Ramaswamy Only Candidate To Take a Shit On “Global Warming”

Vivek wins me over on a lot of stuff, but I love that he calls out Green Energy as a giant scam.

“The zero-carbon agenda is a wet blanket on our economy…more people are dying from climate change POLICIES than from actual climate change”

Amen, my brown brother. My brother from a Hindu mother.

He also realizes (and says out loud) that the whole Ukraine adventure is a gigantic scam and waste of money. The American border is far more important than the Ukrainian border.

As soon as Vivek took a steaming shit on Green Energy, I KNEW that local socialist and Green Energy moron Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 would have to post something – and he did:

Um, yeah “climate change” is real – the climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, Jack!

What ISN’T real is the notion that handing a LOT more money to Joe Biden or putting up idiotic pinwheels all over the place is going to change anything. All it does is give morons like AOC, Ed Markey and Joe Biden more money to hand out to their cronies on failed idiotic projects.

The government cannot even make money selling HAMBURGERS on Amtrak trains to a captive audience! You think they can do SHIT about “climate change”??

Amtrak Managed to Lose $833 Million Selling $9.50 Hamburgers

But yes, by all means, let’s tax citizens ANOTHER couple of trillion to “fix” the earth’s temperature and make it stay EXACTLY where it is now for all of eternity.


Lampasas Democratic Chairman Clayton Tucker is a child. He is 32 years old with no job and lives with his mom…and he is worried about the temperature being a degree or two HIGHER in 100 years. Talk about having your priorities wrong. But he certainly proves the old adage about children:

“Children should be seen and not heard – because they have NO experience, bad information and yet have answers for everything that don’t make any sense at all”

[Say, that reminds me: current energy demand is 67 gigawatts. Shitty pinwheels are providing 2.5 GW right now. Or only 3.5% of demand. Wow – that was $80 billion well-spent!]