The LEDC is about to piss away a LOT of money to advertise its Business Pork project. How much? About $15,000, according to the latest LEDC packets [see page 32]:

I have to wonder out loud why they need to advertise at all. Mandy told us they ALREADY HAVE “about four” serious prospects…remember?
LEDC/City FINALLY Coughs Up Names Of Prospects For The Business Pork Project. Color Me Unimpressed.
Oh wait. Pho-Licious pho-cked them in the ear and moved away a few weeks ago. My bad. So call it “about three” prospects now.
You might remember the name “Neon Cloud”. I know I did. I was sure I heard it before. So I searched this blog. Sure enough – the LEDC blew $3,354.86 with Neon Cloud back in 2018 to promote this VERY SAME Business Pork project:
‘Business Park’ Is Huge Piece of Pork. Pope Eckermann and Others Feasting On Taxpayer Ass.
Of course, back then we heard a lot of the same old bullshit. Companies were going to move into the Business Pork ANY MINUTE now! Here is what former councilwoman Delena Toups said in 2017 – over FIVE YEARS AGO!
“Ms. Toups said she wants to continue to provide infrastructure to develop the business park. Ms. Toups said through the Lampasas Economic Development Corp.’s hard work, “we are on the verge of seeing large corporations come in [to the business park].” – April 21, 2017
Ouch. Hard to be more wrong than that, unless your name is Bruce Haywood.
Something else in this month’s packet struck me as hilarious. They are concentrating on three tracts with the current millions they are wasting:

None of those tracts is over 4 acres [see pages 28 – 30]. Tract 10 is only 4 acres. Tracts 11 and 12 are 3.5 acres each.
But the City ALREADY owns an “Industrial Park” which is larger than all of those tracts. It is 5.56 acres and they STILL have not been able to fill it! Supposedly Martin Rod & Custom is going to “do a deal” with the City, but that nonsense started almost 10 months ago and there is STILL no deal.
So if you can’t get a tenant for 5.6 acres, how are you going to get a tenant for those 3.5 and 4-acre plots?
I guess it’s best not to ask those simple questions. Just let the LEDC keep flushing millions down the toilet. I’m sure someone will eventually show up!