Local Loony “Life Coach” Now An Expert Gardener

Boy, I am going to LOVE watching this fail spectacularly. Actually, I doubt it will ever get off the ground, but one can hope!

What am I talking about? The latest brain-child of our local locust from Ohio-by-way-of-Austin (and stepmom of Austin libtard Stephanie Fitzharris)….none other than Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier-(Thunberg).

She even got a write-up in the Lampasas Dispatch!! [page 2 from 9/1/20]

The name should ring a bell. She’s one of our village idiots who never stops crusading for an expensive and useless recycling program here in Lampasas. She even suggested that the City have giant carbon-spewing garbage trucks travel all over and pick up the trash recyclables because she is apparently too lazy to drive her old crappy jars a few blocks to the City’s current recycling drop off.

She believes in numerology, astrology, psychics and is a failed ‘life coach’. She also thinks autistic children are clairvoyant.


With THOSE credentials, why should we doubt her abilities as a Master Gardener who is going to use City property (and presumably tens of thousands of gallons of free City water) to start a “Community Garden” where she can nag you all about the benefits of healthy eating?

While listening to her prattle on at a City council meeting (go to the 46 minute mark) for about 5 minutes, I finally heard Mike White ask the question that anyone with a brain would have thought of right away:

“How do you plan to contend with the deer?”

BAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. Mike – you crack me up all the time with your common-sense questions and observations while dealing with morons. Her answer?

“We have a six-foot fence”

Anybody care to break the bad news to her?

Oh Janet. Your feeble brain and libtard schemes endlessly enrage and amuse me at the same time. The Master Gardener was content with a six foot “deer fence”! LOL!

The hare-brained scheme as she described it is going to run her at LEAST $10,000 in start-up funds. Probably more. She has apparently gone begging to the Feds for a grant (just like Mandy Walsh!) but she hasn’t gotten very far. If she can convince some private-sector dummy to hand her $10,000, then more power to her. But I sure as hell hope City council isn’t thinking of giving this nut job a single red cent. It will be a colossal waste, and I’ll howl about it even more than the Azbell Electronics bungling.

I suspect it will look at a LOT like the ‘farm’ the idiot Marxists in the Seattle CHAZ zone built and will last about as long….

Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Is No Christiania | National Review
When Marxist retards farm…

I can think of AT LEAST 10 problems with her plan – but I hesitate to write them up here, as I’d prefer to watch this all blow up on its own and not give her any help. But hey, they DO have NINE board members AND a grant writer, according to her. Grab that ‘free’ government money, lady!

Hey, I know: why don’t you ask your annoying step-daughter Stephanie Fitzharris for the money! She’s all about virtue signaling and says that money is no object when it comes to trying to sic a lawyer on me for “slander”. She LOVES to humblebrag on Facebook about her huge house in Lake Travis and her three-week vacations to California and meeting her “neighbor” Owen Wilson. You should ask HER for the dough!

How about it, potato-headed Steph? I think you should cut a check to dear old mom and help her get this doomed disaster project off the ground! I need something to amuse me, and going down to the old volleyball courts to watch Janet make a go of it would provide me with endless entertainment.

Hey dummy: ‘slander’ is spoken. LIBEL is written. However, it’s not libel if it’s true. Go buy a dictionary, you potato headed clown.

It’s “only money”, right? LOL. A lot of rich wives who sit at home gazing at their navel and playing with their inner child talk that way. Why not be a pal and hand Crazy Janet ten grand or so?

Climate Change And Recycling Dummies Never Talk About The Other Side Of The Ledger

Ruh roh. Don’t show this news to recycling zealot Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg. She just may blow a gasket!

The giant turbines on those “clean, free energy” windmills actually can’t be recycled and have to be buried in a landfill. LOL. You can’t make this stuff up.

People like Janet (a locust here from Ohio by way of Austin) never talk about THIS side of the “clean energy” ledger. They tout recycling or electric cars or wind turbines as an ‘obvious’ move that creates jobs, saves the planet, saves money, blah, blah, blah.

They IGNORE the massive amounts of smelting energy and and iron that go INTO creating these turbines. They IGNORE that these things are BURIED in landfills after their useful life. They ignore that the magnets used in these windmills create horrific pollution. They IGNORE that electric cars use massive batteries that require strip mining of lithium and cobalt and need to be disposed of eventually. They IGNORE that the energy coming out of your garage outlet to power your electric car is likely powered by fossil fuels. They IGNORE the massive costs of collecting, sorting, transporting, and cleaning their garbage to recycle it.

Unfortunately, these are REAL costs. But faux enviro-dummies don’t care about that. They care about virtue signaling. Much like the ethanol boondoggle, when a TRUE accounting of COSTS and benefits is made, almost all of these activities make zero sense.

These REAL costs should not be thrust upon Lampasas citizens with a ridiculous curbside pickup recycling program. If Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg wants to THINK she’s saving the planet and it’s SO important to her, then go ahead and learn when our recycling center is open and cart your old jars 1.3 miles to deposit them. If you’re too lazy to do even that much, then perhaps you should quietly slink off into the sunset.

City Council needs to let this asinine idea die a quick death – not bring it to a town hall meeting where OTHER enviro-dummies might clamor for it.
