What Fresh Hell Is This?

Is this a bad joke? Janet “Crazier” Crozier the local recycling and gardening loon is now the face I have to see when I log on to my bank account????

First my bank hands this nut job $5,000 for her “community garden” – which is $5,000 more than they have given me in TEN YEARS despite me having a fairly decent balance there the entire time.

Yes, ZERO dollars in interest over 10 years. But the failed Life Coach who thinks autistic children are clairvoyant and who has blown about $30,000 on this garden already gets a $5,000 gift.

The world has definitely gone crazy.

P.S. – if you are looking to get MORE than the crappy -0% interest offered around town, be sure to read my post on linking your bank account to Treasury Direct – where you can buy T-bills DIRECTLY at auction and get almost FIVE PERCENT right now!!

That is a RISK FREE 4.9% right now on 6-month T-bills. I’ve been doing this for the last few months. I-bond rates are also very fat – almost 7% right now.

Janet “Crazier” Crozier Falls For “Old Russian Cripple” Prank. Sorry Janet: Haywood Jablowmi Is Actually Me.

My issues with local locust Janet “Crazier” Crozier are well documented (HERE and HERE) over the last couple years. She has cost the City a small fortune with her hare-brained schemes, and is currently in the process of trying to sponge ANOTHER $13,000 or so off of the City for her “community garden”. The moment she started grabbing public funds for her “private and volunteer” club is the moment I had to go on the offensive.

Over six months ago, she posted that she was looking for handicapped people so she could grab some more free money in the form of accessibility grants. Mind you, she has ALREADY managed to blow over $15,000 and is looking to grab another $13,000 for rainwater catch tanks. Besides being a VERY questionable use of City HOT funds, the tanks are superfluous in that she ALREADY had the City install pipes and spigots to provide subsidized City water.

Naturally, I had to email her and pretend to be a crippled old Russian in a wheelchair. The entire exchange (which has been running for the last six months) is below. I made my responses more and more ridiculous to see if she would ever catch on. Naturally, she did not.

Janet is in red text and “Haywood Jablowmi” is in blue:

Hello to the Community Garden!

I saw post for gardening with back injuries.  I have much interest in this.  Is very thoughtful for you to include injured citizens into your grand plans of gardening.  I have this kind of injury after many hunting trips and carrying huge load of deer meat on my shoulders.  That will crumble the back, for sure.  I also spend some time in iron lung but not too much.

I am very interested in gardening as I miss growing very large and girthy zucchini for my wife.

What is your plan for helping us with old bad backs with gardening?  I am in the wheelchair but it is very sturdy.

Thanks you very much for this!

Haywood Jablowmi

Thank you for your interest in gardening. I am in the process of writing a grant to allow us to purchase materials to allow wheelchair access. The entrance into the garden is uneven and will require a rubberized material that will not slip so that wheelchairs can maneuver in and around the garden area. Unfortunately it is very expensive and I am interested in seeing if I have enough people interested in gardening to pursue this.  Building the raised beds is not a concern. We have most of the materials to do that. The raised beds can be 4’x4′ or smaller, but they will be built so that you can move around the bed. We would like to serve at least 4 individuals to make it worth the effort. Hopefully, we can garner enough interest to pursue this grant. 

I will keep your contact information and keep you informed as we start to move forward with this project. Thank you for your interest.

Best regards, Janet Crozier, President Lampasas Community Gardens

Greetings again!

I have wondered about the wheelchair access for the grand community garden place!  Have you found anymore unfortunate handicapped souls like myself to grow vegetables by the Hanna pool?  This weather is very good for growing now – radishes and other root crops do very well now.

Haywood Jablowmi

Hello again, I know I have talked to others in wheelchairs and at that time I had nothing to offer them. I talked to the Parks Board director this week about getting the entrance into the garden built up and leveled off. There is a very expensive mat that will need to be purchased to enable a wheelchair to come into the garden and have it cover the floor of the garden area so you can move around. This is not a project that can be accomplished with out a grant and some engineering. I am trying to find some people to help with this. Be patient we will get there. 

Dear community garden!

Ah yes.  I see now.  Of course, EVERYTHING is much more very expensive these days – since the year started on very bad foot with Brandon.  I’m sure there is some money sloshing around out there in government – there always is.  Perhaps I will contact my neighbor Clayton Tucker about this.  He has many connections with the government spending, it seems.  As champion of the little people in wheeled chairs, I will try to count on him.

I have a question for you, how limiting is your ability to use your wheelchair on a dirt path? Can your wheelchair move on artificial turf? Are you only able to use the wheelchair on level cement or asphalt?

I am very good at traversing all the terrains in my chair with wheels.  You name it.  On artificial turf during football game.  On dirt when chasing down wounded deer with arrow in its liver from good shot with bow.  Also on cement, which is easy to roll over at the Wal-Mart.

Sand gives me much trouble.  No beach for me.  I get bogged down like a monkey doing calculus, to be honest.

Thank you for asking!

I am working on some alternatives to the expensive mat and the equally expensive artificial turf. I have not been able to get the information from the City that I need at this time. I will continue to pursue this before our spring gardening season. Keep the faith. janet

This is very joyous news!!  I have told my wife that we will plant bushels of girthy zucchini and squash during the spring solstice.  We are both so happy that there may be crying tonight into our borscht.  Thanks you, miss Yoder Crozier!  

Hello Mr. Jablowmi,

I want to let you know about a class I am offering at the A&M Agriculture Center Conference Room on November 16 at 3:30-4:30. I will be teaching the Square Foot Gardening Method. This is the method that I think would be the most beneficial to you as a wheelchair gardener. The class is free, although I will be selling the Square Foot Gardening 3rd edition book. It has become my bible for all things Square Foot. Of course there is no obligation to buy it, I just want you to know it will be available.
I really hope you can make it.

All the Best,

Janet Crozier, President Lampasas Community Gardens

Hello Ms President of gardens!

This gardening with the feet sounds very interesting.  Back home we use square meters but is much the same thing, yes?

The date of November 16th is very bad timing for me!  I make my annual trip into west of Texas to Terlingua to watch the Leonid meteor shower!  You know of this shower?  It is very famous. My great, great, great uncle Wilhelm Temple discovers this comet that makes the meteors every year in November.  This Temple-Tuttle comet should REALLY be just “Temple comet” but that yak-eating thief Horace Tuttle try to take some credit and put his name on the comet too.  Very sore spot in my family, to be honest.

This is a week-long mecca for me to the west Texas.  Being old and crippled in the chair with wheels leaves me with few joys.  This meteor shower is one of them – even more joy than gardening the fat zuccini.

I can perhaps make the next instructional class time, yes?

Haywood Jablowmi

I wish I could join you on your adventure but I’m committed. I hope you will be able to come to the December class on the 14th at 3:30. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Yes, it will be a grand adventure.  I have always said, you should be committed!!  The December class is the Square Feet gardening as well?

Also I see you on the computer YouTube tonight at a City meeting!  Was very exciting!  I exclaim “that is the Garden President” and startle my wife with my yelling!  Our small dog also barks when I do this.

It was about collecting the rains to put on garden, yes?  Rain has much more better properties, I think.  Much more nitrogen from falling down through the sky many miles on the way to the squash and zucchinis.  

Good Morning Haywood,

I always enjoy your emails. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your last one. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will get the water collection system, even if I have to include it in a grant. I visited Monday evening with the Eagle Scout troop leaders and asked that the Eagle Scout work on providing the infrastructure (concrete pad )  for the garden beds to stand on in the handicapped garden area. As I told you, this will take some time because we need to get the pavilion built before we can put in a sidewalk for the wheelchair access. One step at a time. 

I hope you have a good adventure in West Texas. Send pictures. Your friend, Janet Crozier.

Good morning, President of Community Gardens Queen!

I made a very big error I am not happy to admit this!  I go to the classroom for the square feet gardening a few days ago on December 14th – then realize it was previous day!  When daylight saving end, instead of turning clock back one HOUR, I turn clock back one DAY!  So I think that Dec 15th is Dec 14th  This has apparently been going on for every day since clocks were changed.  I am old and crippled and do not work, so I never notice this error of wrong day until I show up on wrong day to classroom.  Every day is pretty much the same for me.

Good thing this error was caught or I would have missed the Christmas day holiday, as well as new year.

I am not a fan of this shifting of time to save light.  Very confusing to the goats and chickens and others.  They do not not like those disruptions at all.  Many times, refuse to lay eggs because of this shifting!

But here is wishing you a happy Festivus and Hanukkah and Christmas too.


Happy New Year!

I didn’t mean to ignore your email, but I have been helping some gardeners learn the Square Foot Gardening method and helping them decide what they can plant and when to plant in the late winter and early spring. The next and final class in the series will be held at the Lampasas Community Gardens, weather permitting. I’m sure it will be chilly, but we will be building the box and making Mel’s Mix which is the material used instead of dirt. It consists of peat moss, vermiculite, and 5 different kinds of compost in equal amounts. We will demonstrate how to mix it, dampen it, and fill the box. If we have rain, snow or extremely cold weather, we will have a review class in the Conference room at the A&M Extension Center office instead. Of course I will email everyone who signed up and let them know-and that includes you.

The Lampasas Community Garden is behind the Hanna Springs Pool in the Sculpture Garden. Let me know if you can make it. I certainly want to meet the man who thinks I am Queen, ha!

Yours truly,

Janet Crozier, President Lampasas Community Gardens

Good morning, Miss Queen President of Gardening Club,

I hope you are keeping warm during this weather.  Reminds me very much of Russia in the spring time, but for Texas it is colder than hair on polar bear’s ass.  My chickens refuse to leave nest box.

You included many details in your last email – the location of this class and your secret dirt recipe, which you should not give out so freely!  This is a treasure, this recipe for dirt!!  But one detail you did not include is the date and time for this making of dirt!  

I am wondering if you add worms to the dirt sometimes?  This is something I did for many years – adding worms.  Big girthy ones are best, don’t you think?

Thanks you!


Are you Russian? I thought you might be Eastern European, but I had no clue you were Russian. I went to Russia in 2012. I loved it. I know about the vegetables grown there. I never saw such big squashes before. I went to a friend’s dacha.

Ok let me give you the time of the class. It is planned for next Tuesday, 3;30-4;30 in the community garden. We are praying for good weather. It will probably be chilly, so dress warmly. If it is extremely cold, we will meet at the A&M Extension Center conference Room . The address is 409 E. Pecan St.I n Lampasas. Call me if you have any questions. 512-434-9293.

Good evening miss garden queen president!

How is the planning for spring? This weather still reminds me of Russia winter but maybe over in a few days. I am meaning a regular winter not nuclear winter as Putin is trying to create on poor Ukrainian souls.


Haywood J

Loony Local ‘Community Gardener’ Janet “Crazier” Crozier About to Soak Taxpayers For Over $10,000 For Idiotic Rain Collection System

This crazy old bird just never stops! Not content to blow over $15,000 so far on her pet project “community garden” (which produced roughly $200 worth of veggies last year), she is NOW asking the City of Lampasas to install a rain catchment system on their new $175,885 pavilion they are going to build in Campbell Park.

The tanks ALONE will cost over $10,000! [10/11/21 packet – page 142]

[*** UPDATE – new price is $12,700 as of Feb 2022]

Just to remind you, this idiot ALREADY had the City dig trenches and install pipes for irrigation with City water and gets a bunch of FREE WATER from the City every month! The taxpayer paid for all that as well.

Here is a picture of the spigots the City put in – there are more on the other side. A total of eight spigots:

Of course, 10,000 gallons of water and two tanks will weigh over 40 tons. So I’m pretty sure they have to plan for that as well – which adds even more cost. Finley put something in about “a 20 x 60 slab extension for future storage” but it is unclear what that means. Storage of what?

Back on August 8th, the estimate was $150,000. Now it is $176,000

This moron must sit up late at night just dreaming up ways to set money on fire. Not HER money, of course. The money from taxpayers and the fools dumb enough to give her grant money.

But that ain’t all! There is more!

Unbeknownst to this genius, water does not just flow from the tanks into the hoses at 60 PSI. That requires pumps. Pumps cost money. A lot of money. So does a proper installation.

Who’s going to spring for all that shit?

Furthermore, those pumps and pipes you are putting all over the place also have to be protected against the freezing cold, as many people found out last February. Do you think Crazier Crozier will be out there draining the pipes and winterizing that shit in November when the first freeze rolls in?

She will not.

Funny how the City doesn’t have a few bucks lying around in the summer to pay lifeguards enough to keep the pool open six days a week. A pool which benefits the entire City.

But they have money and resources to give to this idiot and her pet project so she can play in the dirt with a few of her libtard friends and grow 6 or 8 tomatoes – which they could have just as easily grown in their back yard.

Time for the new guys on City council to put an end to this nonsense. Say “NO” to the moronic unneeded and costly rain catch system for this loon!

P.S. – as if ALL of the above isn’t enough, remember what Crazier told the Lampasas Dispatch back in April during their open house:

“Recently, the garden received a grant of $2,500 from the Rosendin Foundation, and organizers have applied for a Lower Colorado River Authority grant for a tool shed. If the organization receives the LCRA grant, it plans to use some or all of the Rosendin Foundation grant to provide a rainwater collection system for the garden area.

Local Loony Lib Now Grabbing Public Funds For “Community” Garden – The Gloves Must Come Off

When local lib locust loon Janet “Crazier” Yoder Crozier hatched her “Community Garden” idea, I was content to sit back and watch it fail without ridiculing her along the way TOO much. After all – she was going to use PRIVATE donations and charge fees to would-be gardeners. If private citizens are dumb enough to throw money at this crazy woman (and failed “life coach”), well – a fool and their money are soon parted. No skin off my ass, right?

[We will ignore for the moment all the “free” stuff the City is giving her, like thousands of gallons of “free” City water – which is most definitely not “free”]

Well, that all changed when she sponged $4,330 off the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) the other day. She is now “public domain” and will be treated as such.

A grant IS a donation, you numbskull

Makes total sense, right? Her organization doesn’t even come close to meeting the grant requirements for the LCRA – so they rightfully deny it. But then some LCRA chowder head goes ahead and HANDS THIS IDIOT $4,330 anyways!! Mind boggling.

Every dollar someone at the LCRA hands to this moron is a dollar that can’t be used for REAL needs – like volunteer fire department equipment. Ergo, Janet “Crazier” Crozier is essentially robbing the public and setting fire to the funds through her flailing garden hobby.

Not to mention, tool sheds do NOT cost anywhere NEAR $4,330! But when you are handed “free” stuff, you rarely care about the cost of anything. Right Clayton Tucker??

Let’s do a dive into how much she has received and what she has to show for it so far, shall we? This list is up-to-date as of 11/13/23

First, we’ll tally up the straight-up CASH this loon has been handed:

  1. $2,000 MOJC grant
  2. $6,000 from the Square Foot Garden Foundation ($2,000 three times)
  3. $2,500 Rosendin Foundation
  4. $4,330 from LCRA
  5. $5,000 from First Texas Bank (2 installments of $2,500 each) years 2022 and 2023

PLUS a “financial gift” from Broken B Erectors (amount unknown) in February of 2023.

That’s about $20,000 in CASH so this nut job can run a garden! I start my garden every spring with about $100, but hey – I guess I’m doing it wrong.

Now we get to the other donations (all of these are taken from the LCG website):

They have received “generous donations” from ACE Hardware, Salvation Army, HEB, and the Farm Bureau.

ACE and HEB can do whatever the hell they want – they are private companies. But seeing the Salvation Army and Farm Bureau waste money on this shit is very puzzling…and means more worthy and needy people will go without. All so a failed “life coach” can prance around doing newspaper stories and radio interviews.

They ALSO received a ton of “free” lumber from Jack Clark. He was kind enough to donate 90 boards (8x2x8). That ain’t cheap! So add another $800 worth of “free” lumber to build their “raised” beds.

[They could have saved a lot of trouble/work by going HERE and just buying some raised beds with their piles of cash – but libs rarely use their brains]

The City of Lampasas has also diverted their work crews from other areas to go over to Janet’s Personal Sandbox and install EIGHT small hose bibbs – which includes trenching the pipes as well. Call it another $700 worth of materials and manhours.

Four bibbs on each side – plus trenching and pipe material.

Furthermore, when it became clear that Janet and a couple of other loons would never be able to do all this manual labor by themselves, they enlisted a bunch of teenagers from First United Methodist Church back around mid-March. Those volunteer hours could have been better deployed to REAL people in need. Call that another 50 manhours or so (worth maybe $600 on the free market)

Then there are the fees she charges to garden there:

“Never mind those 50 plastic jugs there” – says the same dummy who is trying to save the earth by demanding we all recycle our garbage

I did the math and it comes out to about $1,200 in fees she should have collected.

Add it add it all up, and you are looking at close to THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS so far for this debacle.

But there is more! She’s ALSO trying to scam another $10,000 or so for rainwater collection tanks – even though she ALREADY had the City put in irrigation for her and only charges her about $35 per year for water.

As of January of 2023 – she is hitting up Parks Director Chris Eicher for $5,200 for side walks to prep for her idiotic ADA-compliance project!!!

All those original donations apparently weren’t enough to buy them a small tool shed. So all their tools were stolen earlier this week after sitting there unprotected for the last two months. Not surprising, considering you left them all laying around in a semi-secluded area! Unreal. Good thing the LCRA stepped in and handed you $4,330 to buy an $800 tool shed.

A bunch of kind souls on Facebook offered to buy her new tools – obviously unaware that this idiot has ALREADY somehow squandered close to $15,000 in resources for a tiny little garden!

Should I also throw in the firetruck, ambulance, fire vehicle and EIGHT emergency personnel the Lampasas Gardens had to summon when their wood chips caused an old lady to slip and crack her head during their open house??

Nah. The taxpayers can pick that one up!

So, how in the hell do you spend $30,000 on a small garden that looks to me like I could have set the whole thing up for under $4,000? Where does it all go? Great question. One that can only be answered when the LCG non-profit tax forms are filed and appear on the Internet….hopefully later this year.

UPDATED June 2023: Ms. Crazier will be spending $18,300 on her ADA project! Jesus christ. Furthermore, the City needs to do sidewalk work because of it – which will run over $5,000 as well.

Local Socialist Has Her Wealth Redistributed

Local lefty locust dummy Janet “Crazier” Crozier is in the news YET AGAIN! My goodness. Just nothing going your way, is it? That tends to happen when you are a moron who never thinks anything through.

From Facebook 4/28/21:

Pet peeve of mine: you were BURGLED…not ROBBED

So you went out, worked hard (not really, they were donated, but you get the point) to accumulate these useful items and some douchebag came along and just took them all because he wanted them?

Now you know how I feel when socialist scumbags like Bernie Sanders and Clayton Tucker come after all MY shit. Kinda sucks, right?

Ironic that you (AND your idiot daughter Potato Head Steph) are a huge Clayton Tucker fan and want him on city council – seeing as how he is an actual socialist and wants to do this to everybody on a grand scale. Ironic indeed! And VERY funny to me!


Now, on Facebook, everyone is rushing to this idiot’s aid and offering donations. But they should know a few things first:

The Lampasas Community Gardens have ALREADY taken in close to $10,000 in donations, by my calculations – including FREE lumber. They also get FREE water from the City and FREE pest control provided by City workers. They are also trying to weasel MORE money from the LCRA.

With all that money thrown at them, did she buy a tool shed and lock?

No. She did not.

Instead of taking care of the common sense basics (like locking up your valuables) she instead wants to completely waste money on a rainwater collection system. Which is possibly her dumbest idea yet.

I hate thieves as much as anyone but when you leave your shit strewn all over the place in a secluded area (behind Hanna pool) with an easily-jumped fence surrounding it….well, you’re kinda asking for it. It’s like the morons who leave their $1,000 laptop sitting on the passenger seat of their car to tempt tweakers and scumbags. You have to use your brain A LITTLE, sweet cakes.

Also, to those kind souls who are throwing money at this idiot to replace her tools, please know that she STILL does not have a tool shed – which means the problem has still not been solved and this theft will be repeated.

I DID predict all this last October when I said:

“I can think of AT LEAST 10 problems with her plan – but I hesitate to write them up here, as I’d prefer to watch this all blow up on its own and not give her any help.

Well, problem #3 of the ten problems I saw was THEFT! Only 9 more to go!