LISD Makes Correct Choice…For Now

Great decision guys. But there is just one thing that worries me: that little word “DELAY“. Makes me think you tipped your hand and you are planning on doing this anyways at the smallest excuse, but not right now because parents are so enraged at you.

Some other observations:

“After carefully reviewing case counts in our schools and Lampasas County…”

Huh? What is there to ‘review’? According to our esteemed County Health Authority, there are a whopping 14 cases in our county of 22,000 people (99.94% of us are NOT active).

To listen to the mayor tell it, our Health Authority barely knows what’s going on in her own county – so how does the LISD have information that is any more detailed than the “expert”? It appears to me that the only information is “there are 14 cases”. Period.

I have to think if any kid tested positive for Covid, you would all go into a ridiculous panic and overreact greatly. So I have to guess that hasn’t happened yet. So why all the “careful reviewing” nonsense?

If Dr Hay is the one suggesting this “mask for little kids” garbage, I would suggest she read up on current Covid data and mask efficacy. Maybe take a look at Sweden. Or maybe she is too busy doing “contact tracing” for the County at $25/hour to do anything else.

What I DO know is that she is a big fan of masks, according to her statements in the July 3rd Radiogram.

Ah yes…remember the “hospitals are being overwhelmed” line of crap?

She “feels” they will prevent “at least some” cases? That doesn’t inspire much confidence. Hard evidence trumps feelings in my book, and there is nothing worse than the Haywoodian logic that “well, masks can’t hurt”. Masks most certainly CAN hurt and have many downsides. See a list of them HERE.

I have alarming news for you – billions of people have been “making someone sick” since human history started. It’s why we have immune systems.

Furthermore, if Dr Hay is SO sure that cloth masks are a panacea and will prevent deadly viruses from being brought home to grandma, then why has she been silent the last 13 years of her medical career while the influenza virus ran rampant? Why didn’t she shout out on the radio and newspapers last November/December demanding masks in schools when the “flu” was running rampant in our schools? A “flu” that I think was VERY LIKELY ACTUALLY COVID-19 hitting the kids already!

See “My Evidence Wuhan Flu Already Hit Lampasas

But hey…I’m no “health authority”, I guess. Just a guy with common sense.

Once again, to all the bureaucrats and health authorities out there who use the ‘logic’ that “masks can’t hurt, so we’ll play it safe” – PLEASE read this thread on the MANY ways masks do harm.

P.S. – are any of these ‘experts’ maybe noticing a massive increase of strep throat this season? Can’t wait to see the Mayor and Dr Hay report “Strep throat active and recovered” cases….seeing as how thousands of kids are now breathing through a warm, damp bacteria breeding ground all day long. Disgusting.