Classified Docs Found at Biden Think Tank

Ruh roh! What have we here??

Material was identified days before the mid-term elections – once AGAIN, info is hidden to effect the outcome of an election.

Recall it was exactly FIVE MONTHS ago when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago and claimed they had found all of those “classified documents” which caused some of the dumber members of the liberal community to scream about “nuclear secrets” and “treason”. Last I checked, Trump is still roaming free despite non-stop yammering back then about “execution” and “prison sentences”.

Once again, Bruce Haywire looking like a complete moron as he is wrong for the 374th time:

Time to impeach/indict the treasonous Biden, right? Biden wasn’t even President when he did all this. Neither was Sandy Berger. Trump, however, WAS President and has the power to declassify anything he wants.

What’s Biden’s excuse going to be? That he’s a dementia-riddled pudding-brained moron? That would actually be believable.

Bruce Haywood: STILL the dumbest bastard in Lampasas!!