After a YEAR of bullshit and lies, at least ONE Covid Cult member is finally willing to admit the truth:

So when it comes right down to it, you really ARE worried about yourself! Silly me. For a YEAR non-stop I have been listening to Covid Cult mask nazis yammer the same tired phrase to paint themselves as some sort of selfless martyr:
“I don’t wear my mask to protect me…I wear it to protect YOU”
I heard it from numerous morons like Melissa Johnson, Gregory Thompson and Hubert Heath Humperdouche.
Well, that gum has lost its flavor, hasn’t it? The vaccine is out there. The numbers are plummeting. The Covid “plague” lie served its purpose to steal the election and funnel tens of billions of federal tax dollars to liberal scumbag politicians in New York, Illinois and California. So now we can go back to normal (except for a bunch of weak-minded fools). Anybody who still needs to cling to the face diaper now can no longer tell the lie that the mask is for ME and not for themselves.
I hate to break it to Landrum, but that shitty mask you wear does NOTHING to protect you from anything. The proof is irrefutable:

However, you’ll recall I DID spend $95 on a lovely Narwall mask for Julie as a Christmas present. She should REALLY be wearing THAT, since it actually seals your face. I never even got a “thank you” from her. Talk about an ingrate.
Oh well. I certainly never accused her of having half a brain to understand all that
P.S. Unsurprisingly, Clayton “Trust Fund” Tucker also falls into the category of fools who tried to paint themselves as heroes for wearing a mask “for others”: