Mayor Talbert Engages In Disgusting Fear Mongering With Covid Report

‘Nauseating’ is the only word that comes to mind when I see this tripe:

Throwing in “One under 18 in the ICU” is the kind of fear-mongering that has put us in the mess we are in. Thousands of poorly-informed Lampassholes see that and think “Oh my god! My kid could die!” when the actual odds of that happening are astronomical if your child is a typical kid. They are LITERALLY more likely to get struck by lightning.

Talbert has let that Covid report nugget dangle in the breeze on Facebook for a WEEK now with ZERO updates – so everyone can worry and stew about it! I find it hard to believe there have been no updates in a week. I guarantee you that on the next report, there will be no mention of the “child in intensive care” nonsense and she sure as hell won’t point out that the “under 18 in ICU” survived after all.

If you are going to start giving SOME details (like the above) which scare people, an honest person would include ALL the details. Give us pre-existing conditions, height and weight, past medical history, etc. For all we know, this “under 18 in the ICU” has been in the hospital off and on their entire life. Maybe they have a terrible pre-existing condition that puts them in the hospital every year.

Of course, Mayor Fearmonger won’t bother with all that.

Others in town are also guilty of ridiculous hyperventilating and hysteria. Take this drama queen below:

A sad heart? Sounds like they are on their death beds and writing their wills. Better wear a mask, ya’ll! Or the Grim Reaper is gonna git ya!

I don’t think I’ve ever said the virus isn’t real. I’m saying the ridiculous overreaction to it is doing FAR more harm than good. The ‘cure’ is worse than the ‘disease’.

I’m here to tell you that MILLIONS of people who caught this were wearing masks and washing hands – and it did nothing to a virus so small it makes a human hair look like a giant redwood tree.

Then it gets laid on a little thicker:

I’d ask where baby daddy is, but that would make me an asshole or something.

So everybody goes into a spin, assuming the worst and dutifully typing in prayer emojis as fast as they can. Then less than 48 hours later we get THIS nugget:

Oooohhh….the kids have very little symptoms. Maybe you should have typed that in your FIRST post, but then you wouldn’t get to enjoy all the drama and attention, right?

So it was basically a cold and they all laid around in bed for a couple days. Sounds horrific! Those poor people! My goodness. I’ve only gone through this about 57 times in my life….and I managed it without creating a hysteria on Facebook and making a mountain out of a mole hill.

So ridiculous. You people need to pull your heads out of your asses and toughen up a bit. Take some NyQuil and put on Netflix for two days. Boo hoo.