Village Idiot Channels Greta Thunberg At Council Meeting – Whines For MORE Expensive and Useless Recycling

The FIRST time local screwball Janet Crozier demanded a recycling program (and cost the rest of us at LEAST $12,000 per year – thank you Gary Cox), I kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t bring myself to publicly lambaste an old lady who clearly lost her marbles (just like Greta Thunberg).

Hypocrite with zero critical thinking skills demands you paw through your garbage.

But NOW she is in front of City council demanding they do MORE – so she is now fair game, in my book. What are the new demands of Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg?

(1) She wants a “city wide campaign” to promote the program (which has been in operation over a year) (2) She wants all the schools and the City/County governments forced into her hippie-dippy scheme (3) She wants the recycling center open more days and more hours (4) Worst of all, she wants a curbside weekly pickup!!

This dim bulb has zero clue about how useless recycling really is or the astronomical costs associated with house-by-house pickup. From what I can gather from her copious (look it up, Monica) Facebook posts, she can barely run her own life – but can’t wait to tell everyone else how to run theirs.

First, allow me to sum up my Facebook evidence that Janet Crozier is a dummy who does not traffic in science, evidence, data, logic, reason or mathematics and should not be listened to when it comes to ANYTHING:

She is a Democrat. She is from Ohio. She moved here a mere three years ago and yet had the gall to IMMEDIATELY demand a useless and VERY expensive program be imposed from on high that has been PROVEN to be a disaster in other cities. She is a “life coach” [fact: this is NOT a real job]. She loves Beto O’Rourke. She thinks autistic people are clairvoyant [fact: there is no such thing as clairvoyance in ANYBODY]. She paid good money to go to “Life Coaching School” (oh, dear god no). She announced her home address to City council before whining about the recycling program [fact: council meetings are recorded, archived and available to the public….OOPS!!]

Besides being a dummy, she is also a huge hypocrite. Thanks to her foolishly announcing her address to the world, I was able to drive by her house and learn a few things:

(1) She is only 1.3 miles from the recycling drop-off center. She claims recycling and “saving the planet” is important to her – but clearly not important enough to carry her useless dirty paper plates and hoarded newspapers just over a mile down the road…..or to bother to memorize when the center is open. Rather, she demands a huge diesel-powered, carbon-spewing truck stop at every house in town to pick up recyclables. Even though probably 96% of us don’t recycle for a very good reason – it is a complete waste of time and money.

(2) She and her husband own TWO cars – neither of which is electric or even a hybrid! FOR SHAME! Hypocrite!!

(3) She has at LEAST two kids and at least NINE grand kids. Ergo, she is solely responsible for at LEAST 11 humans currently populating the planet. The diapers ALONE from those 11 humans total to around 60,000 crap-filled plastic bombs dumped into a landfill, as I highly doubt she re-used cloth diapers. All 11 of those humans drive cars, use a HUGE amount of plastic (iPhones, video games, toys, multiple TV sets, plastic water bottles, etc, etc) and other resources. She dumped 11 people onto the planet to consume resources and doesn’t think anything of THAT…but she thinks that carrying her shitty old mason jars to the recycling center (where they will actually very likely end up in a landfill anyways) is saving the planet?? HUGE hypocrite!! Stupendous ignorance!!

(4) STILL has that Beto bumper sticker on the car!

Truly, Lampasas must be a village of surpassing wealth and refinement to boast an idiot of such caliber. The halls of its opulent Council chambers must ring with laughter all the day long!

In short, Janet, PLEASE KEEP YOUR YAP SHUT about recycling. You are nothing but a nag and a virtue signaler who has very likely done more harm than good for the planet over your life, if you want to tally up the score. You’re lucky Gary Cox had nothing better to do two years ago and implemented the tiny program we have now. Wasting tens of thousands of dollars is bad enough, but if you had your way it would be exponentially higher.

If pawing through your garbage like a starving raccoon means that much to you, there are PLENTY of liberal havens you can move to and hoard garbage. San Francisco or Austin come to mind. They have recycling programs that lose MILLIONS. You’d be much happier there.

Oh wait, what’s that? Those cities are super expensive with ridiculously high taxes, idiotic regulations and homeless people splattering feces on the sidewalks? You know why? Because they are filled with liberal do-gooder morons like you. Morons who then flee their ruined liberal dumps and move like locusts to a new place like Lampasas. Naturally, the liberal dummies cannot connect the dots of CAUSE and EFFECT, as evidenced below:

We don’t need it. I don’t need it. And I will publicly call you out on your hypocrisy instead of sagely nodding my head for fear of offending anyone.

If City council IS dumb enough to even consider Janet’s demands, I humbly request at least SOME cost/benefit analysis is done on the CURRENT program. Such as: how many roll-off containers have been hauled away per year (we are talking RESIDENTIAL here – not commercial), what’s the TOTAL COST of all that (not JUST the $12,000 flat rate but EVERYTHING), and publishing the records from Waste Connections as to EXACTLY where these ‘recyclable’ items are being sold and for how much…and proof they aren’t going into a landfill.

Good luck with that.

You can hear her absolute nonsense HERE (go to 37 minute mark).