U.S. Rep Jasmine Crockett Says No Taxes For ‘Black Folk’

You remember Grade-A moron Jasmine Crockett, right? Comrade Clayton sure does. He’s had his tongue up her ass since the Missouri carpetbagger was elected…

Kristi Lara, Jasmine Crockett and Clayton Tucker. Socialist shitbirds of a feather nest together.

Anyways, Jasmine Crockett (R-Texas) has suggested that black people in the United States pay no taxes, reported Dallas City Wire.

“Just this past week I saw, I don’t remember which celebrity, but it was actually a celebrity, and I was like, that’s not necessarily a bad idea, but I’d have to think through it a lot,” Crockett said.

“One of the things that they propose is black folk not have to pay taxes for a certain amount of time.”

“Because then again, that puts money back in your pocket,” said Crockett.

This is the very same Jasmine Crockett who took a million bucks from a PAC financed by disgraced crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried and never returned it.

She was elected to Texas’s 30th Congressional District in 2023. She previously served in the Texas House of Representatives from 2021 to 2023. She introduced 60 bills in her first year in the Texas House, none of which passed.

A native of St. Louis, Crockett attended Rhodes College and received her law degree from the University of Houston Law Center.

She previously owned her own law firm through which she handled pro bono cases for Black Lives Matters supporters arrested during the George Floyd rioters. She currently lives in Dallas.

While the data is stale to say the least (from 2004), The Tax Foundation found that the racial or ethnic composition of the 44 million zero-tax filers will roughly mirror the demographics of American tax filers as a whole.

For example, white Americans are 83 percent of total taxpayers, and the percentage of zero-tax filers who are white is 79 percent. African Americans are roughly 13 percent of total taxpayers and 17 percent of zero-tax filers. Asian Americans comprise 3.6 percent of total taxpayers and 3.4 percent of zero-tax filers.

That said, the percentage of zero-tax filers within each ethnic or racial group does vary: 34 percent of Asian Americans tax filers will get back every dollar withheld, 35 percent of white American tax filers will owe nothing,and 48 percent of African Americans will file a tax return with no liability.

Socialist Cockroach Finds Yet Another Useless Parasite To Brownnose and Suck Up To

Like a bad penny, local socialist maggot (and habitual liar) Clayton Tucker of Lampasas (Texas SDEC-24) keeps popping up in pictures with some of the biggest scumbags in politics…

Socialist scumbag Greg Casar – never had a job in his life.
Socialist scumbag Ilhan Omar – never had a real job
NAMBLA recruiting poster

When you don’t have real job and mom pays your rent, you are free to galivant around to Austin, Dallas and Waco to get pictures with other socialist losers, in the hope that you can glom onto their “success” and maybe get a cushy do-nothing job in their office.

Now he’s found a brand-new ass to lick in his hope to climb the ladder within the nest of socialist rats that seems to grow by the day: Congressvermin Jasmine Crockett. Crockett took $1.5 MILLION DOLLARS from disgraced crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried – and has not returned it.

Most blatant ass kissing I’ve ever seen in my life

#1 – “Dedication to help”? She has been in office for about 60 days. She was a public defender before that and is a carpetbagger from St. Louis. She has never farmed a day in her life (just like Comrade Clayton). The GOP controls the House now, Comrade Clayton, so this chick has ZERO power to do anything at all. You are digging a dry well. Story of your life.

#2 – “Farmers and ranchers”? Comrade Clayton is neither one of those things. So what is he doing at this meeting of the “experts”? Just taking pictures and kissing asses, hoping to get noticed, that’s what.

#3 – “Ensure everyone has access to nutritious food”? Jasmine Crockett (and other scumbag politicians) has ZERO to do with that either. We can thank HEB, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods and actual farmers for providing food through the free market. Politicians create nothing of value. Ever.

#4 – “Overall leadership”? LOL. Again, she has been there 60 days and is in the minority party in the House. She has done nothing. This is pure ass kissing on the part of Comrade Clayton, hoping to get a real, live U.S. Congressvermin to re-post his praise…which she did.

#5 – Crockett was happy to hear “directly from the farmers” who are “experts”. Comrade Clayton is neither a farmer nor an expert on anything. So I again wonder why he is there – besides the obvious reason of kissing ass in the hopes of being noticed.

#6 – Crockett “brought D.C. to Texas!” – Jesus Christ, please no. That is the last thing ANYONE who works in the real world wants.

Furthermore, I GUARANTEE YOU that anything this moron Crockett tries to stick into the Farm Bill will be a bunch of global warming, green new deal bullshit that will end up hurting REAL farmers and ranchers in the end.

Just ask the Dutch about that.

Trying hard to kiss ass of 81-year-old parasite.