Insane Local Hermit: Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson Still Scared Of Her Own Shadow. Craps On Cool Christmas Idea.

I used to joke that all the Covidiots back in 2020, 2021, and even 2022 (many were still wearing masks then) were “scared rabbits” afraid of their own shadows. Turns out, they were always like that. It’s just that Covid gave them an excuse to turn their insane hypochondria and neuroses into a “virtue” in their confused brains.

So virtuous! So caring!

Nobody exemplified this more than Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson – who I skewered weekly. Of course, we found out AFTER Covid that she pretty much wore a mask all her life because “allergies” or something. She neglected to mention this when chiding all of us and explaining that wearing a mask was “no big deal.”

Of course, now the clowns are all admitting what WE knew all along: the masks were useless talismans. Worn only by virtue-signaling douchebags like Johnson, Fitzharris, Tucker and Haywood:

Like all asshole liberals, Johnson cannot stop telling people what to do and just mind her own business. This is likely because she HAS no business. She appears to be a weirdo hermit who spends most of her life inside pretending to be a member of Starfleet Command – emerging only rarely to shake her cane at the clouds or complain about the 2024 eclipse.

Now, Melissa “Safety Patrol” Johnson lets us know she is STILL in charge of everyone’s safety by taking a shit on a cool Christmas idea posted on Lampasas County Breaking News:

If I was 25 years younger, I’d LOVE to be one of those guys in the reindeer costumes being lifted up and down on that rig and pretending I was running into the sky. Is it possible I’d fall off and hurt myself? Sure, because I’d have 5 or 6 cups of eggnog and possibly a THC gummi beforehand.

But guess what? I’m a grown man and can make my own decisions. But meddling old crones cannot stand that thought…

Reindeer don’t have horns, you idiot.
It’s spelled BONY, not BONEY. DAMN you’re dumb!

Fuck your permits. This is America. I grew up in South Florida in the 1970s. People drove down Main Street in swamp buggies drinking beers from an OPEN CONTAINER in the 4th of July parade – back when America was still proud and great and not filled with lunatics who don’t know what gender they are and safety nannies wielding canes.

I think this idea is cool as shit. If I was a little kid, I’d probably fall for that and remember it for the rest of my life. That’s what make this time of year so much fun – cool stuff like that. Because you’re only a gullible kid for a short period of time. Then you grow up to be a meddling, miserable, mask-wearing cunt who can’t keep her nose out of everyone’s business, right?

I wish I owned a big earth mover like that, because I would totally make this happen. Then I’d drive that fucker right down the street to Melissa Johnson’s hovel and I’d lift my drunken reindeer guys over her driveway over and over again until she lost her mind.

ERCOT Asking For Conservation As Shitty Unreliable Solar and Wind Fail AGAIN

Funny how it always happens between 5pm and 9pm – when the sun is going down. Crazy, right? But to hear morons like Clayton Tucker tell it, we just need to “fix the damn grid.”

You’re right. We SHOULDN’T have to live like this – but you assholes have assured it with your pinwheels and solar panels!

Oh, what’s that now? Low wind and “declining solar generation” – which is fancy talk for “the sun is setting.” Which it has done every night for about 4.5 billion years.

Oh, but a bunch of pussylibs have the answer! Just look!

“We need to fix it!” Fix it how? The grid is perfectly fine. The problem is more demand than supply. YOU NEED MORE SUPPLY!!!!

“Work as a team” to do what, exactly? Go outside and blow on your pinwheels? Shine flashlights on your solar panels? You imbecile.

“Get it done!” – get what done? Put up more pinwheels in the windless night? Put more solar panels out in the darkness? You absolute MORONS. The most embarrassing part of those three quotes above is they are all made by “men.” I expect a stupid 18-year-old chick to say crap like this. Men know better than to spout useless idiotic cliches. Cliches don’t keep the AC on, you fucks. Nuclear and natural gas do.

If there is more demand than supply, we need to increase supply. Period. Forget about decreasing demand and living like a caveman in the dark with no AC – because this is America…not Haiti or Venezuela. Texas sits upon a SEA of gas and oil. If you pussylibs want to turn off everything in your house to “help out,” then be my guest. Not me.

How to increase supply, you might ask a libtard? Well, if the sun is down and the wind has died, you can add a MILLION pinwheels and a million acres of solar panels and still get ZERO power, you DUMB BASTARDS.

Texas needs to build another 6 to 10 nuke plants and add more nat gas turbines. Anyone who thinks pinwheels are the answer should be nailed to one and left to die in the 106-degree heat.