City Paycheck Math

We recently looked at the new personnel policy and pointed out the nice benefits received by City employees. Benefits that City Manager Finley deGraffenreid NEVER talks about – he likes to focus on salaries and pretend these lovely benefits (which amount to over $22,000 per year on average per City employee) don’t exist.

Let’s check the math of the policy versus some ACTUAL paystub receipts I requested a couple of years ago. My contention back THEN was that a lot of these Nerf jobs at the top not only paid well and had outstanding benefits, but that the hours worked were even LESS than they should be.

Let’s compare using the paystubs of our City IT Director Monica Wright.

According the City’s own policy, a full year of work entails 2080 hours (52 weeks times 40 hours). Our IT Director falls into the “between 6 and 16 years with the City” – and therefore entitled to 15 vacations days (3 weeks). So we’ll subtract those 120 hours (15 days x 8 hours per day = 120 hours).

2080 – 120 = 1960 hours

Then, we also know that sick days accrue at 3.69 hours per bi-weekly pay period. That works out to 96 hours per year (3.69 hours x 26 pay periods = 96 hours). So we’ll knock that off too:

1960 – 96 = 1864 hours

(I might mention here that I don’t think I’ve ever been sick for more than 4 or 5 days in a year, which would work out to 32-40 hours. I find it hard to believe that someone would be sick for 12 days every year, but whatever. I’ll ignore that for a minute).

Therefore, if our IT Director took every single hour of vacation she was entitled to AND took every single sick day, she should never be working LESS THAN 1864 hours per year. In other words, she is entitled to TWENTY SEVEN days off – which works out to 5.5 weeks or WELL over a month off (120 hours + 96 hours = 216 and 216/8 hours per day = 27 days off. There are 5 work days in a week: so that works out to 5 weeks plus 2 extra days)

Did she at LEAST work those 1864 hours? Let’s look at the numbers straight off of the paystubs:

2013 1827.5 hours (equivalent to over 6 weeks vacation)

2014 1798.5 hours (equivalent to over 7 weeks vacation)

2015 1730.5 hours (equivalent to 8.7 weeks vacation – well over 2 months)

2016 1711.5 hours (equivalent to 9.2 weeks vacation – 2 months plus a week)

2017 1736.5 hours (equivalent to 8.5 weeks vacation – two months)

2018 1725 hours (equivalent to 8.8 weeks vacation – well over two months)

Well, she came kinda close in 2013….but then it went downhill from there. Those last 4 years came it at around 1725 hours on average – or a full ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY HOURS below the expected minimum of 1864!

We see that 140 hours divided by a 40 hour week = 3.5 weeks of work that apparently disappeared into thin air and were not performed.

Huh. Odd indeed. Somehow, 17 days of work just didn’t get done! What is the explanation, I wonder? Federal holidays maybe? There are only 10 of those…and the average sucker who works in the private sector only gets 7 or 8 holidays off per year. I guess it would only be fitting that City government workers somehow get 17 holidays off.

Furthermore, if the discrepancy IS because of holidays, we would expect those “hours worked” numbers from the payroll stubs to be pretty consistent from year to year. They clearly aren’t.

I don’t have the paystub data for 2019 or 2020 but I could easily request that, I guess. This blog appeared in the summer of 2018 and started making information like this public, so it would be interesting to see if the numbers popped back up as the Nerf job holders at City Hall realized they were finally being watched.

Either way, remember all this the next time Finley cries to City council that every single warm body on the payroll NEEDS a 5% raise across the board. Remember the tens of thousands per year in health insurance and retirement benefits the average City employee receives. Remember the months of vacation they get...not to mention all those holidays off!

Monica Wright’s Lack of Network Certifications is Embarrassing

For 14 years now, Monica Can’t-Wright has been polishing a seat in the IT department for the City of Lampasas. First as a basic drone and then later, she was (incredibly) elevated to “IT Director”. I suspect she was made “Director” and someone else hired as her underling because they needed someone who actually knew how to turn on a computer but didn’t have the heart to fire her. It’s the only explanation that makes sense to me.

Yet for 14 years, she has not earned ONE SINGLE certification in the area of network administration that would usually be considered a MUST for her job.

What are normal requirements for her august job title? A recent job posting gives us an idea.

Take the City of Copperas Cove, for example. They recently posted a “help wanted” ad looking for a new Director of Information Systems. According to the ad, “applicants must currently hold AT LEAST ONE of the following computer certifications: A+, Network+, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) or equivalent; or be able to obtain at least one of these certifications within 6 months of employment in the position“.

Most of you don’t know what those mean. Here is a summary of each:

A+ – certification represents entry-level competency as a computer technician and is a vendor neutral certification that covers various technologies and operating systems. By 2014, over one million people worldwide had earned A+ certification.  Expires in 3 years. Certification prior to January 1, 2011, is considered good-for-life (GFL) and does not expire.

Network + – is a CompTIA computer networking certification that includes computer network concepts, installation and configuration, media and topologies, management, and security [emphasis mine]

MCP – The Microsoft Certified Professional or MCP Program is the certification program from Microsoft that enables IT Professionals and Developers to validate their technical expertise through rigorous, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams.

Monica, the supposed HEAD of the IT Department, possesses none of these. Not one.

These all seem extremely basic. WAY easier than the types of certifications someone in her position should have after 14 years. Private sector network people (the kind who EARN their pay) go much further with certifications like their CCENT or CCNA or CCNP. Neither Monica nor her underling Kristy Acevedo possess any of those three. Shocking, I know.

[I have spoken with a FORMER City of Lampasas Network administrator who worked under Monica before Acevedo was hired. HE possessed some of these certifications. He also eventually quit because (as he made clear to me in person) “Monica has no F*@&#^ing idea what the hell she is doing” (this is a paraphrase by me)]

The REALLY sad part is that the City of Lampasas would very likely FULLY PAY for these certifications as beginning continuing education for Monica so that she could actually learn to do her job, rather than farming out tens of thousands of dollars to TSM Consulting, Watchgaurd, and others. The only reason I can come up with as to why this hasn’t happened in FOURTEEN YEARS is that Monica isn’t capable of passing them.

The City manager is complicit in this as well, for failing to ensure a competent IT professional is in charge. As is City council, since Spinley supposedly answers to them. You might think a massive cyber attack back in August that cost the city tens of thousands of dollars in ruined equipment and overtime might make them ask some tough questions.

Nope. They not only didn’t ask any questions, they stonewalled me from asking any myself with City attorney Jo-Christy Brown. So there has STILL (5 months later) never been an explanation as to how it all went down.

Finley “Elmo” deGraffenreid will continue to make The Seven Goldfish dance to his tune in 2020, I’m guessing!

Azbell Electronics pillaging Lampasas for $100,000.00 – City council OK with that!

Most suckers (I mean taxpayers!) see city council wasting money and just figure they can’t fight City Hall.  They don’t have the time or the energy. They have real jobs, after all. Jobs that require them to get up at the crack of dawn and weld, or pour concrete or work the ranch in 100-degree heat.

Or maybe they don’t want everyone to get mad at them for pointing out the emperor has no clothes…they don’t want to be a jerk for making a big stink when money is clearly being wasted on idiotic ideas by city government.

For instance, they might not want to be seen as a jerk for pointing out we are spending ONE MILLION DOLLARS to RENOVATE City Hall.

(That’s $1,000,000.00 to RENOVATE an existing structure)

Or maybe they feel stupid and don’t want to be considered mean for calling out city council and IT Director Monica Wright for wasting ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TAX DOLLARS on an audio/visual system for council chambers.

Yes…you read that right.  City council and IT Director Monica Wright think it’s perfectly normal to flush $100,000.00 down a toilet for some TVs and microphones in city council chambers.

Well, one sucker has had enough.  Me. I’ll be the Original Lampasshole.  I’ll channel your rage. I’ll tell you the truth.  I’ll get yelled at by city council and moron government employees.  I’ll spend hours of my own time dogging these clowns about every penny they fritter away.  

This website was started out of rage over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS being wasted on an audio/visual system for city council.  But there are MANY more instances of waste, fraud and abuse.  Please check back often to see the latest ways you, dear reader, as being screwed by a bunch of lazy, overpaid, government buffoons.

Azbell Electronics Charging Lampasas an Arm and a Leg!!!

As reported by the Lampasas Dispatch, city council has recently approved a nearly ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR EXPENDITURE on an A/V system for council chambers.

How is this possible?  I wondered the same thing.  After all, you can buy a HOUSE for that kind of money.  How can a few microphones and speakers cost this much?

I contacted several council members and gave them a chance to explain the inexplicable.  The verdict?

“Well, what can you do?  Government always gets screwed”, they told me.

“It seemed about $20,000 too high to me”

“Yeah, it’s a boatload of money”, said another.

Seriously??  Sounds like they’re REALLY trying hard to save money, doesn’t it?

I asked how many companies bid on the job.  Do you know what IT Director Monica Wright told me?  They don’t need other bids.  One bid will suffice: Azbell Electronics – who does a lot of military work out at Fort Hood.  I’ll let you in on a secret you probably already know: companies who deal with the military are used to wildly overcharging them and having zero oversight.  


I asked city council for the bid sheet.  Guess what the VERY FIRST item on the sheet is?  They are going to get FOUR 70-inch BIG SCREEN TVs at a cost of $2,150 each.  Yes, you read that correctly.  City council, which meets twice a month in the tiny little town of Lampasas, needs FOUR 70-inch BIG SCREEN TVs in their chambers….and they are willing to pay $8,600.00 of your tax dollars for that luxury.

I don’t have a 70-inch TV…do you, dear reader?  They didn’t even exist until a few years ago. Gee…how the heck did city council get along for the last 10 or 20 years without this extremely vital equipment???

Furthermore, a 30-second search on the Internet found a Vizio 70-inch TV for sale at $900.  Therefore, Azbell Electronics is charging $2,150 for a TV that could be had for $900. And they are doing it FOUR TIMES.  That’s $8,600 in TVs just for starters. ARE YOU INSANE????

Since city council didn’t seem to care about this colossal waste of money, I emailed IT Director Monica Wright about this immediately.  I asked for a meeting to talk about this.  Maybe give her a chance to explain the inexplicable.  Do you know what she said? She copied and pasted a couple sentences from the bid sheet!  She couldn’t even be bothered to write a response telling me to buzz off!!

While I understand your concerns as a taxpayer, I assure that all purchasing policies and state local guidelines were met and with best value kept in mind. If you would like to address City Council on the matter, please feel free to speak at one of our City Council meetings that is held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7pm.”

This response was COPIED and PASTED straight from the bid sheet.  Not even an original response!  Monica Wright, the city IT Director who appears to make over $100,000 per year in salary, pension and benefits, essentially told me she can’t be bothered to meet with the chumps who pay her salary.  Guess she’s super, duper busy working those government hours!  Must be nice to land a cushy government job and apparently make $100,000.00 in salary, benefits and pension in a town where the average salary is around $24,000 and over 21% live below the poverty line.  Very nice indeed!  And air conditioned, to boot!  Where do I sign up??

SO….here we are.  City council will do nothing.  City IT Director Monica Wright thinks this is all quite normal.  She can’t be bothered to lower herself to meet with the peons like me…or to pick up a phone and get another bid on a ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR A/V system.  What is a squeaky wheel to do??

The average citizen would just give up.  Not me. I told these buffoons I will be starting a blog JUST TO EXPOSE THEM.  I will also be filing several Freedom of Information Act letters requesting details on the profligate spending in the Information Systems Department of Lampasas.

More to come soon…..

The Original Lampasshole