Hmmm…Who Should I Believe?

I am facing a terrible conundrum. I can’t decide who to listen to about the economy. One side says it’s the best economy EVER! Another side says it’s dogshit and we’re about to go down the toilet into a worldwide recession.


On one side, we have the CEO of FedEx.

FedEx is a $53 billion company. Well, it was until this morning, anyway. They have 547,000 employees, have been around for 50 years, and are basically the lifeblood of the United States. They have 18,000 locations all over the planet. They have about 700 transport jets and 80,000 vehicles in their fleet.

On the other side we have this:

A 370-pound human skin tag named Bruce Haywood. Haywood has never run a business in his life, has zero employees, doesn’t work at the ripe old age of 58, is a parasite who lives on government checks and who stays up til 1am posting anti-American screeds on Facebook and then sleeping until noon. He exists thanks to the generosity of the taxpayer and his only contact with the “real” economy are the cashiers at Whataburger and Krab Kingz.

HE says the economy is kicking ass!

Hmmmmm. Very tough call. I think I’m gonna have to go with the guy who is NOT a retarded parade float.

Bruce Haywood – aka Loose Haywire – Should Be Institutionalized.

Clearly Loose Haywire is a schizophrenic. One day he says one thing, and a few days later, a completely different (albeit equally retarded) persona appears to yammer about shit that directly contradicts what Personality #1 said previously.

His family should really have him institutionalized. Mentally ill people should not be allowed to vote, either.

A few months ago (as gas was hitting $4.50 a gallon), Loose Haywire sputtered and spit all over himself with indignation and informed us that it was NOT Brandon’s fault gas prices were skyrocketing higher – it was the “greedy corporations”, as usual.

Corporations all synchronized their watches to turn greed ON in Jan 2020.

In the old days, Loose Haywire would have been right about this. Presidents DIDN’T have much to do with gas prices. Except Dementia Joe is different. Dementia Joe has declared war on fossil fuels repeatedly, because Dementia Joe is in the pocket of the Chinese and the commies. He has shut down pipelines and curtailed oil and gas leasing and permitting. That is a fact. Everybody knows it. Dementia Joe also signed $1.9 TRILLION of spending into law, which created inflation EVERYWHERE – including gasoline. This is also a fact.

Hell, FIVE DAYS ago, Brandon’s Treasury Secretary (an annoying a dim-witted gnome named Janet Yellen) declared war on fossil fuels AGAIN! Why is the Treasury Secretary even commenting on fossil fuels since it has ZERO to do with her job? Good question. Brandon’s administration is filled with know-nothing zealots who want to destroy fossil fuels and America.

But even retarded Dementia Joe knows that high gas prices will eventually be his undoing since people feel that pain once a week at the pumps. So Dementia Joe had to DO SOMETHING to paper over his mess until the elections in November. What Dementia Joe did is raid our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to artificially suppress oil prices for a little bit. This is the stockpile we keep in case the shit hits the fan so our military will not be caught short on fuel.

The SPR has been drained of hundreds of millions of barrels of oil over the last couple months. This is also a fact.

There’s just one thing, the price of gas at the pump is still up 76% since Biden was elected…

Oh, and we’re also in a recession now – which destroys demand. Another reason prices have eased a bit. Congratulations, Brandon! Your economy is in recession! Haywire probably doesn’t even realize this, because he doesn’t have a job and lives off the government.

If Loose Haywire understood a single thing about how the world works, he’d know this. But Bruce Haywire never leaves his house except to go buy sacks of Whataburger and Krab Kingz. His entire existence is made possible by receiving government checks – because Bruce Haywire does not work at all. Bruce Haywire lives off the taxpayer as a parasite. He sleeps all day and stays up all night watching CNN and posting anti-American garbage on Facebook.

He ALSO now claims that Brandon IS responsible for gas prices, after all! Now that they have gone down, Loose Haywire gives all glory to Dementia Joe, the Almighty!

Oh, so now Brandon DID do that? Amazing! I wonder which quasi-retarded Loose Haywire persona we will see next week!

Too bad inflation is STILL raging everywhere…

P.S. – tomorrow marks five weeks since weaponized FBI agents raided Trump’s house. He still walks free. How you like that, Loose Haywire? I guess all those “nuclear secrets” he was going to sell to the Russians weren’t really there after all.