Lampasas Garden Dummies Fitzharris and Mom Throwing Tea Party Fundraiser. Plan To Waste The Money On Overly-Expensive Water Tank They Don’t Need.

[Note: before you read all this, remember that the Community Garden ALREADY gets highly-subsidized water from the City. They spend roughly $35 PER YEAR on water. That’s it! But they want to spend over $10,000 on a ludicrous rainwater catch system – money which could pay for 285 YEARS of City water, LOL!!]

If you are thinking of throwing more money at uber dipshit Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier and her “Community Garden” this weekend, you may want to think again.

Not content with the FREE water she gets from the City and having FAILED to get City council to pay for her ridiculously expensive rainwater catch idea, she is now trying to raise the funds herself. As usual, I’d much rather this idiot rip off private donors than rip off the taxpayer, but I wonder if people know exactly what this money is for.

Remember, this chick has ALREADY spent well over $57,000 on this garden. She seems to spend a LOT more time spending money on frivolities than she does on actual gardening.

Crozier’s far-left, Biden-loving, BLM-supporting, vaccine-injured daughter Stephanie Fitzharris clearly has a big hand in all this, as is evident from the non-stop videos and other marketing material on their FB page.

They also went on the radio today to push the fundraiser. As usual with this bunch, none of the facts and figures line up and you hear a different story from three different places. So it’s hard to determine exactly what they are going to buy with this money and how much it costs.

Plus, Janet “Crazier” Crozier refused to show me her non-profit tax filings, so who knows WHAT the crazy old bird is doing with donations.

According to the dummies on the radio today, they “need $3,000 for a rain collection system” – but their blub says it is a 3,000 gallon stainless steel tank. That costs a LOT more than $3,000.

I assume they mean stainless STEEL water collection system. Typical carelessness on their part.

Oddly, when they were begging the CITY for pay for this nonsense almost three years ago, they wanted TWO 5,000 gallon tanks that cost about $10,000:

You are only going to pay around $1 per gallon of storage if you use the PLASTIC poly tanks. I have a similar system at my house. Of course, I bought these 12 years ago and got my 3,000 gallons of storage for only $1,000 back then….

Perhaps she can find one that’s cheaper than $10,000, but as a rule stainless steel is WAY more pricey than poly. But that’s only the start! The shipping cost will be substantial. Then you need a pro to hook up everything AND you will need some kind of pump to give you water pressure – a lot more money. I’m also wondering where she thinks she is going to “harvest” the rain from? The tiny roof on her tool shed? Or does she think she’s going to pipe in from the City pavilion about 50 feet away? If so, that’s a bunch of trenching and pipework (a lot more $$$) as well – not to mention approval from City council.

As usual, these dummies have thought nothing through.

Something tells me the dunce on the radio today meant to say 3000 GALLONS and not 3000 DOLLARS, but who knows.

Bottom line? If you feel the need to donate to a good cause with your hard-earned money, this ain’t it. This is the ridiculous pet project of loon. They ALREADY have all the water they want for less than $50 a year! Yet they want to waste another $10,000 or $15,000 on this stupidity.

Do yourself a favor and donate your money to the Lampasas Mission where it will actually go to FEED people in need and not feed the expensive habits of a retard.