a “rah rah” cheering section about the new businesses that have opened recently:

Of course, if they were intellectually honest, they would ALSO include the businesses that have CLOSED this year: Wool & Vine, Baby J’s, The Dog House, Rolling Pin and Gillen’s Candies.
I suspect that Bidenomics will claim at least another business or two before the year is over, unfortunately.