Local Socialist Greentard Clayton Tucker Flies 4,000 Miles To Seattle To Attend Commie Convention About Global Warming. Hypocrite Much?

Yet another global warming nut job flying all over the place to blabber about global warming and how the rest of us shouldn’t fly all over the place because it’s bad for the planet.

So in a sense, Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX (and chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is just like John Kerry.

Well, maybe if Kerry were two feet shorter, had a lot less money, lived with his mom and was attracted to men. But other than that, the point holds: he’s a fucking hypocrite.

Gee Comrade, what about that carbon footprint you left flying 2,000 miles to Seattle and 2,000 miles back again? According to one of those gay carbon calculators I just found online, you are responsible for 1,220 pounds of CO2 being emitted….

I can’t decide if Comrade Clayton is stupid enough to go online and purchase “carbon offsets” from some scammer like Al Gore to assuage his liberal guilt. On the other hand, he’d have to ask mom for the money and she might not go for that level of insanity.

You’re telling me that SEATTLE, of all places, doesn’t have enough useless commie parasites to run around screaming about global warming? They need to import some fupa sloth from Texas who knows nothing about international trade, economics, or energy policy and who lives with his mom at age 32?

Yeah right.

Or MAYBE (more likely) he did what he got so angry at Ted Cruz for doing in February of 2021: ran away from this heat and drought like a pussy and went to cooler climes. I wonder who ran the “ranch” for the entire time he was gone. I guess mom put water in a trough for the 18 goats. Must be a rough job he has “ranching” if a 60-year-old lady can do it for him while he’s away.

See, when TED (who represents us at the federal level – NOT the state level) “runs away” to Cancun, he’s a coward and shirking his duties – even though there was absolutely nothing Ted Cruz could do about a 100-year freeze. I sure didn’t expect him to keep my water well thawed or my fireplace filled with wood. Because I am not a pussy who relies on government to do everything for me.

But when CLAYTON runs away to Seattle and ignores HIS PERSONAL (supposedly) goats and donkeys and other “critters” and his mom has to go out and do his chores for him, that is just fine. No problem with that.

See how it works??

So the question is: hypocrite or pussy? I’m going to go with “both.”

Scumbag Socialist Kraut Christine Seefeldt Visits German Concentration Camp. Manages to Shit On America.

Only a demented old bat like Christine Seefeldt could be standing in a German concentration camp where fellow GERMANS committed the worst atrocities in history (on an unarmed population, I might add) and make it all about how shitty America is.

Why are libshits SO obsessed with letting 5-year-olds read books about gay blowjobs? Because those are the only books being “banned”. You want to buy a book on blowjobs for your 5-year-old with your own money? Nobody is stopping you. Get on Amazon and shell out your $15. These “banned” books are actually age restrictions in PUBLIC schools run with TAXPAYER money.

Hell, I guess books were “banned” back in 1982 also because I found it impossible to buy a Penthouse at age 12. Those fascists at 7-Eleven refused to sell it to me – or even let me look at the cover! Can you believe it??? Probably Trump’s fault somehow back then, too.

LGBQTXYZ+++ aren’t being deprived of any “rights” at all. They are demanding special privileges and protections. If letting a grown man dress like a whore and grind his dick into the faces of little kids is “living their lives to the fullest,” then you bet we are against it.

Do I see parallels with Nazi Germany here now? You bet I do:

People in power wanting to have and take absolute power? Like Biden ignoring the separation of powers (“Hey, let’s use the 14th Amendment to get around the debt ceiling!”) and enacting socialist policies by decree like he was king?

Biden trying to outlaw gas-powered cars

Biden forces those with good credit scores to subsidize those with bad credit scores.

Or socialist scum like AOC (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution) ignoring one of the three branches of government?

It’s called “checks and balances” you donkey-faced bartender moron.

Like an FBI that is now exactly like the East German the Stasi for the democrats? An FBI and CIA that has interfered with elections repeatedly? An FBI that blocked all investigations into Clinton corruption and then say “oops, we lost all the evidence”?

An FBI that flat out REFUSES to hand over documents requested by Congress. the same Congress they are supposed to answer to?

An IRS that is weaponized and protects the family of the current dictator and ignores his blatant law breaking? Like that?

Kinda like that? Sounds almost Hitler-esque, I would say.

Like the dems who wanted to force everyone to get a useless and dangerous “vaccine”? Good thing we have our guns (unlike the jews in Germany) or they would have been forcing us into concentration camps, too.

Want more parallels?

Moron Marxist liberals like Christine Seefeldt, Joe Biden and the dems who want to disarm Americans just like Hitler disarmed the jews? Kind of like that?

There is a growing and evil presence in America trying to grab all the power it can over American’s lives…and it ain’t my side that’s doing all the bullshit.

Do me a favor and stay in Germany, you half-wit piece of shit. We don’t need you here in Texas.

P.S. – Oh yeah. I forgot. Isn’t Germany the country where they throw people in jail for political speech? Sounds like 1933 all over again.

Nothing says “democracy” like locking up people that speak out against govt policies.

Andrew Landrum and Other Local Libs Going Crazy Over “Book Burning” – They Are Wrong, As Usual

There have been more than a few stories in the news lately about “brave” librarians refusing to remove or hide books and getting defiant about bowing to the “far right fascists”.

Naturally, they all look like some variation of this:

Lib dummies like Andrew Landrum just LOVE these stories. His son-in-law is an author, so that means Andrew must ALSO be scholarly and well-read and OH so much smarter than us swine on the right.

He’s even got the stupid beret and goatee to PROVE what a hipster, elite genius he is!

Talk about a try-hard! Hipster doofus glasses, flavor saver soul patch AND a beret! Is it you or is it John Lennon! Wow! So hip!!

Haywood Dummy is also outraged by the “book banning”

It’s “Nazis” plural. Not “Nazi’s” possessive, you fucking idiot.

Just one question, Bruce. Is “banning books” (i.e. censoring) kind of like Facebook and Twitter censoring information on about a dozen things in the last two years? Like Wuhan Flu viral origins and the Hunter Biden laptop CENSORSHIP by Facebook?

I think it is. Hypocrite.

The “heroic defiant librarian” thing is the new fad. There was the one in Iowa. Another one in Michigan. Another closer to home in Llano.

They all tend to be far-left weirdos and non-binary gender fluid whatever-the-hell they are.

First of all, not wanting little kids aged 6 and 7 and 8 exposed to perverted tranny filth and explicit descriptions of sex acts (gay or not) is not “destroying libraries” or “burning books”. It’s the same reason we don’t put hardcore porn mags out for little Jenny to see at 7-Eleven.

It’s the same reason we don’t sell liquor to kids under 21 or hand out drivers licenses until 16. We try to wait until kids are mature enough to understand certain things and be given certain responsibilities. Until your kid is 18, he does NOT have full rights. He is a minor.

Libtards can’t fathom this, I guess, because they think it’s just fine to let a 7-year-old kid make the decision that “he’s a girl now” and help him to chop his dick off. It’s also cool with them if some weirdo groomer tranny does drag queen readings for a kindergarten class.

Ok Groomer.

Libs aren’t big on rules or boundaries or discipline. Which is why lib’s kids are almost always so fucked up in the head.

Like the offspring of Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris:

Gender fluid weirdo and commie dork in Oregon

I don’t think most parents want to “destroy libraries” the way, say, liberal morons destroyed cities a couple years back. I also remember liberal morons pulling down every statue they could get their hands on a couple years ago when they all collectively lost their minds.

What I DON’T remember during that period of insanity is any heroic protectors of free speech (like hipster doofus Andrew Landrum) making a peep about statues being pulled down and thrown into lakes. They were just fine with that. There was no clutching of pearls about “banning statues”.

Hypocrite much?

Secondly, in this day and age, books basically CAN’T be destroyed – you can make a billion digital copies with the push of a button. You can download it on Amazon kindle and read about cock sucking all day long, if your little heart desires. If Andrew Landrum wants his 8-year old grandson to read graphic books on Kindle that Andrew Landrum pays for out of his own pocket, go to it. I personally think it’s child abuse.

But once you are talking PUBLIC libraries and schools, your argument dies. These moron librarians (many of whom make $70,000 a year plus bennies to sit on ass in an air conditioned room) better do as they’re told by the citizens or you’re fired. End of story. You don’t have a right to SHIT. Just shut up and follow orders.

If that sticks going down, there are plenty of jobs at Wal-Mart stocking shelves overnight. Douchebag.

Vote NO On Proposed 3,800 Acre Solar Farm.

Kudos to Sam Kier (Facebook posts) and also Wayne and Linda Wickman (Dispatch editorial) for laying out the rational case AGAINST the proposed solar farm. They are both 100% right.

There are MANY reasons to oppose this, but the most solid reason to oppose it is that idiots like Bruce Haywood are for it. Bruce is never right about anything and has a mind like a 5-year-old girl, so he is an excellent contrarian indicator on anything he opens his gargantuan mouth about. This was proved true during Covid with his love of masks and remote learning. It was proved true again with his love of Joe Biden.

Let’s take a look at the world of energy through the mind of a slightly retarded five-year-old girl who is also a massive hypocrite:

First of all, Bruce spills a lot of Facebook ink shitting all over oil while extolling the virtues of solar. If solar is such a layup and makes SO much sense, these solar projects shouldn’t need massive subsidies to exist. THAT is what the rest of us are against. The proposed farm would get TEN YEARS of abatement at a 70% rate. Bruce doesn’t care about THAT side of the ledger because Bruce is a useless moron who sits home all day collecting government checks and who thinks money grows on a special government tree. Right Bruce?

“I never pay in but I want to take out!!!”

People who don’t pay any taxes don’t get to have a say in these issues Bruce. So do us a favor and shut up. Mmm kay?

He asks what the big deal is if people want to do this with THEIR property. That’s not the point, dummy. The point is the MASSIVE SUBSIDIES they are asking for. At the end of the day, your taxes will NOT go down and your electric rates will NOT go down. So we all gain ZERO from this project.

The issue isn’t THEIR property. The issue is OUR tax base getting pilfered. Bruce doesn’t care about that because, once again, Bruce is a useless parasite who TAKES from government and sees it as his savior and caretaker. That’s how helpless babies and quasi-retarded five-year-olds (like Bruce Haywood) think.

Hey Bruce? If solar is so awesome and Big Oil is so dirty and evil, why do you have ZERO solar panels on your house and why do you drive a big old gas guzzling pickup truck? Why do you even NEED a truck, Bruce? Are you a fake rancher like your heroine Clayton Tucker? You need that truck to drive around your .794 acre empire?

I even see an evil PROPANE tank there! Planet-killing BASTARD!!!

I even hear through the grapevine that Bruce buys a new truck every couple of years! How about it Bruce? Is that true? I’ll bet you A HUNDRED DOLLARS that it is.

What an environmentalist you are! Cruising around your neighborhood in a giant gas guzzling truck you don’t even NEED getting 14 miles per gallon and then buying a new one every few years. Truly, you are saving the planet!

But you probably sip your 64oz Big Gulp through a cardboard straw so you can sleep at night.

Bruce is like every other fake, hypocrite “environmentalist” (John Kerry, Clayton Tucker, Leonardo DiCaprio) who LOVES to virtue signal and demand stupid shit like plastic straw bans but who refuse to spend a single nickel of their own money or inconvenience themselves in any way whatsoever.

They are all for YOUR money being wasted on these boondoggles, but never spend a penny of their own. Clayton Tucker does the same thing. He has ZERO solar or wind on his parents’ house or grandpa’s ranch. Gigantic hypocrites, all of you.

A final thought:

A single nuclear power plant sits on roughly 220 acres of land. 

For solar panels to generate the equivalent energy, you’d need 8,000 times more space – maybe even more.

Donkey-Faced Moron Catches Covid, Despite Being Vaxxed and Boosted

Alexandria Ocrazio-Cortex, who could eat a sandwich through a fence, has apparently caught Covid. This is despite taking the “vaccine” AND the additional “vaccines”. Did someone forget to disinfect her feed bag?

This happened one week after she ran away from New York (where there are draconian mask rules) and went to Florida (where there are not) and galivanted around mask-free – despite being a Covid cult member and rabid maskhole herself.

The far-left member of the jihad squad was seen last week at several Miami hotspots, as New York was hit with a record-high number of Covid-19 cases due to the far less mild Omicron variant. New York has also instituted a strict mask and vaccine policy.

To say she is a hypocrite would be putting it mildly. But that’s what socialist scumbags are: morons and hypocrites. Just ask Comrade Clayton.

How will AOC spin this? Blame Florida?

Covid just wants to date AOC:

Covid has jumped from human to burro

I think we should put her on a ventilator just to be sure she gets over Covid.

Given her horse face, this is one time Ivermectin would be EXQUISITELY appropriate. Let’s all bray for her.


Pork Chops With a Heaping Side of Hypocrisy

Cathy Kuehne just keeps proving over and over what a dunce she is. Her recent rantings and ramblings on Covid are just a huge jumble of lies, stupidity and hypocrisy.

Let’s look at a few examples, shall we?

At the September 13 council meeting, she got into a pissing match with a member of the audience about a new Covid benefit for City employees. That was when she made up the huge pile of shit that she “put herself at risk” every day as a teacher – because of, like, Covid and stuff.

The very Covid she already had back in February, but OK Porkchop. If you say so.

THEN, she whined to the audience member that “If I were to get Covid directly from a student, the school district says ‘take your own time’ and I don’t think it’s right” [see 1:06:17]

WRONG again, Porkchop. Either she is too stupid to know her own school’s policy OR she is lying her face off here to look like a martyr. Doesn’t really matter – the bottom line is that as a teacher, she DOES get Covid time. It was on the front page of the Dispatch back in January:

‘In addition, trustees voted to give all school district employees an additional 10 days of paid leave for “COVID-19-related issues,” Millican said

That’s not “if you’re sick with Covid”, by the way. That’s “Covid-related issues”, which is so vague that only a true moron could not figure out a way to take advantage of that 2-week paid vacation if they wanted to.

So don’t cry about your school not taking care of you, ok Porkchop? You get better benefits than just about anybody in the private sector, you ingrate.

But there is more! It turns out that besides being a pretend martyr, and a liar or an uninformed school district employee (take your pick) she is ALSO a giant hypocrite!

She wails about how she “puts herself at risk every day” by bravely walking into the school. Yet she is MORE than happy to spend a ton of time unmasked around kids if it means she can make a buck!

Porkchop (and hubby) puts herself at risk for $$$

That’s right. Porkchop and her husband are the ones who take all those pictures of your kids at sporting events – basketball, cheerleading, etc. In fact, she was doing just that mere days after whining about putting herself at risk in school!

So I guess it’s ok to “put yourself at risk” selling wildly overpriced photos to parents, right?

This just proves my point about how ridiculous it is to try and point to where you “caught Covid” when it comes to cops and firefighters (and teachers or anyone else). If Porkchop DID come down with Covid a second time a week from now, she would no doubt blame it on the school and demand paid time off (which she already gets).

She would conveniently ignore the fact that she was ALSO around a bunch of kids later that same day and could have just as easily caught it from THEM. There is simply no way to know.

One thing is for sure, if there are a few bucks to be made, Porkchop’s Covid hysteria and histrionics go right out the window.

Freddy Oversteegen – The Art Of Projection

One thing you can always count on with loons like Freddie Oversteegen (who uses a fake name): besides being hypocrites, they are MASTERS at projection.

‘Projection’ is when you are guilty of something yourself but accuse others baselessly and relentlessly of the same thing. Kinda like the dems whipping up the “Trump is in bed with Russia” horseshit when in actuality, HILLARY was the one busy sending her hubby to Russia to make $500,000 speeches in return for handing Uranium One over to the Russians. Or maybe like ‘Antifa’ claiming to be ‘anti-fascist’ when really THEY are the ones acting like fascists. Or the claiming to be for free speech, then firing people if they hold the ‘wrong’ opinion.

OR, like Freddy Oversteegen saying I am a stalker for posting screenshots of public discourse freely put out in the open by somebody, when in actuality HE is the one who wants to go physically track people down, take photos and post them without their consent in order to shame them:

Now THAT sounds like stalking! Freddie’s first impulse is not to counter with a better argument, but to stalk, stalk and stalk some more! Oh, and call people racists. ‘Does anyone know if Anna lives or works in Lampasas?’. Creepy, dude.

Freddy also spends a lot of time calling people “unhinged”. He did that to some poor old guy (George McKlintock) who posted an editorial in the Dispatch speaking out against socialism:

So some older gentleman warns about socialism in a letter to the editor and he is an ‘unhinged lunatic’? What does that make you, Freddie? I know your views on ‘racism’:

I think this comment goes under both “unhinged” and “nauseating virtue signaling”…don’t you?

Of course, we know Freddie’s type: racism is what HE says it is. Usually something like enforcing our long-existing immigration laws makes you a ‘racist’. Or pointing out that there is zero evidence of systemic white-on-black police brutality…that also makes you a racist these days.

Freddie doesn’t like it when I refer to him and other MANDATORY MASK lovers ‘Nazis’….but I say, if the shoe fits, you should wear it.

Freddy is also busy giving out advice that maybe Melissa Johnson should go to “the authorities” because of my “stalking”. LOL. NOW you want the police, Freddie? Just recently you were busy saying we need to DEFUND the police and that SANITATION WORKERS would do their job better….and they wouldn’t murder YOU or your dog either!

Yet little Freddie wants the police to make the big bad man stop calling him a mask Nazi. LOL. If you do that, you better hope they don’t give you Officer Montgomery! Remember him?

Skinny, greasy long-haired twats using fake Facebook names are oftentimes the toughest keyboard warriors.

Poor widdle Fweddie. Can’t defend himself. Goes around spewing insults but can’t take it when he gets some back. His answer is to go stalk somebody or to call the police to protect him. This is the same imbecile who insults kids:

Speaking of dumb – can you imagine not knowing when to use “who’s” versus “whose”? Hey….are you projecting again Fweddie? Ashamed you can’t write at a third-grade level so you insult third-graders as dumb? The projection is STRONG in this one!

I’m sorry….WHO’S the dumb kid, again?

Freddie IS slightly smarter than the average dope. I’ll hand him that. Which is like being the tallest midget. He uses a fake name and nothing on his FB profile but a picture from WWII of presumably actual dead Nazis – he’s smart enough to protect his personal private info.

Funny that a guy who goes to such lengths to protect his REAL identity is so keen on trying to expose mine. Typical hypocrite.

I can make a few guesses about Freddie. He’s probably mid to late 20s. Dead-end job, if he’s employed at all. Plays in a shitty band in the lobby of the local Copperas Cove fleabag motel and thinks he is a rock star. Scrawny. Greasy. Hates his Dad. Sits around smoking pot til 4am and rambling about how “racist” everybody is. Probably thinks of himself as an Antifa type fighting “Nazis” like his heroine the REAL Freddie Oversteegen. Thinks ‘racists’ should be murdered and people who don’t wear masks should be thrown in jail.

His parents must be proud!

Village Idiot Channels Greta Thunberg At Council Meeting – Whines For MORE Expensive and Useless Recycling

The FIRST time local screwball Janet Crozier demanded a recycling program (and cost the rest of us at LEAST $12,000 per year – thank you Gary Cox), I kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t bring myself to publicly lambaste an old lady who clearly lost her marbles (just like Greta Thunberg).

Hypocrite with zero critical thinking skills demands you paw through your garbage.

But NOW she is in front of City council demanding they do MORE – so she is now fair game, in my book. What are the new demands of Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg?

(1) She wants a “city wide campaign” to promote the program (which has been in operation over a year) (2) She wants all the schools and the City/County governments forced into her hippie-dippy scheme (3) She wants the recycling center open more days and more hours (4) Worst of all, she wants a curbside weekly pickup!!

This dim bulb has zero clue about how useless recycling really is or the astronomical costs associated with house-by-house pickup. From what I can gather from her copious (look it up, Monica) Facebook posts, she can barely run her own life – but can’t wait to tell everyone else how to run theirs.

First, allow me to sum up my Facebook evidence that Janet Crozier is a dummy who does not traffic in science, evidence, data, logic, reason or mathematics and should not be listened to when it comes to ANYTHING:

She is a Democrat. She is from Ohio. She moved here a mere three years ago and yet had the gall to IMMEDIATELY demand a useless and VERY expensive program be imposed from on high that has been PROVEN to be a disaster in other cities. She is a “life coach” [fact: this is NOT a real job]. She loves Beto O’Rourke. She thinks autistic people are clairvoyant [fact: there is no such thing as clairvoyance in ANYBODY]. She paid good money to go to “Life Coaching School” (oh, dear god no). She announced her home address to City council before whining about the recycling program [fact: council meetings are recorded, archived and available to the public….OOPS!!]

Besides being a dummy, she is also a huge hypocrite. Thanks to her foolishly announcing her address to the world, I was able to drive by her house and learn a few things:

(1) She is only 1.3 miles from the recycling drop-off center. She claims recycling and “saving the planet” is important to her – but clearly not important enough to carry her useless dirty paper plates and hoarded newspapers just over a mile down the road…..or to bother to memorize when the center is open. Rather, she demands a huge diesel-powered, carbon-spewing truck stop at every house in town to pick up recyclables. Even though probably 96% of us don’t recycle for a very good reason – it is a complete waste of time and money.

(2) She and her husband own TWO cars – neither of which is electric or even a hybrid! FOR SHAME! Hypocrite!!

(3) She has at LEAST two kids and at least NINE grand kids. Ergo, she is solely responsible for at LEAST 11 humans currently populating the planet. The diapers ALONE from those 11 humans total to around 60,000 crap-filled plastic bombs dumped into a landfill, as I highly doubt she re-used cloth diapers. All 11 of those humans drive cars, use a HUGE amount of plastic (iPhones, video games, toys, multiple TV sets, plastic water bottles, etc, etc) and other resources. She dumped 11 people onto the planet to consume resources and doesn’t think anything of THAT…but she thinks that carrying her shitty old mason jars to the recycling center (where they will actually very likely end up in a landfill anyways) is saving the planet?? HUGE hypocrite!! Stupendous ignorance!!

(4) STILL has that Beto bumper sticker on the car!

Truly, Lampasas must be a village of surpassing wealth and refinement to boast an idiot of such caliber. The halls of its opulent Council chambers must ring with laughter all the day long!

In short, Janet, PLEASE KEEP YOUR YAP SHUT about recycling. You are nothing but a nag and a virtue signaler who has very likely done more harm than good for the planet over your life, if you want to tally up the score. You’re lucky Gary Cox had nothing better to do two years ago and implemented the tiny program we have now. Wasting tens of thousands of dollars is bad enough, but if you had your way it would be exponentially higher.

If pawing through your garbage like a starving raccoon means that much to you, there are PLENTY of liberal havens you can move to and hoard garbage. San Francisco or Austin come to mind. They have recycling programs that lose MILLIONS. You’d be much happier there.

Oh wait, what’s that? Those cities are super expensive with ridiculously high taxes, idiotic regulations and homeless people splattering feces on the sidewalks? You know why? Because they are filled with liberal do-gooder morons like you. Morons who then flee their ruined liberal dumps and move like locusts to a new place like Lampasas. Naturally, the liberal dummies cannot connect the dots of CAUSE and EFFECT, as evidenced below:

We don’t need it. I don’t need it. And I will publicly call you out on your hypocrisy instead of sagely nodding my head for fear of offending anyone.

If City council IS dumb enough to even consider Janet’s demands, I humbly request at least SOME cost/benefit analysis is done on the CURRENT program. Such as: how many roll-off containers have been hauled away per year (we are talking RESIDENTIAL here – not commercial), what’s the TOTAL COST of all that (not JUST the $12,000 flat rate but EVERYTHING), and publishing the records from Waste Connections as to EXACTLY where these ‘recyclable’ items are being sold and for how much…and proof they aren’t going into a landfill.

Good luck with that.

You can hear her absolute nonsense HERE (go to 37 minute mark).

“Greasy” Chris Harrison: Then and Now – A Study in Hypocrisy.

Amazing what you can find in the archives. Like this little nugget from the Lampasas Dispatch Record (archives April 10th, 2015 – page 11). The Dispatch was interviewing then-candidate Chris Harrison as he ran for City Council a second time (he resigned with a year left in his term the first time around):

The council candidate said he opposes tax abatements and other financial incentives to prospective businesses. He also said he was against city officials’ economic-development trips to California and a subsequent incentive agreement for a company that moved from California to Lampasas. “To me, it’s not the government’s place to fund private business,” Harrison said.

“The candidate said he learned from a grant program the City Council offered briefly in 2011. Under the program, which Harrison initially supported but later voted to repeal, small businesses that opened in Lampasas after a specified date were eligible for a grant of $5,000 from the city. Harrison said council members had good intentions but learned quickly there were problems with offering taxpayer money to businesses.

Wow. Harrison sounds reasonable and intelligent here. He is 100% correct on those points. However, here we are about 4.5 years later and Harrison is singing a completely different tune.

NOW, Harrison has been hired by S2M2 Inc. – a local PRIVATE business. He recently went in front of city council to beg for $125,000 in “cost sharing” to pay for half of a detention pond his employer (a PRIVATE developer) needs. I guess if you are going to steal, then steal big, right Chris? You had a real problem with handing out $5,000 grants to small businesses (rightfully so) back in April of 2015 when you were running for Council but $125,000 to your new employer S2M2 Inc is just fine and dandy! Perhaps it should be Chris “The Hypocrite” Harrison instead of “Greasy” Chris.

It’s also VERY greasy that Council shot down the idea in May, but since FORMER COUNCIL MEMBER Harrison showed up to plead the case, now Misti Talbert says “city officials need to think again about a detention pond.” (Lampasas Dispatch 8-30-19 – page A4 – paragraph 12).

BONUS SCUMBAGGERY: The Dispatch archives also mention that Harrison owns a dirt contracting company he started in 2002. I wonder who will get the big, fat $250,000 contract for BUILDING this detention pond? Is that the deal, Chris? You go beg to your former Council chums for a $125,000 check to S2M2 Inc and then Steven McDonald (owner of S2M2) hands you the dirt contract? Sure looks that way from where I’m standing.

What an absolutely disgusting display of hypocrisy and wasteful spending all wrapped up in a big pile of dog shit. Will The Seven Goldfish look into this? I highly doubt it.