By February 1st of this year, one of three things was supposed to happen regarding the Industrial Park agreement between the City and Martin’s Rod & Custom:

#1 – Martin’s purchase the land for $165,000 – in preparation for “Phase II” of their “agreement.” This included such fantasies as a microbrewery, distillery, barber shop and “other entrepreneurial possibilities.”
#2 – Martin’s was supposed to renegotiate the agreement because they weren’t ready to buy yet. This option seemed most likely to me from the very beginning.
#3 – Martin’s was supposed to provide a detailed “Phase II” plan wherein they explained in detail their plans for the “microbrewery” and “food trucks” and re-negotiate the original deal (i.e. City council would let them off the hook once again).
But according to the City secretary, NONE of these events had transpired as of the deadline passing. In their words, “there are no responsive documents.“
According to City documents [page 28], Stacey Ybarra herself met with Brant Martin on February 9th “regarding the Industrial Park.” What was the meeting about? That’s a secret for now. Last I checked, however, February 9th comes AFTER February 1st – which was the deadline for some action.

Will anything happen, now that the agreement has not only been violated repeatedly by Martin’s Rod but they have also missed the Feb 1st deadline for action? I’m guessing not. Hopefully we get an answer soon.