Lampasshole Smarter Than Local Doctor

A mere five months ago, “doctor” James Cain was in the paper admonishing everyone to get vaccinated – no questions asked. He didn’t care about natural immunity. Never even occurred to him. Didn’t care about your age, weight or anything else. Just get the jab.

Who knows how many young, healthy people he pushed into getting that useless jab. Who knows how many suffered adverse reactions because of his moronic advice.

When I went to what would be my first (and last) visit to him as my new doctor, I told him I wanted to get a Covid antibody test, as you’ll recall. His response?

“What purpose would that serve?”

Jesus H. Christ.

He told the newspaper: “Cain said he discusses the vaccine science to hesitant patients and stresses the need to “trust in their doctors.”

Unfortunately, SOME doctors (like him) had no idea what they were talking about and ignored a hundred years of established science.

Here is where we are today:

What a complete embarrassment to the medical community. He probably suggests leeches for high blood pressure too.

Cain also said: “He also encourages people to get vaccinated because the “shots prevent death” and to help decrease the workload in area hospitals due to COVID-related admissions

Literally NONE of that is true.

The most aggravating part of the Covid debacle is all the morons who panicked and gave shitty advice and screamed at those of us who kept our heads never had to answer for their crimes. They just slink off into the tall weeds and pretend they never said any of that stuff.

Things I’ve learned in the past 2 years:

1. Way more people are a lot dumber than I thought

2. That’s it. That’s all I got

Grossly Misinformed Local “Doctor” Top-Ticked Covid Surge With His Panic Porn

You gotta hand it to “Dr” James Cain. He LITERALLY picked the top of the recent surge to do his “Covid Panic Porn” hysteria interview in the local paper [see September 23 article] – where he tried to scare anyone and everyone into getting the vaccine. That was the same article where he failed to utter the words “natural immunity” even once.

While he yammered about people waiting in their cars and hospitals overflowing, the surge was already over and a massive and rapid decline in cases, hospitalizations and deaths was occurring:

How is his beloved vaccine doing up north in places like, say, Vermont? Not so well. Turns out the vaccine doesn’t really protect a large group of people from shit – seeing as how the vaxxed can carry 250x the viral load. This turns recently vaxxed people into super-spreader bombs:

Gee. States up north are starting to see a surge while southern states like Texas and Florida are seeing rapid declines? It’s almost like this thing might be seasonal! Who woulda thunk it??

Covid heads north for the winter.

Also, since “Dr” Cain made his hysterical proclamations less than two weeks ago, Project Veritas has caught MULTIPLE Pfizer scientists on undercover video and audio admitting they are money-grubbing pieces of shit and that natural immunity is better than their “vaccine”:

I remember “Dr” Cain admonishing us to “listen to your doctor”. I’m guessing these corporate scientists who dream up “vaccines” are a LOT smarter and have more letters after their names than “Dr” Cain. So they are therefore even BIGGER sources of truth, right?

Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist Chris Croce – said that those who have naturally acquired immunity are “probably more” protected vs. the vaccine.

Veritas Journalist: “So, I am well-protected [with antibodies]?”

Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “Yeah.”

Veritas Journalist: “Like as much as the vaccine?”

Croce: “Probably more.”

Veritas Journalist: “How so? Like, how much more?”

Croce: “You’re protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response.”

Croce then advises the undercover Veritas journalist to “wait” to get the vaccine until her natural immunity wanes because she’s already had Covid-19.

Gee. That’s kind of like the OPPOSITE of what “Dr” James Cain is telling everyone on the front page of the local newspaper.

A third Pfizer scientist, Rahul Khandke, said that Pfizer pressures employees to conceal negative information from the public.

“We’re bred and taught to be like, ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ Honestly, we had to do so many seminars on this. You have no idea. Like, we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to like — be like, ‘you cannot talk about this in public,” said Khandke, who also agreed on the antibodies.

“If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up,” he said.

Croce, meanwhile, acknowledged that Pfizer is conducting tests to determine whether their vaccine causes myocarditis in younger individuals.

So, yeah, we’re doing, we just sent, like, 3,000 patients’ samples to get tested for like, elevated troponin levels (to detect heart attack) to see if it’s vaccine based – or so…”

I’m sure “Dr” Cain will very soon be doing another newspaper piece where he admits he was wrong and that you’re probably fine WITHOUT the “vaccine” if you’re young and healthy and/or have ALREADY had Covid, right?

Yeah. Sure he will.

James Cain Covid Hysteria – Part II

Back to some more from the Dispatch article (see Part I here).

“Underwood said staff work more than 15-hour shifts every day, with some aiding in the transport of patients to nearby hospitals due to a shortage of beds. Doctors like Cain have even seen patients in their vehicles outside the clinic.

The implication here is that the clinic is SO full and overflowing with those terrible unvaccinated hillbillies, that there is just no room in the clinic!

This is another bald-faced lie by that dumb bastard James Cain. As luck would have it, just last week my girlfriend AND her 6yo girl went to this very clinic. They had symptoms for strep throat and needed to be tested.

Lo and behold, since the little girl had a fever, they were told to wait outside in the car!

So the reason there are so many people sitting in their cars outside, is that you IDIOTS are MAKING THEM SIT IN THEIR CARS. God forbid we let anyone inside a DOCTOR’S OFFICE with a fever! The medical profession has only been doing that for about 200 years up until March 2020.

[Turns out they BOTH had strep throat. Shocker!]

I mean, if someone has a fever, then it MUST be Covid, right? There are no other illnesses around anymore, I guess. I don’t know why FMC is so scared to let a little girl with a fever into the office, since presumably THEY are all vaccinated, right James Cain? Surely your own house is in order over there before you start demanding the entire world get the jab. So why not let sick people actually enter the fucking clinic? Not to mention, you make EVERYONE wear a mask as well!

Nah – makes too much sense.

Speaking of moronic policies, Cain talks about that too:

“I’ve seen more of this than I’ve ever seen in my community, and I’m tired. We’re all tired,” Cain said. “I would say not just in a medical establishment but in all establishments, there’s a healthcare shortage across the board, as it is in every industry right now. So, when you’re pulling up to the front desk [at the hospital] … just be thankful that guy came in to work that day. Because that person is working more hours than they ever had.”

There is a shortage, alright. But it’s not because of us unvaccinated rubes. It’s because moron hospital administrators are firing nurses all over the country who refuse to get the vaccine:

You know…those YOUNG and FEMALE nurses who worked ALL last year without a vaccine and many of whom ALREADY caught it and have natural immunity. These same nurses that see Covid up close and personal – so maybe they know a thing or two about who is REALLY dying from Covid (hint: super old, morbidly obese, and those with other problems like diabetes):

Covid not a danger to young, female and healthy

Perhaps the nurses are WELL AWARE that scumbag hospital administrators have called EVERYTHING Covid to grab that federal money and they know GOOD AND WELL that the Covid numbers are wildly inflated:

Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600%

Perhaps these YOUNG and FEMALE nurses did a cost/benefit analysis in their heads and decided their chances of dying from Covid were miniscule and were not worth injecting a substance whose long-term effects are unknown?

Nah – dumb bastards like James Cain and hospital administrators all over the country (who are mostly old men, probably) don’t give a shit about the science – or the young women who busted their asses last year WITHOUT a vaccine. Guys like James Cain just say “jab em all and let God sort em out!”

We’ll get to the final Part III of this soon…..

Piss-Poor Dispatch Piece Has James Cain Spewing Unquestioned Covid Nonsense and Half-Truths (Part I)

Jesus what a shitty article. So much data left out. So many questions left unasked. No offense, Monique Brand, but you should do a little more digging in ALL of your articles.

“We’re All Tired”

First of all, James Cain has ZERO respect for naturally acquired immunity – he acts like it doesn’t exist. Perhaps he slept through that class in med school. How do I know this? Because I actually went to him a few months ago for a regular checkup and said I wanted to get tested for Covid antibodies. His response?

“What purpose would that serve?”

He literally said that.

I was shocked. Seriously? It serves the purpose of informing me if I have natural immunity and therefore don’t need the vaccine, you dumb bastard. I couldn’t believe my ears. I hadn’t been that stunned by a doctor’s stupidity since Morris Patteson (known abuser of pain pills) told me 8 years ago that two drinks a day would ruin my liver.

OK buddy.

Of course quacks like this only know one word: VACCINE.

You never hear any other words, like HCQ, vitamin D, zinc, Ivermectin, natural antibodies, lose some fucking weight, vitamin C, monoclonal antibodies, Remdesivir, get some exercise, etc. No, all you hear is “vaccine” and the implication that THAT will solve all our problems. Which is complete bullshit, of course:

British Funeral Director: COVID-19 Deaths Were Inflated, Mass Vaccination Came Before ‘Huge Explosion’ In Death Counts

I’m going to throw out some Dispatch article quotes in no particular order and then tear James Cain a new asshole – because a lot of what he says is straight-up bullshit. I’ll start with my favorite:

“People’s hesitancy to get the vaccination is real, and it’s understandable. And you know the thing that I’ve got the realization of since I’ve been through this since last year … is that people’s ability to really grasp all these details is difficult.”

Yes, it’s so difficult for us retarded, backwards swine to grasp all the details. Only smart doctors like James Cain can read and comprehend news and studies. Don’t bother believing your own eyes or what you see in your own family or social circle. No, we morons should just believe every word that guys like him tell us. He even says as much!

“Cain said he discusses the vaccine science to hesitant patients and stresses the need to “trust in their doctors.”

Oh….trust the doctors? Like these two?

“Expert” doctors wrong yet again

That would be the same Fauci that got caught red-handed lying about masks last year – so fuck him.

Walenski was a college professor a year ago and is now so drunk with power that she openly ignores science in addition to issuing unconstitutional mandates about rental evictions. So fuck her, too.

Both those doctors have a LOT more letters after their names than James Cain, so I guess we should listen to them even harder? Or something like that.

Hell, last July our local health authority was telling everyone in the Radiogram that wearing a bandana over your mouth was a good way to stop the spread. That doctor was 100% wrong also.

We have also seen doctors outright LIE over and over again. Remember THIS bitch??

Virtue Signaling Doc in Alabama Makes Up Obvious Lie About Young Healthy People Dying From COVID

Other doctors got caught actively trying to think up ways to scare people with bullshit:

Leaked Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics

Not to mention the CDC and pharmaceutical companies are lying and obfuscating the REAL number of vaccine deaths and issues by using an arbitrary “14 days after second shot” definition of vaccinated:

Rep Demands HHS Address Claims Of Underreported Vaccine Injuries Following Project Veritas Video

I’m sure the super smart James Cain knows that if you get a “vaccine” shot and die the next day, you are not counted as “vaccinated” and that death doesn’t “count” as a vaccine death. If you get the SECOND shot and die three days later, that doesn’t count either. The current definition of “vaccinated” means a full FOURTEEN DAYS after the SECOND shot!

Consequently, there are a hell of a lot of people in the hospital and morgue who had several “vaccine” shots in them but they aren’t counted. The brilliant El Gato Malo does his analysis below:

Why “vaccinated covid deaths/hospitalizations” Are Being Counted Incorrectly

But we can’t listen to El Gato Malo, because he’s not a super smart doctor with letters after his name. He’s just a rube using math, common sense and real-world data, the fool.

It’s possible the vaccine is helpful for those older than 65 and those with huge underlying problems – like being 150 pounds overweight. Do a cost benefit analysis and make your own decisions. But make no mistake – there ARE costs to the vaccine (possible death, strokes, heart issues, becoming paralyzed, etc)

People under the age of 40 (especially females) who are otherwise healthy probably DON’T need a vaccine and taking one may actually WORSEN THE SPREAD!

Healthy people who have ALREADY HAD Covid also don’t need a vaccine. But you’d never know it if you go see James Cain! He doesn’t even comprehend why you might want to know if you have Covid antibodies!!

Part II coming soon…..