This Is Who The Left Idolizes

The Obamas are disgusting hypocrites and rabble-rousers.

Fools like Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood and Stephanie Fitzharris will NEVER criticize the Obamas for being greedy, even though they have never worked an honest day in their lives or created anything of value for their $70 million dollars. The are quintessential grifter scumbags.

It is also quite telling they own TWO mansions right on the water- which means they are not the least bit worried about the supposed global warming and sea level rising. Only morons like Clayton Tucker believe that tripe.

Instead, Marxist grifters do all their complaining about entrepreneurs, businessmen and risk-takers being “greedy.” I hope you lefty clowns all get pancreatic cancer from your Covid “vaccines.”

Of course, Big Mike Obama is completely wrong with his idiotic quote about the pie. The pie is not static. One guy getting rich is not TAKING from the poor person, no matter how badly Clayton Tucker wants that to be true so he can blame someone else for his failures.

Entrepreneurs, inventors, businessmen, problem solvers and risk-takers create wealth with their inventions and creations and that makes the pie bigger for EVERYONE. That is why even the “poorest” welfare bum in the United States has incredible gadgets that the richest man in the world didn’t have just 50 years ago.

Free-market capitalism, risk-taking and building a better mousetrap is what made American wealthy and lifted ALL boats. Socialist grifters do nothing but destroy all that is good.

Karen Spivey-Cummings Is A Deeply Tarded Hypocrite

Funny how the biggest libtards around are the ones who scream loudest when it’s THEIR ox being gored:

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The dummy got her wish….let’s see how things are going for her five months later…….

Oh. Shocker. You don’t like it much when the red-hot poker is being shoved up YOUR ass, do you?

Karen Spivey-Cummings has always been in a dead heat with Bruce Haywood when it came to being the most libtarded hypocrite around these parts. I commented on her repeatedly last year because she is a gigantic maskhole and Covid Cult nutjob.

These are the dunces that elect Marxists like Joe Biden and AOC, they scream to shut down the entire economy over a cold virus, scream for “free money” to be handed out to everyone to sit home and not work…then they wonder why the hell their property taxes, gas prices and the price of everything on the planet goes through the roof.

What’s the matter, clown horn? Don’t want to pay your “fair share”? According to you, tax cuts are evil and don’t work! But it’s different now that YOU want one, eh? What a dunce.

The sad part is that it’s mostly the old, retired libtards (like this Karen) who will be crushed the hardest by the policies of Biden, Harris and other Marxists. We’ll see prices go up 8% or 10% a year and their social security will go up only 2% a year, because that’s how the Feds slam your ass.

Have fun eating cat food, you dipshit.

You should just take a page out of fellow libtard Bruce Haywood’s Book of Hypocrisy! Demand all the free stuff and then just don’t pay any taxes:

It all comes down to something I learned in first grade but which libtards NEVER can figure out: TANSTAAFL


The number of lockdown Puritans having giant celebration parties is…interesting

Remember: these are the EXACT SAME scared rabbits who HAD to have (fraud-ridden) mail-in ballots because they were too scared to stand in line next to a few people to vote in person. Yet here they are….crammed in like sardines.

Hey! I think I see Stephanie “Miss Piggy” Fitzharris in there with a stupid Commie-La Harris t-shirt trying to make out with a he/she/zhe/they trans/BLM/binary/commie/pinko/Antifa college idiot.

Odd indeed.

CNN called Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation in the Rose Garden – where 100 people were masked and sitting 6 feet apart – a “Super-spreader event”

That same CNN was cool with THOUSANDS of liberals slobbering all over themselves in the streets for Biden yesterday.

Today’s Profile: Melissa Johnson – Typical Hypocrite

Melissa Johnson is starting to emerge as one of the loudest and prolific Facebook dunces to challenge Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings as “Covid Clown Prince of Lampasas”. She is vehemently AGAINST in-person school learning, pro-mask at all times and must barely work, since she posts 27 times a day on Facebook.

Sweet hairdo…hides your lobotomy scars quite well

She claims to be “self-employed” yet also speaks of hitting people with her cane if they come near her without a mask (nice!). So maybe is she is a fake disability sponge? Or just a crazy lady with a cane? Who knows – I don’t know her.

Point being, if she’s ‘self-employed’ yet sits home all day posting pro-mask, climb-back-into-the-womb garbage on Facebook, shutting down the economy probably won’t hurt her a bit. She seems like a donkey who sits IN the cart rather than help pull it. Just like Bruce Haywood.

She’s also a massive hypocrite. Unsurprising for a locust from Oregon. Some examples of her hypocrisy:

Melissa is gung-ho to ruin your kid’s life by wrecking the school system. But this doesn’t affect her either, of course! Her kid is 24 years old and thus already fully grown! THAT is bad enough. Anybody with no kids in the school system should close their pie hole about the ‘danger’ kids face since it doesn’t affect their kids (*cough* Karen Spivey-Cummings*cough*)

Somebody tell Bruce the plandemic is over….

But the hypocrisy goes further and exposes her more. While she is quick to believe every utterance of bullshit from the government when it DOESN’T affect her, she will ignore it completely if in inconveniences her in the least!

Now, turning off your AC is an infinitesimally small sacrifice when compared to destroying an entire $20 trillion economy or a $35 million local school system or wrecking your kid’s education experience and setting them back two years. Right? Frankly, I think this AC suggestion is just more bullshit. But if you are going to swallow some CDC bullshit (like Melissa Johnson and Haywood clearly do) then you swallow it ALL, capice?

Nope. Melissa thinks that’s stupid. She doesn’t want to PERSONALLY sacrifice anything at all!

She’s right, of course…..wait a minute! This remark sounds A LOT like cost/benefit analysis! She accidentally used her brain a tiny bit here and compared one thing to another and weighed the costs and benefits! Holy crap. Congratulations! Now apply that kind of thinking to re-opening the schools!

Like, oh I don’t know….comparing the MASSIVE BENEFITS of keeping kids in school to the INFINITESIMALLY SMALL CHANCE of a Covid death.

See how easy that is?

Dear Finley: You Are FULL OF CRAP [Part Two]

When we last left off, we needed to solve this “lack of applicants problem” so we can open the pools this summer. How do we do that?

Immediately, we raise the offered wage to $10/hr, and we make a lot of noise about it. Then we wait and see what happens. While we wait, let’s think about how we will PAY for this increase in wages.

The latest budget shows $75,000 allocated for “seasonal salary” at Hanna pool [page 31]. If we raise wages roughly 40%, then that line item should rise roughly 40% – or about $30,000. Gee…where are we EVER going to find $30k in the $26 million City budget? I have lots of ways…but first, allow me to rip you clowns to shreds on your wasteful spending over just the last few years.

I would like to remind Finley and The Seven Goldfish of SOME of the many times the City has wasted WAY more than $30,000 in the blink of an eye:

The $96,000 A/V system for council chambers comes to mind. You had a bid from Broadcast Works for around $35,000. You instead went no-bid with Azbell and blew an extra $60,000 right there.

You also went with a $128,000 elevator (for City Hall remodel again!) when there was a $96,000 bid on the table from Austin Elevator. That’s ANOTHER $30,000.

You sold a building for $75k then bought it back for over $200k – City Hall building AGAIN. That’s over $125,000 squandered.

You incinerated almost $170,000 on a pre-fab BATHROOM in Campbell Park….yet another no-bid project that could have been done for half of that. That’s about $80,000 wasted.

Mike White managed to find about $72,000 instantly last month to provide “free” electricity to the businesses they forced closed due to Wuhan flu. Apparently there was just $72,000 laying around unused.

Rich developer Deorald Finney was handed “free” electrical hookups for this houses in Stone Valley a year or two ago – at a cost to the City of about $72,000 in lost fees.

S2M2 was handed $150,000 for THEIR housing development after FORMER CITY COUNCIL MEMBER “Greasy” Chris Harrison begged for it.

City council and the LEDC squandered $15,000 on three giant metal letters two months ago that will supposedly sit on a pedestal in the town square and attract throngs of tourists! Where is that thing, by the way??

Don’t even get me started on the MILLIONS wasted on the moronic “business park” – which I have covered here in great detail over the last 18 months.

Do you idiot hypocrites see a pattern here?? You waste HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS when it comes to buildings/toys for government workers and politicians. You hand out gobs of money to your rich developer buddies and former council members. You jump into NO-BID contracts all the time. YET, you can’t find $30k to pay a decent wage to LOCAL KIDS working at the pool!

Aren’t you dummies always crowing about “supporting the local community”? I know Mandy Walsh does it daily. I know council members like Delana Toups and Misti Talbert parrot that line all the time too. How about “supporting the local kids” and paying them a wage for lifeguarding that isn’t a complete insult?

You all make me sick with your hypocrisy, you absolute buffoons. Excuse me while I go puke. I’ll be back for PART THREE and how we pay for this paltry $30,000 in a $26 million dollar budget.

City Council Extends Lockdown to April 30th. Unless You’re a Church. Then It’s OK To Gather In Crowds

Never thought I’d see a meeting where Mike White was wrong and Kathy Kuehne was right, but these are crazy times indeed.

The issue? Allowing churches to flout the lockdown that everyone else is suffering through and allow them to hold ‘parking lot services’, whatever that means. Apparently on-line services are not good enough, according to the likes of Councilwoman Delana Toups. The congregation all HAVE TO BE ALLOWED to drive to the parking lot and sit in their cars watching…with the engines off (and presumably windows up to prevent viral spread), according to Finley.

Ironically, Delana is a public school teacher currently conducting classes five days a week over the Internet (LOL)….and that appears to be ‘good enough’ for her. Yet watching a religious service over the TV or Internet once a week just won’t cut it. Very weird.

But here is my big question: will the churches be allowed to “pass the plate” and collect money from everyone in their cars? NOBODY on City council asked that all-important question. Because if they DO, that kind of defeats Misti’s big plan that the rest of us are suffering to implement.

Call me a cynic, but I suspect the reason the churches want a parking lot service in the first place is because when people watch online, they can’t hand money to the guy with the basket or plate! Easter Sunday is this weekend and I bet those churches would be missing out on a LOT OF CHEDDAR!! It’s the Super Bowl of religious days and the churches want their cut.

I know, I know…I’m an asshole for even thinking that. But hey – 12 years of Catholic school taught me that the church is like any other business except they push guilt and then sell salvation….all while avoiding property taxes! I’m thinking of starting one myself, as a matter of fact.

But here’s the thing: I’m personally NOT religious at all…BUT I still enjoy attending services at Putters and Gutters or Memos on Sundays. Vodka is my god and greasy food is my communion….and I am being DENIED my right to congregate and worship! Yet the other churches are allowed to operate. I don’t care what you believe or where you congregate to hand over your money – but I’d like the ability to do the same.

Delana Toups is just fine with this hypocrisy. Oh well, at least the stupid Tree Police idea has been forgotten for the moment!

Some Goldfish Want To Have Their Trees And Eat Them Too

The latest news out of City council is the desire to “protect trees” from those evil developers. You know, the very same developers they keep handing hundreds of thousands of dollars to in order to entice them to develop more. As I understand it, ‘developing’ land usually requires clearing it out of a bunch of trees and replacing them with houses and roads and drainage ponds. At least that’s what I saw over at Stone Valley and the S2M2 development – nothing but smooth ground for close to 100 new houses.

Perhaps the Goldfish already forgot (as they are wont to do) about the free electrical hookups they handed to Deorald Finney at Stone Valley (69 houses = approx $72,000 in lost revenue to City)? Or maybe they forgot about the $150,000 they are handing to S2M2 for a giant water detaining pond. Last I checked, water retention ponds don’t have giant oak trees in the middle of them – they are cleared out in the name of “development”.

The Goldfish proposing this hypocritical idea was Delana Toups. She mentioned TWICE in the article that she “was sad to see last week that an oak was knocked down for a new development”. Neither time did she actually mention WHICH development it was – which I suspect was not an accident. She would look pretty stupid complaining about the S2M2 or Stone Valley development after just handing them $150,000 of taxpayer money. I actually drove over to the S2M2 development a month ago, and saw a TON of trees had been destroyed.

So, they want growth and development so badly, they hand out huge checks and waive tons of fees for these private developers – GIVING these rich developers tax dollars so they can clear cut trees, build homes and make a huge profit on their houses.

THEN, the same person complains that a tree was cut down by a developer! I mean, I have to thank this group for giving me unending, low-hanging fruit to ridicule them with. It’s just too easy now.

Instead of infringing on peoples’ property rights to do what they want with their trees, how about STOPPING COMPLETELY all the handouts to your rich developer buddies and the scumbag former Council members who lobby for them (*cough* Chris Harrison *cough*)?

Nah – that would be too easy. Let’s instead make a whole new pile of regulations and restrictions on the rest of the population. Awesome idea!

In fairness, Mayor Talbert immediately came out against the idea of telling people what they can do with the land they own. Good for her. She is on the correct side of this issue.