Yes, Wool & Vine Went Under

The Biden economy (which Julie Cain Landrum ironically voted for eagerly) claims another victim: Wool & Vine is now “Permanently Closed.”

What a shame. The Covid Cult Rat who went around and tattled on businesses for not enforcing the stupid mask mandate is now out of “business.”

Karma is a whore, isn’t she?

Of course, I use the word “business” as a joke. It was a hobby for the Landrums, who never actually employed anyone but themselves. Of course, that didn’t stop the City from handing them $3,000 in Covid money – which went 100% unappreciated by Julie Cain Landrum, the Covid rat herself, as she instead whined about The Struggle…

The City was SO biased, they handed $3,000 to a moron who had no clue how to run a business.

Ah yes – “The Struggle”. Of course, it is more of a struggle when you are only open a couple days a week and then take off months at a time to “move furniture around”.

Narrator: Covid was NOT raging at all, actually.

It also doesn’t help that you associate with other wacko liberal Covid Cult loons from Austin who are afraid to leave the house, and thus cannot patronize your hobby lemonade stand.

We are so virtuous and conscientious that we are now out of business. The end!

I knew this would happen eventually. They only shocker is that it took this long for Landrum to finally throw in the towel. Hopefully, this means more business for the REAL businesses in town like Lampasas Beer Market and Giovani’s, etc.

Oldies but Goodies:

That Time Julie Landrum Tried to do Math

Covid Mask Snitch and Lockdown Lover Now Wants To Grab Your Money at Wool & Vine. Don’t Let Her

Andrew Landrum Says Antifa is Just Misunderstood

The Time I Sent Landrum a Full Face Mask For Covid

Andrew Landrum Spread False Info on Traffic Incident

That Time I Took a Shit On Landrum Lemonade Stand

Lefty Imbecile Who Voted To Put Demented, Economy-Ruining Pants Shitter Into White House Now Asking For Your Business

Julie Landrum: Hippie or Hitler?

Oh that Julie Cain Landrum! She’s such an ARTIST! She is so AVANT GARDE!

Such a “cool kid” and member of the counterculture! Yeah! She’s an artist “sticking it to the man”! She’s making the status quo “uncomfortable” with all of her rebellion and individuality!

Oh, except that one time when Wuhan Flu was going around and she immediately fell into line with the government propaganda and turned into a Soviet-era snitch…ratting out anyone who didn’t want to impose the moronic mask mandates that violated 100 years of well-understood science about virus transmission.

Those are known as “crazy eyes”

An ‘artist’ comforts disturbed individuals? YOU are the disturbed individual. Twat.

I told you I’ll NEVER forgive or forget about the Covid Cult scumbags who turned into little mini Hitlers and went Good German overnight. I will keep that promise until the day I die of non-Covid causes.

People like Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Lee Morey, Allie H Yanta, Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez, Christopher McDaniel, Gregory Thompson, Rohnda Witcher, Jennifer Moreno (Sanchez), Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris and Clayton Tucker.

How does it make you feel that you’ve spent the last 3 years abusing your body and your mental health in a paranoid delusion about a virus and I spent the last 3 years living totally normal?

Julie Cain Landrum (Covid Rat/Fake Biz Owner) Tries To Gain Sympathy on Krasniqi Thread – But Only Beclowns Herself

Covid Rat Julie Cain Landrum (who runs the hobby grape juice stand called Wool & Vine) is once again crying about the “struggles” of being a small business owner while commenting on the Krasniqi thread:

It’s “dilapidated” you idiot

She has whined about “the struggle” before:

Julie should REALLY just keep her mouth shut about “the struggle” she faces for many, many reasons:

1) You are barely open. You can’t complain about “the struggle” of making a buck when your fucking ‘business’ is CLOSED a huge majority of the time. That “struggle” isn’t the fault of City Hall. It is the fault of you being a lazy slug:

Yeah, lots of real businesses close for a month to move the furniture around. Sounds legit! Then a month came and went, and Julie found another excuse to lay in bed and not go to work:

Ah. Now the excuse is “Covid raging”. OK. Funny, every other business in town seems to be doing ok with the Covid “rage”. Thank god the owners of Lampasas Beer Market, Memos and Putters are not completely lazy pussies like Julie Cain Landrum or I’d have nowhere to go work on my cirrhosis all week.

This also proves AGAIN what I have said all along: you are not a real business. This is a hobby lemonade stand. If you can close for months at a time and even then only open up 24 hours a week, you are clearly not dependent on this for income. It is a hobby. End of discussion. Don’t you DARE lump yourself in with REAL small business owners. You aren’t.

2) You spilled plenty of Facebook ink two years ago ratting out small businesses in town over their mask policies. This makes you a scumbag and NOT a helper of small business, but an enemy of them.

3) Your ‘business’ employs NOBODY. It is not a real business. It is a hobby lemonade stand that employs zero people. It is just you and your hipster-doofus husband. You have ZERO idea what it takes to manage multiple employees and deal with payroll, etc. So please, once again, shut up about your “struggle”.

4) You don’t OWN shit. You never dealt with any of the issues being discussed by Krasniqi. You RENT a spot inside another spot. You are a fly speck who does NOT own their building. So please, shut up about your “struggle”.

5) You were handed $3,000 in FREE MONEY from the City for ‘Covid’ even though you were only open 6 months at that point, employed zero people and were not a truly viable business at that point (just like now). It was straight-up charity that only occurred because dipshits like Misti Talbert were in a rush to hand out cash to ANYBODY without many questions. You repay the charity by whining about “the struggle” of being a small business owner and then you’re too lazy to open up for the first 7 weeks of 2022.

Like I said, lady, I’ll NEVER forgive or forget what a lunatic Covid cult rat you were back in 2020. I’ll be sure to point out your hypocrisy and scumbaggery til the end of time.

Lefty Imbecile Who Voted To Put Demented, Economy-Ruining Pants Shitter Into White House Now Asking For Your Business

You almost have to admire the chutzpah and lack of self-awareness. Not to mention the complete lack of understanding between cause and effect:

Not a business.

This is very rich coming from a raging left-wing loon who (with the help of election fraud) put a demented, green-new-deal-loving, corrupt, pants-shitting retard into the White House.

Every REAL small business is struggling now with supplies, inflation and a tight labor market thanks to Biden’s idiotic mandates and policies. But fake business owner Julie Cain Landrum (who employs nobody at all and who is open only a few days a week) wants you to help her out.

Yeah, I’ll help you out: fuck Wool & Vine. If you were drowning, I’d throw you a cinder block.

I AM however, going to send you a nice Christmas present, just like I did last year. Hang it on your tree with pride.

I Finally Shook Off Covid. Now It’s Time To Take a Shit On Julie Cain Landrum’s Hobby Lemonade Stand

Well, Covid makes you tired as hell and robs you of your taste (still gone) but I never thought I was going to die. Funny how I never got sick for 18 months despite no mask or vax, but the minute a bunch of young people NOT at risk of dying from Covid (like THIS pussy) started getting the “vaccine” over the last few months, it spread like wildfire. Anyone under the age of 40 who is otherwise healthy and still got the vax is a moron – especially if you’re female. You don’t need it. All you’re doing is poisoning the rest of us.

Oh well. Now I have immunity that is about 20 times better than your weak-ass “vaccine”. I am totally invincible to Covid and can go back to killing my liver with alcohol and wrecking my heart with bacon and dying the old fashioned way like god intended.

Speaking of no taste, local Covid rat and hobby lemonade stand operator Julie Cain Landrum of Wool & Vine Cry & Whine just can’t keep her rat nose clean, can she? I had a LOT of time to lie in bed and read all the Facebook soap operas going on over the last week and a half. Seems like Covid rat Landrum is always at the center of a whine fest.

Get it? Because she operates a WINE bar? Well, sometimes. When she feels like opening. Mostly it’s closed and she pretends to be a business owner.

Julie Cain Landrum is the chick who ratted out other small businesses last year during Covid. I have covered this Covid rat extensively in the past.

This broad will literally go to any length to avoid working and building an actual business. Instead, she spends her time whining on Facebook about how the world is against her.

Correction: you do not own a business. You operate a tiny hobby lemonade stand that is closed most of the time.

The struggle? The bias towards business owners? Which one of those describes the $3,000 in FREE CASH that the Lampasas Economic Development Corp foolishly handed you last year for “Covid”? What a deluded ingrate this woman is. Truly delusional as only a liberal could be.

The LEDC handed over all that money even though Cry & Whine is barely open and employs nobody at all.

The irony, of course, is that this moron did this to herself. With her non-stop freaking out about Covid, she and her small circle of hipster doofus artsy-fartsy Austin types have petrified themselves into not going out to eat or drink anymore. At least, that’s the excuse she is using for her business sucking:

Becky Strassner appears to be her sister. A sister who is STILL scamming “Covid money” for HER shitty business! Must run in the family.

That is what happens when you watch the morons on CNN all day and work yourself into a petrified state of idiocy. You literally start having nightmares from watching so much fear porn on CNN. This is a mentally weak person:

Especially if you listen to that scumbag “Doctor” Leana Wen:

Leana Wen is a Chinese-born piece of shit and quack who is CNN’s resident fearmonger. She probably also eats dogs. Dr. Wen thinks Americans should be forced to show a Covid passport to travel across interstate lines or get on a plane….or to do anything else, for that matter.

Did I mention Leana Wen was born in China? The same country that released this virus on us in the first place? Naturally, she “sounds reasonable” to a complete moron like Julie Landrum!

Dr. Wen should be removed from television and then deported to China. If she refuses to go, she should be tried for sedition and then hanged on public television.

No, I am not kidding.

Authoritarian fearmongering morons like Dr. Wen have whipped the weak-minded in our society (like Julie Cain Landrum and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris) into a gaggle of scared rabbits who are afraid of their own shadows – and thus won’t go spend money at Cry & Whine, apparently:

This is known as “shooting yourself in the dick” and it is nobody’s fault but your own. Either get your head screwed on straight and understand that Covid is not the end of the world, or suffer the consequences of your own stupidity, mmmkay? Don’t sit there and Cry & Whine about how the City and everyone else is “against small business”

You also might want to try being open for more than a few hours a week. That is not a business – it is a hobby lemonade stand tucked away inside another small business and nobody knows it’s there because you are too cheap to buy signage. This is also your fault, and not the fault of Covid:

EVERY OTHER BUSINESS on the square is open AT LEAST 40 hours a week. That’s what it takes. But Julie Cain Landrum can’t be bothered with that. She’d rather blame Covid and the “bias” of the city of Lampasas against people like her. It makes it easier to be handed free tax dollars like her idiot sister Becky Strassner:

The economy is booming in Texas and this weasel is STILL SCAMMING Covid “relief” funds. What a scum bag.

The bottom line is that neither Covid nor anti-business “bias” are your problem. The problem is that Julie Cain Landrum is unfit to run a business. She is merely a dummy who thought “I like wine! I’ll open a wine bar” and that’s about as much thought as she likely put into it.

I mean, she gets flustered by a single mosquito or a package of Emory boards! How the hell is she going to deal with the demands of running a small business? She isn’t. She’s going to fuck it all up and then blame it on a cold virus:

Emory board packages….mosquitoes…fireworks. It doesn’t take much to throw Julie Cain Landrum into a tizzy and ruin her day. It’s no wonder she can’t even run a hobby lemonade stand without falling to pieces – like most rabid liberals, she is likely mentally ill.

I’ll have more to say on this soon. I am not even close to done with Wool & Vine and Julie Cain Landrum. I said a year ago when she was busy ratting out other small business that I would never forget or forgive that sin. The chickens are coming home to roost, lady.

Tis The Season For Giving…

It’s the season for giving and generosity, and I am no exception to that rule. It’s especially important to give to the less fortunate – like those humans who were born with a puddle of brown liquid where their cerebrum should be.

Last year, I gave the gift of Goldfish tree ornaments to City council in their $1.5 million goldfish bowl.

This year, I want to make sure local Covid Rat Julie Cain Landrum at Wool & Vine gets a special present. One she can use EVERY DAY. One that keeps her safe from the deadly plague. Something that is so airtight and functional that it DOESN’T MATTER if anyone else in HEB is wearing a mask. So you can mind your own business and stop ratting everyone out.

I give you…..the Narwall Mask:

Now Julie, I expect to see you wearing this at ALL TIMES! You can never be too careful, right? It’ll be delivered to your lemonade stand in the next few days with a nice bow on top.

Merry Christmas!

No Wonder They Are Big On Cheese At Wool & Vine: The Owner Is A Rat.

First it was ratting out local restaurants. Now Julie Cain “Nurse Ratched” Landrum is ratting out HEB.

Lady, you need a hobby. Clearly, only having your lemonade stand open 3 days a week isn’t keeping you occupied enough. Maybe take a vacation. You could take that $3,000 in tax dollars that Mandy Clause gave you and take a nice long trip to North Korea.

What’s it gonna be?“, “Call it one way or another” – who in the hell died and made YOU pope? How about “stfu and mind your own business, you rat“? That’s MY suggestion in this situation.

Wash your hands! Eat your peas! Don’t run with scissors! Bobby is chewing gum in class!

I have zero doubt that Nurse Ratched was a Hall Monitor back in grade school. She’s probably the type who would be out after the bars close at 2am when the streets are absolutely empty, and stands there waiting for the “WALK” sign to light up despite there not being a car in sight for miles.

If you are SO concerned about catching a cold, please go to Amazon and spend $50 on a full body suit and leave the rest of us alone, you annoying loon.

I used to wonder how the Salem Witch Trials got started. What type of moron would lose all rational thinking and fall head first into hysteria. Now I know.

This Is The Sad Result When ‘Artists’ Attempt Math/Logic. Sad Fail.

Posted by our very own crybaby/Covid snitch/bailout-taking/lemonade-stand-owning/mask-nagging/innumerate Julie Cain Landrum, owner of Drool & Whine Wool & Vine:

To paraphrase an innumeric meme, let’s explain it for the dumb ones over at Wool & Vine.

STUPID PEOPLE: don’t understand the difference between 2% and .02%. The first one is a made-up, bullshit number. The other is very close to the IFR for ALL who catch Wuhan flu under age 70. They differ by a factor of ONE HUNDRED. So the analogy is already dead. That is simple math.

SMART PEOPLE: know that jellybeans are a luxury and not a necessity. If someone offered me a jar with 17,000 jelly beans and only ONE was a fatal bean (which is more in line with my chances of dying from Wuhan flu), I would STILL refuse it, because that is an idiotic risk to take for the extremely small joy a jellybean brings me.

This is known as cost/benefit (or risk/reward) analysis…and it clearly escapes morons like Julie Landrum, Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings. It makes them say asinine things like “if it saves just ONE LIFE, we should do it…no matter what we give up in return”.

So the choice offered by this dummy is a false one. The REAL choice is not “do we want the tiny LUXURY of a jellybean in exchange for the small risk of death” but rather “do we want the huge benefit of living our normal lives free and unfettered in exchange for that same small risk”.

To put it accurately in meme form for dummies:

You are offered a choice. You can pick ONE bean from a jar of 17,000. If you survive this 17,000-1 risk, you can go about your life and enjoy it to the fullest completely unfettered. Travel, go to the movies, eat at your favorite restaurants, gather in crowded bars with pals, run your business, make a living, take your kids to the beach and generally live the kick-ass life you had for the last 50 years.

OR, you can be a pussy and pick no beans at all – thus ensuring you have a 100% chance of living (not really though, since 20 OTHER things could kill you, like cancer, strokes and heart attacks) instead of 99.98% chance. BUT if you choose the pussy route, you have to wear a mask, helmet, gloves and hazmat suit every time you leave the house. You must stay cooped in your house 22 hours a day. No traveling. No eating out. No going to the hospital for minor stuff like kidney stones either – that is NON-ESSENTIAL now. No fun of any kind…and dependent on government welfare since your job is destroyed.

Which one would you choose? Lunatics like Julie Cain Landrum and Bruce Haywood choose to climb back into the womb like a baby. Which is sad enough on its face….unfortunately, these idiots want to make that choice FOR YOU TOO!

THAT’S what selfish hypocrites do. Always.

Is Julie Landrum the liberal loon you trust with important life decisions? Or do you think you can handle those decisions best for yourself? I know my answer.

Just look at this nut job pictured above! Unbelievable. Lady, you need to meet up with Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings and lock yourselves in a plastic bubble while gargling Lysol. It’s the only way to be sure.

Wool & Vine? More Like “Cry & Whine”

Boy, I’ve never heard someone complain and whine as much as the owner of Wool & Vine. Considering the store is essentially a rich couple’s hobby (who also took a $3,000 handout from the LEDC) which wasn’t even open five months before Wuhan hit, she sure has a lot of nerve complaining about “tough times”.

Such a brave trooper! You owned an eatery/bar for an entire 4.5 months before the Wuhan Flu hit.…and as I recall, you were open about 25 hours a week, if that. It’s really more of a lemonade stand than a real business, if you ask me.

I was originally planning on never setting foot in there anyways. Not because their t-shirts are hideous...but because the owners are rabid bleeding-heart liberals. I make it a point never to put a dime in the pocket of a liberal. It’s the same reason I’ll never pay to see an Alec Baldwin or Sean Penn movie. I love voting with my wallet.

But even all of that wouldn’t push me to slam them publicly. I was just going to quietly watch them fail on their own accord. No….it was the owner’s Wuhan-nanny-state-mask-smugness and her publicly ratting out another restaurant for “Covid violations” that spurred me to do this. Sorry Julie/Karen!

Here is a quick timeline of the entire existence of Wool & Vine:

November 8, 2019: Ribbon cutting ceremony. From the operating hours I saw back then on Google, they were open roughly 22 or 25 hours a week. A part-time gig, if you will. The owners are artsy-fartsy types. The ones who usually suck at math, market research, accounting and so forth. They are the types that say “I love flowers! I’ll open a flower store!” or “I love liver pate! I’ll open a bistro!” without knowing a damn thing about running a biz. Then wonder later why it all fell apart.

Mid-March, 2020: (Four months later). Wuhan Flu hits and they are forced to close. Now mind you, they SUBLET a very small space from My Girls (who also received $2,500 in LEDC funds) so their rent is likely very low, and were only open part-time (i.e. a lemonade stand). I’m not even sure they actually EMPLOY anybody! So they weren’t exactly being crushed by Wuhan like most REAL small businesses. But they gladly hoovered up those free tax dollars!!

June 12, 2020: They were SO damaged by the Wuhan Flu that they decided to open up ANOTHER new place! The Hidden Pearl! Not exactly the actions of a couple who are hurting for money.

Late June, 2020: Lots of math-challenged #Karens and retarded liberals start to panic over the fact the Wuhan Flu is still spreading (duh!) even as DEATHS plummet…so we are subjected to a SECOND shutdown/pause. The irony here is that Julie Cain Landrum’s (the bleeding-heart liberal) OWN BUSINESS is now being affected by an entire army of bleeding heart liberals who do not understand statistics and math.

The irony is, of course, delicious. Unfortunately, all of us with brains are also being hurt by their ignorance.

But it doesn’t end there. Julie Cain Landrum of Wool & Vine then publicly lambastes another restaurant in town for “not following the rules”. This is a #Karen move of biblical proportions and I cannot let that pass.

Such a hero! Such a martyr! Such a SNITCH!!!

Hilariously, her friend is ACTUALLY NAMED KAREN! My god.

Here is a chick/couple who has owned a ‘business’ for all of six months AND already got bailed out by the taxpayers and she is whining about her situation. Here’s an idea! Why don’t you and Andrew just pull up stakes and move to Portland! Or maybe San Francisco! It is a paradise. You can participate in BLM marches every day and cater to doofuses like your husband all night long. It’ll be perfect!

As for you blaming your woes on the fact you think you can’t compete with “Covid cheaters” and publicly pissing and moaning, perhaps it’s something else. Maybe your business idea sucks. Maybe your location sucks. Maybe a lot of people are turned off by your radical leanings. Maybe your food is crap. Who knows.

But I WILL let you in on a little secret, so you can stop feeling so put upon:

Owning ANY small business sucks. You deal with employees who no-call/no-show….with suppliers who screw up orders…with customers who are pains in the ass but you have to smile and pretend they are right. Even in NORMAL times, it is a thankless job. The restaurant/bar/eatery industry is even WORSE. That is why 60% fail in their first year and 80% by the fifth year. Like all my restaurant-owner buddies say: owning a restaurant is like owning an elephant – it costs a fortune and sooner or later it shits on your head.

The small business owner has to watch giant corporations get bailed out while he gets nothing. Everyone gets paid before him: his employees, his landlord, the insurance company, the utility company, his suppliers, the parasites in local government, the parasites in the federal government, and THEN after everyone else has gotten their chunk….THEN the small business owner can pay himself. And let me tell you this: those first few YEARS when you divide your take-home pay by the hours you worked (i.e. – all the time) you find you would have been better off working at McDonald’s for minimum wage.

So please, do us all a favor. Take your $3,000 in free tax dollars and just shut your yap.…and stop being a Covid snitch.

“These people don’t see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you.” – George Orwell

Is Bruce Haywood Still The Dumbest Person in Lampasas?

I used to think so. Now I’m not so sure. Not because Bruce suddenly displayed any intelligence…far from it. But because so many other idiots have come out of the woodwork lately panicking over Wuhan Flu to challenge Bruce. It is a tough call, though. Bruce is pretty damn stupid:

Like most moron liberals (I repeat myself), Bruce LOVES to virtue signal AND he is easily fooled into panicking over bullshit data (global warming, Wuhan Flu, rampant white-on-black crime, etc) because he has a low IQ and completely sucks at mathematics. He swallows all bullshit hook, line and sinker because he is incapable of critical thought and understanding simple statistics.

Like other dummy liberals, Bruce is also very gullible. If we woke up tomorrow and the Governor told us all to stick a dildo where the sun don’t shine to fight the common cold, Bruce would be first in line to obey unquestioningly. Then chide the rest of the town for daring to disobey and asking “what’s the big deal? It certainly can’t hurt!”

I’ll clue you in, Bruce: the number of cases is going up because TESTING IS GOING WAY UP!!! Cases are increasing FAR slower than the rate of testing AND the average age of those afflicted is plummeting. Here is an example from Florida:

More pesky numbers. Can you understand them Bruce? I doubt it.

Bruce and other liberals are absolutely FREAKING OUT right now because there are like 11 people with the sniffles in Lampasas County (pop. 23,000) and there are around 96 people with the sniffles in Burnet County (pop. 50,000).

Another local moron chimes in….

Not deaths. Not ICU patients. Just positive tests.…while DEATH rate continues to plummet. They are ready to destroy the economy all over again over nothing. They love to ask the rhetorical question “what is the big deal about shutting down and playing it safe?”. If they had their way, we would STILL be shut down from the initial mid-March date!

Idiot liberals can afford to take this position because most of them are useless welfare sponges who didn’t work BEFORE the Wuhan Flu hit (like Bruce) OR they work a government Nerf-job and will get a paycheck no matter what. So it inconveniences them not one bit to not work now.


Like other libtards, Bruce is ALSO a giant hypocrite. He yammers endlessly about shutting down society over a flu that has a IFR of .04% yet he himself is morbidly obese. Typical liberal: can’t even get his own house in order and he’s telling the rest of us how to live. Bruce, don’t worry: A heart attack, stroke, diabetes or cancer due to your morbid obesity is FAR MORE LIKELY to kill you than this thing.

Last year you weren’t out campaigning for the Governor to shut down every fast food joint because hundreds of thousands of people died of heart disease, were you? No. You weren’t. THAT would actually hit YOU where it hurts, you dumb manatee.

Karen Spivey-Cummings is a strong contender to take Bruce’s dunce cap. Ironically, she REALLY IS a Karen who sits on FB literally ALL DAY posting apocalyptic bullshit Covid stats from her favorite libtard rags like Huffpost and NPR (you know, those respected scientific journals).

She parrots all the bullshit like “the hospitals are being overrun in Texas!”. Thanks to morons like her and thousands of other retarded Karens, the dummies in charge are starting to cancel things like Spring Ho, tubing on the river and AGAIN ruining the bar and restaurant business.……for no reason at all.

Hospitals overrun?? Hardly. Here is what actually happens to “overrun the hospitals” (not that a simple, commonsense FACT will sway these imbeciles – they don’t care about stats or facts…just FEELINGS):

Remember when you panicky dunces SHUT DOWN the hospitals to “non-essential” procedures in April and May? Yeah, well after two months of that nonsense, there is a LOT of built up demand as people finally get in to be seen for bad backs, cancer screenings, heart stress tests, kidney stones, etc. Let’s say John Smith goes in for a kidney stone procedure. Guess what? They test him for Wuhan Flu AUTOMATICALLY even though he feels perfectly fine.

Let’s say the test comes back positive (I’ll ignore for a moment the shit load of FALSE POSITIVES out there). Even though he feels fine and is there for KIDNEY STONES, he is now marked down as “overrunning the hospital” with Covid.

See how that works, Bruce? You absolute dunce! Bruce is just SALIVATING at the thought of that moron Abbott instituting MANDATORY face masks. I can tell you this: a LOT of us will be going to jail if that ever happens. Then we’ll be suing the state for abuse of power and violation of civil rights under the Constitution – and the Texas Supreme Court will be on our side. Forcing everyone to wear a mask because they MIGHT get sick is no better than throwing everyone in jail because they MIGHT commit a crime.

I’m sorry, but a pile of unfounded and demonstrably false claims made by idiots like Bruce Haywood, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Freddy Oversteegen, Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier and Julie Cain Landrum is NOT grounds for violating my rights and destroying my livelihood.

Need more proof?? Here are more numbers that are probably confusing to Bruce and other libtards but very clear to those of us with a normal IQ. I would advise Dr Georgia Hay and our Mayor Talbert to look at these CLOSELY and see the REALITY:

The above chart represents ALL CAUSE deaths for selected weeks 40-week 17. Overall deaths are only 5,569 higher (.3%) than 2017-2018!!

They are 2% higher than a flu year year like 2016-2017 that NO ONE EVEN NOTICED! This does NOT make Wuhan Flu look like some lethal plague. It makes it look like a baddish (but NOT crisis-level) flu.