You Dummies Need To Learn Stop Sign Rules Of The Road.

I don’t know why it’s always at Howe and 6th, but that seems to be the spot where morons congregate to flaunt their total ignorance of the rules of the road.

[OK, we know why. There are two schools on that street and thus during the school year, there are a huge number of women driving as they drop off/pick up kids. Obviously there will be a ton of bad driving around those times. But school is not in session now!!]

The shocking thing is, when this happened to me yesterday it was a middle-aged white guy in a pick-up truck who was the moron! Not an old lady. Not an Asian. Not a flaming homo. Not an illegal Mexican. No…it was a guy like me who should definitely know better. Everyone knows that middle-aged, straight white guys are the best drivers of all.

In a rare occurrence yesterday around 1pm, all three of us hit that intersection at the EXACT same time. I know the fucking rules, so I was sitting there waiting for the guy to my right to go first and drive straight ahead. Instead he sat there like a retard and stared at me like I was in the wrong!

We were all traveling STRAIGHT….

So I sat and gave him the “what are you waiting for, douchebag” look. He then tries to WAVE ME THROUGH! No, no, no. YOU have the right of way. That’s the law, buddy. Don’t you dare wave me through like I’m some dipshit teenager who made a mistake behind the wheel and you’re doing me a favor. You fucker!

So I waved him through even harder and yelled “you have the right away, you stupid asshole” through the windshield which only my 9-year-old could actually hear but I’m guessing the guy to my right could read my lips pretty well as I yelled.

Meanwhile the poor sap to my left was trying to figure out what the hell was going on and waiting for both of us assholes to go.

Brutal. Learn the rules, motherscratcher.

“Women drivers are like stars in the sky. You can see them, but they can’t see you”.