Poor Klueless Kuehne! Last One To Know

When I saw this sign on FB the other day, I literally had one thought: I hope to Christ they don’t let the likes of Cathy Kuehne carry a gun. I doubt she knows how to use one. Swear to God. True story.

Then I saw this today:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was close. Right church, wrong pew but it was definitely a Kuehne. Poor Kuehne. Guess they know better than to hand a gun to a rabid liberal. Or supporter of BLM commies and scumbags…

I guess they could give him a wooden gun and a single bullet, kinda like Barney Fife…

I can picture already who I think is secretly carrying in the schools: a smart, strapping man who teaches a real subject like math or science, who was probably born in Texas, goes to the gym religiously, eats rare steak three times a week, shoots trap on the weekend, always carries a pocketknife, deer hunted his entire life and hates commies and pinkos. Perfect guy for the job.

Alternatively, the school could maybe get a construction crane and hoist Bruce Haywood up to the top of the school roof and if any shooter enters, a teacher could pull a “SCHOOL SHOOTER EMERGENCY“cord attached to an Indiana-Jones-type booby trap and release Bruce so he rolls down and squashes the miscreant.
