Today is Thanksgiving. I give thanks for the endless joy and entertainment I am getting (as predicted) from watching weak-minded, overly-hysterical, rich libtwat retards like Carol Garner Doughty of Lenox MA have breakdowns over Trump….
“I will pay! I will take piles of my husband’s money that I didn’t earn and hand it to you just to not hear the word TRUMP” BAHAHAHAHAHA. This dumb fuck moved all the way to Massachusetts to get away from “awful, horrible, bloody Texas” and now she gets Trump as her President for four years. BAHAHAHAHA. She can’t escape.
I wish I was a smart enough computer nerd to do this, because I’d slip some code in there that turned every “Carol” into the word “cunt” then refuse to fix it after I cashed her husband’s check.
Such torture! Now that the commies aren’t in charge, she might be able to leave a LOT more money to her useless children instead of being raped for 80% of it through the estate tax! The horror!!
No matter how great her life is, living in her mansion with her rich husband and enjoying a standard of living that 99.5% of the planet can never attain, she will STILL be miserable the next four years (at least) because of some guy in the White House who LITERALLY will implement policies that are 99% likely to be favorable to her anyways. That’s how retarded she is.
It’s like finding out you can eat hot fudge sundaes and buttered lobster every day for free and never gain weight, and then having a mental breakdown over it.
I wish I knew who the guy was in the Trump Truck so I could send him a bottle of booze and pay him to drive by her house every single morning until she checks in to an asylum.
The best part is that these loons think they are actually PUNISHING us by not coming to holiday dinners or events. Newsflash: we’ve hated you there for the last 20 years. We barely tolerate you to try and keep the peace. YOU are the crazy minority nobody wants to be around, you idiots.
Joy Reid Has Thanksgiving Meltdown
I already make my own sandwiches, you bald buffoon.