Dem Commies Just Pulled Off A Coup. Is Biden Even Alive Right Now? Does He Know That He “Stepped Aside”? Just More INSANE Shit From The Left.

Some crazy shit going down with the communists. While the very dumbest libshits are busy gushing over what a “selfless” person Biden is for “stepping aside”….

Biden was literally SCREAMING 48 hours ago that he was STILL RUNNING! They dragged him kicking and screaming. Libskank Carol has forgotten all that already.

….there are some very bizarre facts that need explaining:

• Joe Biden suddenly *RESIGNS*via Twitter

• White House staff find out ONE MINUTE later

• Joe Biden “resignation” letter not on official letterhead

• Biden “signature” suspect (underlined? with no “Jr” at the end)

• Steve Richetti helped write letter

• Jill Biden tweets *heart emoji* response

• White House *WIPES* Biden’s schedule

• WH Chief of Staff calls Cabinet, manages Comms

• Frank Biden confirms health a factor

• Family suggests Biden may have terminal illness

• Joe Biden holds no LIVE Press Conference

• Where is Joe?

Biden “resigned” on Twitter by showing a piece of paper that had NO official letterhead on it and had a signature that does NOT match his signature from MANY previous instances….

That is NOT Biden’s signature. He never underlines AND it is missing the “Jr” at the end….

I guess “Covid” changes your signature, too?

No letterhead, no presidential seal, bad fake signature – these are the mistakes a very stupid 20-something girl might make.

Left is real. Right is fake.

We KNOW for a FACT that Biden doesn’t do his own social media. He can barely function. Instead, it is a group of woke, moronic 20-somethings like THIS piece of shit – Megan Coyne:

Two white dudes all the way in the back with heads down, doing the actual work. A dozen chicks and three fags mugging for the camera.

Biden didn’t have the balls (capability?) to get on TV and address the nation about this. He didn’t even release a STILL PHOTO for the occasion! No, all we have is the word of his staff and an electronic signature that clearly isn’t his.

This was a coup.

If I were Trump’s legal team, I would be filing lawsuits left and right over all this obvious skullduggery. I’d bring in handwriting experts, subpoena the doctors who missed this “terminal illness” right up until yesterday, apparently. I’d file lawsuit after lawsuit questioning the entire legality of this stunt. I’d be DEMANDING an immediate cognitive test to prove we even HAVE a president in charge right now. If Biden is in such bad shape, he should resign the presidency TODAY. If he’s not, then where the fuck is he?!?

But many other communists don’t care. Like Jasmine Crock-o-Shit. She DEMANDS that the candidate be Kamala Harris. SCREW the little people, she ain’t playin wit no “open primary,” yo….

Crocket is so fucking stupid, she thinks that just because Kamala is VP, that she “automatically” gets to be the new candidate because of the line of succession! LOL. Sorry toots, that only hold true for the PRESIDENCY itself. Not a completely separate issue like the campaign for next year.

Hilariously, Comrade Clayton (who ADORES Jasmine Crock-o-Shit) has the OPPOSITE view. For once in his sad life, Comrade Clayton is 100% correct: there SHOULD be a “transparent” open primary if the libshits actually care about “democracy” like they say they do– ESPECIALLY since this entire “resignation” looks like the work of third parties who just illegally removed Joe Biden.

Absolute insanity! So we have an OBVIOUS coup by the elites who just disenfranchised 14 million primary voters, a possible dead Biden, nobody running the country, half the libshits are lining up behind Harris (a CIA asset) without a single question and the other half (idealists like Comrade Clayton) demanding an open primary to decide who gets to run!

And it’s only still July!

Joe Biden never endorsed Kamala in the letter.

Who wrote the X post endorsing Kamala as the nominee?

We know it wasn’t Joe. He doesn’t use social media. There appears to be no additional letter on this topic.

Who decided to throw Joe Biden’s delegates to Kamala?