I had this horrible nightmare last night that George Washington’s false teeth stole a corpse and ran for president

He really has a winning strategy too. Let me boil it down for you: #BLM, Green New Deal, socialism, forced face masks for all, AOC, Bernie, Ilhan Omar.
This piece of dung has been in government for FORTY-NINE YEARS!! For almost half a century he has been suckling public tit milk. He has NEVER had a real job. He has been caught plagiarizing. He obscenely sniffs and strokes the hair of little girls. He graduated near the bottom of his class then lied about it. He cannot string five sentences together without babbling nonsense.

He might be the most pathetic specimen EVER to run for president. He makes Dukakis in the helmet and tank look like Alexander The Great. He’s like Dukakis and Mondale all wrapped into one!