The Sunk Cost Fallacy is alive and well at City Hall. It’s been muttered there a dozen times over the decades. During the Old City Hall remodel, the Business Pork debacle and others. The attitude that “welp, we’ve already sunk a ton of money into this, we better keep going!” is a well-known fallacy in economic circles. It’s what kept the Concorde airplane program alive not to mention the Vietnam War and the F-35 fighter project.
Erin Corbell just did it at last night’s City council meeting while discussing the $43,800 “surprise” that was recently found, as predicted by me last April.

BAM. Like a Swiss watch. Every single one of these things.
It’s a shame they wasted $45,000 clearing concrete and drawing up legal rules that were never followed for Martin’s Rod & Custom’s retarded pipe dream a few years ago, or they would have the spare change to pay for this current fuckup!
All that being said, I will admit it’s nice to have Herb Pearce up there and a bunch of guys actually DEBATING this and asking questions. Herb is a lumber guy, so he understands construction. If this was two years ago, Talbert, Monroe and Kuehne would have said “HERE YOU GO! Want some more???” without asking a single question. So at least these guys had a hearty debate on this and asked hard questions.
Erin Corbell, on the other hand, has been on one government payroll or another since 2006, according to her LinkedIn page. She looks to be in her early 40s, so I’m guessing that first job as a secretary for the McCulloch County (population 7,600) Sheriff’s Office was fresh out of college. When you are in government for nearly two decades and your entire professional life, you tend to start thinking money grows on trees.