Is This a Bad Joke?

This is a joke, right? This cannot be real. Or is she THAT deluded or clueless about what this day represents?

No, no, no, no. You are not allowed to jump on the Freedom bandwagon once a year and pretend you’re one of the good guys. Uh uh. You don’t get to spend your entire life on the side of tyranny and oppression and Big Government and then break out the BBQ and pretend to be one of us, you turd.

Reminder – this is the chick who:

Shat out a child who now lives in the communist mecca of Oregon and thinks “Communism rules”

Ridiculed the Tea Party 11 years ago and called them “Tea Baggers” and domestic terrorists. Then implied they were responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing…

Tries to blame the Boston Marathon Bombing on the Tea Party

Yelled constantly and loudly about forcing everyone into masks for a cold virus and cheered the government shutting down the economy – thus wrecking it…

Absolutely LOVES and supports Joe Biden – who has done more to destroy American freedoms than all other presidents combined, with the possible exception of FDR or Woodrow Wilson. Joe is the epitome of Big Government – forcing people into electric cars, stealing from one group to pay the student loans of deadbeats (illegally, I might add), forcing millions out of work when they refused the fake Covid ‘vaccine.’ He is the ANTITHESIS of freedom and liberty.

He even tried to jail his political opponent! He also weaponized the FBI and DOJ to de-platform ANYONE who questioned the Covid Cult narrative…

Called for more censorship and labeled any dissent about the untested ‘vaccine’ as ‘disinformation’ that should be banned…

Called for a sitting president to be JAILED because he had the nerve to suggest a medicine that might work for Covid (turned out, it DID). So much for that First Amendment!

Loudly cheered and supported BLM – a Marxist front group that used violence and Antifa goons to burn down cities and cause tens of billions in damage. All based on an easily-disprovable lie about “systemic racism” on the part of the police…

Oh, and she also supported a SELF-DESCRIBED SOCIALIST (Clayton Tucker) for Lampasas City Council!

If Stephanie Fitzharris were alive back in the 1770s, she would be a 100%, full-throated supporter of the crown and would be calling me a “selfish yahoo” for suggesting (in my 18th-century pamphlets) that America should be free to go their own way. She’d have King George’s cock halfway down her throat while asking for more. She’d be the one ratting out the Sons of Liberty for meeting at Memo’s and whispering of a revolution just like her kind ratted out anyone not wearing a mask a few short years ago.

No, Fitzharris – you do NOT get to celebrate Independence Day because authoritarian worms like you would have been fighting American independence from the crown every step of the way back in 1776. You should lock yourself in a dark house today and sit in the corner wearing a dunce cap, thinking about how wrong all of your life choices are and how you are complicit in the destruction of a great republic. Maybe even beg for some forgiveness.

Eat shit.