Apparently our LISD assistant superintendent is about to leave for greener pastures. There was some debate on Facebook as to whether the LISD should promote from within or look outside. Some wag commented “hell, I’ll do it, what’s it pay?”
Well, here is your answer. The paper pushers at the top of the LISD are paid VERY well. Head honcho LISD superintendent Chane Rascoe is paid $170,000 per year PLUS bennies! That is more than the governor of Texas, by the way.
Bott rakes in the dough too. Here is a list of his salary over the years:
2015: Principal $76,906
2016: Principal $79,325
2017: Principal $82,056
2018: Asst Superintendent $97,990
2019: Asst Superintendent $101,450

2020: Data is not available yet, but thanks to Chane Rascoe’s recommendations, all paper pushers (administrators) were given a 5% raise on March 3rd, 2020 [front page news] – incidentally just WEEKS before Covid hit and allowed them all to take the rest of the year off. That raise would put Bott at $106,522.
That’s a pretty damn good chunk of change for (1) a nine-month work year (2) a job with LOTS of bennies (3) a job where you don’t actually have to educate any kids (4) being an ASSISTANT and (5) a small town where a lot of people bust their ass 12 months a year and make less than half of that.
Anyways, Santa Fe ISD is even more profligate with their spending, luckily for Bott.

The retiring super – Elizabeth Leigh Wall – is shown making $220,308 back in 2019 – and I have zero doubt that number has been bumped up higher since then. Plus Bott will only have to oversee four schools instead of the current five.
The Santa Fe ISD had FIFTY PEOPLE apply for that job. That’s not what happens when you aren’t paying enough. That’s what happens when the position is WILDLY overpaid. This is a truism that escapes idiot bureaucrats like Finley deGraffenreid and “Doctor” Chane Rascoe year after year as they blather about “staying competitive”.
Are these desk jockeys worth these exorbitant sums? We’ll get into that soon, but here is a little teaser info for a few of our schools. Notice the school rankings start to shit the bed (red line) right around 2016….when “Doctor” Rascoe took over.

Link to high school ranking HERE
Link to middle school ranking HERE
Link to Taylor Creek ranking HERE
Link to Hanna Springs ranking HERE
Link to Kline Whitis ranking HERE
Also of note, the year 2017 is when the schools decided to start spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy every kid a laptop. They spent $361,000 in 2017, $300,000 in 2018 and $348,000 last month.
Over ONE MILLION DOLLARS on laptops in four years. Let me repeat that: the Lampasas School district spent ONE MILLION DOLLARS on laptops since 2017.
As you can see, that had zero impact on school performance.