Community Garden President Crazier Refuses to Make Her Non-Profit Tax Filings Available. “I Do Not Have Time For Your Nonsense”

After my polite email request to the President of the Lampasas Community Gardens to take a gander at their non-profit tax filings, I was told to get lost:

Lampasas Community Garden President Janet “Crazier” Crozier has taken many gifts from the taxpayer over the last couple of years. She is either not bright enough or honest enough to admit this, of course. According to HER:

We have not taken money from the City, nor have we asked for anything other than what was promised to the community garden. The only thing that the City provided on behalf of the wishes of the community was the volleyball court that sat vacant for at least 7 years. We pay our utilities. We have set up our own limited water collection system off the roof of our donated shed.

This is all baloney, of course, except for the part about “not taking money” from the City. Only because the City was not dumb enough to hand her actual piles of cash, like some other fools were. So the City never technically gave her any “money” – but they HAVE provided subsidies, City workers, City time and materials to her for free.

To wit:

She gets highly-subsidized water. The first 5,000 gallons PER MONTH are FREE and the water bill for one entire YEAR was once $35. So you may “pay your utilities” but they are hugely subsidized and the taxpayer is paying most of it.

She got trenching and pipes and spigots done for her by City workers on City time. There is also a new electrical panel over there, presumably for her use. Anyone who has had irrigation or electrical work done recently knows that it costs an arm and a leg. YOU paid for all that. But don’t bother going down there to stroll in the garden – because it is locked with a chain and NOT open to the public.

She is currently pressing Parks Director Chris Eicher to blow over $5,000 on sidewalk modifications over by her pet project. A pet project to bring gardening to those in wheelchairs. She actually had to advertise for people in wheelchairs for this – and as far as I know, my fake Crippled Russian email account was the only person who answered her. A project that she hasn’t even gotten funding for and for which the need is questionable, to say the least.

“Nor have we asked for anything….” – more baloney! She stood before council and tried to get them to buy her over $12,000 worth of “rain catch tanks” – even though she ALREADY gets water that is essentially free from the City. Luckily City council came to their senses after leaning towards paying for these items. This one enraged me the most, I will admit. Twelve grand is not peanuts…and this loon just casually asks for it like it falls off a money tree somewhere. That’s because she is a hard-core liberal/Marxist from Ohio.

Anyways, Crazier did not like me asking any questions. She informed that that “I do not have time for your nonsense”.

I had to inform Mrs. Crazier that she DOES indeed have to produce those tax filings. It is the law.

The easy way is to hand them over. The harder way is to make me go to your CPA or the IRS to get them. But get them I will.

Local Loony Lib Now Grabbing Public Funds For “Community” Garden – The Gloves Must Come Off

When local lib locust loon Janet “Crazier” Yoder Crozier hatched her “Community Garden” idea, I was content to sit back and watch it fail without ridiculing her along the way TOO much. After all – she was going to use PRIVATE donations and charge fees to would-be gardeners. If private citizens are dumb enough to throw money at this crazy woman (and failed “life coach”), well – a fool and their money are soon parted. No skin off my ass, right?

[We will ignore for the moment all the “free” stuff the City is giving her, like thousands of gallons of “free” City water – which is most definitely not “free”]

Well, that all changed when she sponged $4,330 off the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) the other day. She is now “public domain” and will be treated as such.

A grant IS a donation, you numbskull

Makes total sense, right? Her organization doesn’t even come close to meeting the grant requirements for the LCRA – so they rightfully deny it. But then some LCRA chowder head goes ahead and HANDS THIS IDIOT $4,330 anyways!! Mind boggling.

Every dollar someone at the LCRA hands to this moron is a dollar that can’t be used for REAL needs – like volunteer fire department equipment. Ergo, Janet “Crazier” Crozier is essentially robbing the public and setting fire to the funds through her flailing garden hobby.

Not to mention, tool sheds do NOT cost anywhere NEAR $4,330! But when you are handed “free” stuff, you rarely care about the cost of anything. Right Clayton Tucker??

Let’s do a dive into how much she has received and what she has to show for it so far, shall we? This list is up-to-date as of 11/13/23

First, we’ll tally up the straight-up CASH this loon has been handed:

  1. $2,000 MOJC grant
  2. $6,000 from the Square Foot Garden Foundation ($2,000 three times)
  3. $2,500 Rosendin Foundation
  4. $4,330 from LCRA
  5. $5,000 from First Texas Bank (2 installments of $2,500 each) years 2022 and 2023

PLUS a “financial gift” from Broken B Erectors (amount unknown) in February of 2023.

That’s about $20,000 in CASH so this nut job can run a garden! I start my garden every spring with about $100, but hey – I guess I’m doing it wrong.

Now we get to the other donations (all of these are taken from the LCG website):

They have received “generous donations” from ACE Hardware, Salvation Army, HEB, and the Farm Bureau.

ACE and HEB can do whatever the hell they want – they are private companies. But seeing the Salvation Army and Farm Bureau waste money on this shit is very puzzling…and means more worthy and needy people will go without. All so a failed “life coach” can prance around doing newspaper stories and radio interviews.

They ALSO received a ton of “free” lumber from Jack Clark. He was kind enough to donate 90 boards (8x2x8). That ain’t cheap! So add another $800 worth of “free” lumber to build their “raised” beds.

[They could have saved a lot of trouble/work by going HERE and just buying some raised beds with their piles of cash – but libs rarely use their brains]

The City of Lampasas has also diverted their work crews from other areas to go over to Janet’s Personal Sandbox and install EIGHT small hose bibbs – which includes trenching the pipes as well. Call it another $700 worth of materials and manhours.

Four bibbs on each side – plus trenching and pipe material.

Furthermore, when it became clear that Janet and a couple of other loons would never be able to do all this manual labor by themselves, they enlisted a bunch of teenagers from First United Methodist Church back around mid-March. Those volunteer hours could have been better deployed to REAL people in need. Call that another 50 manhours or so (worth maybe $600 on the free market)

Then there are the fees she charges to garden there:

“Never mind those 50 plastic jugs there” – says the same dummy who is trying to save the earth by demanding we all recycle our garbage

I did the math and it comes out to about $1,200 in fees she should have collected.

Add it add it all up, and you are looking at close to THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS so far for this debacle.

But there is more! She’s ALSO trying to scam another $10,000 or so for rainwater collection tanks – even though she ALREADY had the City put in irrigation for her and only charges her about $35 per year for water.

As of January of 2023 – she is hitting up Parks Director Chris Eicher for $5,200 for side walks to prep for her idiotic ADA-compliance project!!!

All those original donations apparently weren’t enough to buy them a small tool shed. So all their tools were stolen earlier this week after sitting there unprotected for the last two months. Not surprising, considering you left them all laying around in a semi-secluded area! Unreal. Good thing the LCRA stepped in and handed you $4,330 to buy an $800 tool shed.

A bunch of kind souls on Facebook offered to buy her new tools – obviously unaware that this idiot has ALREADY somehow squandered close to $15,000 in resources for a tiny little garden!

Should I also throw in the firetruck, ambulance, fire vehicle and EIGHT emergency personnel the Lampasas Gardens had to summon when their wood chips caused an old lady to slip and crack her head during their open house??

Nah. The taxpayers can pick that one up!

So, how in the hell do you spend $30,000 on a small garden that looks to me like I could have set the whole thing up for under $4,000? Where does it all go? Great question. One that can only be answered when the LCG non-profit tax forms are filed and appear on the Internet….hopefully later this year.

UPDATED June 2023: Ms. Crazier will be spending $18,300 on her ADA project! Jesus christ. Furthermore, the City needs to do sidewalk work because of it – which will run over $5,000 as well.