Somali-born Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accidentally outed herself as an undeclared foreign agent while speaking with her co-ethnics about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland. The English translation can be watched here at the Somaliland Deputy Foreign Minister’s X account. Omar didn’t refute the translation but only its “interpretation” of her warmongering and admitting to being a foreign agent.

She began by questioning the ethnic Somali identity of the Somalilanders, which was a curious angle of attack for her of all folks to make given the fact that she’s built her career on condemning nationalists. By the standards of her fellow “Squad” members, she should be “canceled” for that, but ethno-bigoted double standards are par for the course when it comes to those politicians. Moving along after pointing that out, Omar then said that many Somalis want her to talk to officials about the MoU.
She specified that they want to find out what she can do to ensure that the US Government (USG) prevents the MoU from becoming a reality, to which she thundered that “My answer to Somalians was that the US Government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do!” That was already provocative enough since it implied that this diaspora controls the regional policy of the world’s most powerful country exactly as she hypocritically lambasted Jews for doing by clear innuendo in the past.
Omar then removed all ambiguity about her role by adding that “They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interests of Somalia…The US is a country where one of your daughters is in Congress to represent your interest. For as long as I am in the US Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, its waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia or others…Sleep in comfort knowing that I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from within the US system.”
Do you believe this bitch?? Weasels her way over here as a “refugee” from a complete shit hole country and is now IN CONGRESS undermining the United States and the Constitution at every turn.
Ilhan Omar hates America. Her constituents hate America. Her admirers hate America. She promised them she would loot America on their behalf if she was elected and she’s keeping her promise. What kind of scumbags admire this third-world moron?
Oh yeah…

She concluded her rant after a tangent by repeating the genocidal mantra that “Somalia is for Somalis only” and claiming that “over 45% of Somalia’s population are not even ethnic Somalis” in an allusion to the false claim she made at the beginning implying that the Somalilanders aren’t ethnic Somalis. There’s more to what she was suggesting than just a repeat of the late 1980s Isaaq genocide that led to Somaliland’s redeclaration of independence in 1991, however, as her final words from the clip prove.
THIS is what happens when you let in millions of third-world scum: they do NOT assimilate. They congregate in areas like some random district in Minnesota where they start electing pieces of shit who are bent on destroying Western values. It happened already in London, Sweden, Ireland and Germany. It’s happening here NOW.