Ranchers And Cow Pies

The little socialist sure is hilarious!

I’ve got one for you!

Clayton Tucker is a rancher the same way Jolly Rancher is a rancher!

Even a few of his lonely old libdummy ladies who follow him on social media are getting close to figuring out the truth. He admitted that he is never up before sunrise – which is tough to do if you have any kind of life or job at all….

He took a vacation from his life of unemployment and living with mom.

How does he sleep in? Easy. He just shows up to grandpa’s property at noon or so and then goes around and collects all the corpses of the goat kids eaten by vulturebuzzards. Any kids still alive get their picture taken for a bunch of old ladies to fawn over on social media. Then it’s back to mom’s house for a hard day of re-posting Robert Reich tweets. A Jolly rancher’s work is never done!

Making Excuses: Why The Commie Lives With Mommy

Every now and then, local socialist and unemployed parasite Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 (Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) posts garbage like this about “low wages.” I think he does it to try and convince himself (and his mom, who houses him in her upstairs bedroom) that it’s not HIM who is a lazy, good-for-nothing sponge but the LABOR MARKET that is to blame.

Evil capitalism just doesn’t value a genius like Comrade Clayton Tucker properly in the free market for labor:

Naturally, I did a 30-second search for jobs in this area and came up with a TON of stuff. Here is a sample:

Whoops. So much for his $10/hr bullshit. But what do you expect from a kid who hasn’t even looked for a real job in his entire life? He is wildly detached from reality. He doesn’t even know what the going rate is for anything around here.

The most ridiculous part of his whining about low wages is that HE HAS ZERO EXPENSES IN LIFE! He has no wife or girlfriend to support, no kid, no student loans (mom paid) and no rent since he lives with mom. If he ever bothered to get a real job, he could basically save about 90% of his salary!

Even if these jobs paid $30 an hour, Comrade Clayton would not apply. He thinks he is above menial work. He is above “working his way up the ladder.” He thinks he is WAY smarter than everyone else, even though there is zero evidence to support that. He’s just a 32-year-old bum in a small town who lives with mom.

That’s it. It’s as simple as it looks – he’s a lazy son-of-a-bitch and cannot be bothered to get up early five days a week and be productive in society. It has nothing to do with evil capitalism or greedy corporations. He’s just a lazy fuck. End of story.

Representing a socialist group and yelling on a street corner demanding free shit. Pathetic.

I predict that Comrade Clayton Tucker will NEVER have a real job in the real world. The gap between what he THINKS his time is worth in his fantasyland will NEVER match the reality of the free market. He has zero experience at anything at age 32. He has developed zero skills at the age of 32. He has wasted the last 10 years of his life Tweeting commie crap and knocking on doors for the political campaigns of perennial losers like Julie Oliver, Meg Walsh, Robert O’Rourke, and Jonathan Hildenberg.

What employer is ever going to pay big money for THAT pathetic resume? Unskilled, lazy bums are a dime a dozen, therefore Comrade Clayton will NEVER be employed in the real world. He will stay huddled on grandpa’s “ranch” and pretend to be a farmer/rancher/cowboy until the day he dies…alone and childless.

You know how I know he will be alone and childless? Because no woman will want anything to do with an unemployed bum who lives with his mom. How do I know he will always live with mom? Because he refuses to get a real job and make his own way in the world.

It’s not hard for me to predict the entire future life story of a lazy simpleton.

But he WILL keep deluding himself by posting memes like this all day while he runs his Virtual Ranch (TM). It’s probably the only way he can live with himself, because admitting the truth is just too painful.

Communism is simply the religion of the malcontent. Strong, happy people don’t become communists. Miserable losers do.