Lots Of Insanity in Latest City Council Packets – Plus Review Of New Budget Coming…

I’ve been swamped with a million things in real life, almost all of them due to having a group of idiots destroying the country. Unfortunately, I don’t live off the government like Loose Haywire or off my parents like Comrade Clayton – so I have problems to solve daily. Those of you who live in the real world understand.

People like Comrade Clayton with no job and no responsibilities can waste away their days kissing the asses of Muslims – this is because he is a parasitic socialist who hates America and wants to see it destroyed. Letting in ass-backwards foreigners who also love socialism and refuse to assimilate into American culture is a great way to do that….

Reminder: this is the CHAIRMAN of the Lampasas Democrats.

Ass-backwards primitive who married her own brother
Marxist parasites and termites

A self-loathing American. Disgusting.

I’ll get to the latest City council meeting AND the brand new budget later this week.