City Officials To Curse Construction Project Today With Garden Implements In Staged Photo Op

Apparently, the City will “break ground” on the $2.2 million dollar Hostess House ‘facelift’ (NOT REMODEL! NOT RENOVATION!) today around 9am.

Remember the LAST time this happened? A bunch of City bozos grabbed shovels and posed for the “ground breaking” of the Business Pork Project:

Ground being cursed back in 2015. NINE YEARS ago!

Technically, it wasn’t really the groundbreaking, since the LEDC bought that goat pasture back in 2004. It merely marked the very first time they wasted a massive sum installing infrastructure. This was the beginning of the extremely profligate Toups years – which also saw a giant pile of money incinerated on a new City council chambers.

Anyways, the result of the above photos and the display of garden implements in a ceremonial fashion resulted in nothing but disaster for the Business Pork. It STILL sits empty today, despite many millions more poured into it.

Today they will repeat this process of cursing the ground and ensuring the project will be a money pit and disaster for the next year or so.

Congratulations, guys!

Of course, here’s how it started: at $200,000. It ended 10x higher!

Goldfish Swim Tonight – Council Meeting 4-24-23

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.

Join us on – for commentary.

I may soon have to retire the “goldfish” moniker since there are fewer and fewer dummies on City council compared to when I started this site almost 5 years ago. We now have non-goldfish like Pearce, Morris and Keele up there on the dais.

Hopefully after the elections next month, we will be rid of not only Monroe, but Kuehne as well. I’m seeing a LOT of Herb Pearce signs around town. Unfortunately, he has to deal with the Teachers Mafia – hundreds of teachers who will blindly vote for Kuehne just because SHE and her husband are also teachers. Gonna be tough to overcome that. But overcome that we must, if we are to avoid having our fourth substandard mayor in a row.

Tonight’s subjects:

Get ready to pay more for water and electricity!

Is Finley about to hang up his cleats and retire? Will Ryan “Forrest Gump” Ward be taking over in the next month?

Dealing with the Hostess House debacle.

Details of the new Business Pork prospect. Just kidding. You are not allowed to hear about that. It’s all Super Secret. You will only hear about it HERE on this blog after I battle with JC Brown and blow my own money hiring lawyers. Again.

Goldfish Swim Tonight – Council Meeting 3-13-23

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.

Join us on – for commentary.

Will the Hostess House debacle be dealt with? Any word on a possible tenant for the Business Pork?? We’ll find out soon…

Incompetence and Insanity On Full Display: Hostess House Bids Come In at $3 Million – Or $1.12 Million Over Already-Bloated Previous Estimate

Holy shit.

Cathy “Even If It Costs a Little More” Kuehne better start practicing her “shocked face” in the mirror this weekend between bites of pork chop panko…she’s going to need to use it at Monday’s council meeting.

The art-teacher-who-would-be-mayor is likely soiling her undergarments right now as she realizes that she and the other profligate spenders on City council are now very much painted into a corner.

I cannot wait to hear her ridiculous “how did this happen?” bleats on Monday evening as she tries to pretend she had nothing to do with any of this.

“How could we have known?” they will cry out in disbelief!

How indeed.

If you’d listened to this blog and the “cowardly keyboard warriorwho called it from the start, you would have been prepared for this.

Here is an excerpt from my blog post last OctoberOld City Hall 2.0: Hostess House Costs EXPLODE To $1.88 Million! Up 44% From Last Estimate!!

I wrote:

I warned you! I warned you over and over and over. I laughed when the Hostess House “minor repairs” were first talked about….

Birth of ANOTHER bad idea under Mayor Misti Talbert

That was exactly three years ago. Just some “minor repairs” and “minor decorations”. Yeah, sure. I called bullshit. I reminded you of the Old City Hall debacle and the $1.6 million spent on that vanity project (soon to be $1.85 million) – a pet project of Misti Talbert’s.

THEN it jumped up to “about $200,000”, according to City Manager Finley deGraffenreid in the Lampasas Dispatch in March 2021 – a mere 18 months ago:

Maybe Finley can stand up there and tell us how he never said this…kinda like the skate park lies.

Council picks architecture firm for Hostess House upgrades

THEN it ballooned to $1,308,670 – which is a sick joke all by itself. Morons like Cathy Kuehne said they should keep the historical look “even if it costs more”. Why not? It’s not her money! It’s just play money, apparently!

But I knew from years of watching these clowns that it wouldn’t stop at $1.3 million. No way. As of today, the costs have exploded once again…as they ALWAYS DO. That’s what happens when chimpanzees get ahold of somebody else’s checkbook.

The NEW estimate is $1.879,483.55 [see page 67]

My god. It turned out to be even worse than I imagined back then. I guess we aren’t stopping at $1.88 million either. RKJ [of bungled OCH elevator fame] was the LOWER of the two bids at a hair under $3,000,000.00

Three million. You could build 6 nice houses for that money. At this point, you might want to just have the Hostess House hit by Jewish lightning after making sure it is fully insured.

Three million for an “event venue” that MIGHT bring in $12,000 per year AT MOST to the City coffers. So it will only take 250 years to break even on this project. I remember not too many years ago morons like Bruce Haywood were saying the City should build an entire civic center from scratch and that it would only cost about $2.5 million.

Now the question is: why didn’t Reliance Architecture (who has ALREADY been paid a TON OF MONEY to “manage” this debacle) have a better estimate of the costs?

This is the EXACT SAME THING that happened with the Old City Hall “remodel” 8 years ago when JNW Architects fucked up the EXACT SAME WAY.

Here we are again.

There is no way in hell they can accept these bids. They will have to be rejected. Then what?

Monday night should be fun.

Hostess House Debacle – Running Total of Expenditures (Updated)

** Last updated 7/21/23 **

Feb 14, 2018 – City pays Lamco Construction $19,270 for “Hostess House repairs” [page 76]

October 2019 – City takes over Hostess House from DRT. They told us it just needed a ”few minor repairs”:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 20210609_180353.jpg

November 19, 2019 – Council votes to spend $5,850 with All Seasons for a new 5-ton AC unit [Dispatch front page news].

August 10, 2020 – Council votes to spend $2,500 with Hendrix Consulting Engineers (HCE) to evaluate the Hostess House [Council minutes page 7 item 7.3]

February 15, 2021 – HCE report is huge and repairs look expensive. Council debating what to do. Council member Cathy Kuehne is quoted in the Dispatch as saying they should keep the historical look “even if it costs more” [Council packet pages 26, 27, 28]

March 8, 2021 – Council votes to spend $6,600 with Reliance Architecture to draw up a “master plan” [Council packet page 10].

August 16, 2021 Dispatch Article – Project now estimated to cost $1,380,000.00 (page 39) – up from $200,000 five months earlier a SEVEN-FOLD INCREASE!!!

October 25, 2021 – Council votes 5-2 to approve$130,570payment to Reliance Architecture to plan the Hostess House “upgrade” – representing roughly 10% of project cost.

January 18, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$8,460for “Predesign”

September 12, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$14,775for “Construction docs”

August 22, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$32,012and$12,312for “Design dev”

October 10, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$10,342for “Construction docs”

October 24, 2022 – City council meeting – project now estimated to cost $1.88 million!

February 27, 2023 – City council meeting packet – lowest bid is RKJ Construction at$2,973,738.00!!!!!

July 21, 2023 – City council dinged for another $38,000 in fees to change the scope of the project and re-bid.

Current total fees for project – $168,570

Total spent thus far before any building or renovation is done: $200,270

Revenue from Hostess House to City: approximately $1,200 between Oct 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020.

Projected revenue for FY 2022/2023: approximately $10,500 (revenues $16,000 and costs of $5,500 anually)

Old City Hall 2.0: Hostess House Costs EXPLODE To $1.88 Million! Up 44% From Last Estimate!!

Hey, what’s another$570,000between friends??

These people are insane.

I warned you! I warned you over and over and over. I laughed when the Hostess House “minor repairs” were first talked about….

That was exactly three years ago. Just some “minor repairs” and “minor decorations”. Yeah, sure. I called bullshit. I reminded you of the Old City Hall debacle and the $1.6 million spent on that vanity project (soon to be $1.85 million) – a pet project of Misti Talbert’s.

THEN it jumped up to “about $200,000”, according to City Manager Finley deGraffenreid in the Lampasas Dispatch in March 2021 – a mere 18 months ago:

Maybe Finley can stand up there and tell us how he never said this…kinda like the skate park lies.

Council picks architecture firm for Hostess House upgrades

THEN it ballooned to $1,308,670 – which is a sick joke all by itself. Morons like Cathy Kuehne said they should keep the historical look “even if it costs more”. Why not? It’s not her money! It’s just play money, apparently!

But I knew from years of watching these clowns that it wouldn’t stop at $1.3 million. No way. As of today, the costs have exploded once again…as they ALWAYS DO. That’s what happens when chimpanzees get ahold of somebody else’s checkbook.

The NEW estimate is $1,879,483.55 [see page 67]

Almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS for an “event venue” that will bring in just $10,000 per year, by the City’s own admission. So it’ll only take about TWO CENTURIES to get your money back.

Why the massive increase? Well, inflation of course! Yes, we all know inflation is running at about 44% per year.

So the consulting and engineering firms – who were paid HUGE amounts of money [$130,570 to Reliance Architecture in Oct of 2021] to plan all this – are just NOW realizing “oh wait! We need a fire alarm system! We need a sprinkler system! Oh, and a grease trap and exit stairs!”

Bullshit. They are either monumentally incompetent or this is some kind of kickback scam. There is no way they are that stupid.

[I seem to remember the EXACT SAME THING happening with the Old City Hall remodel back in March 2015 – except THAT time it was JNW Architects that was getting big checks to screw the pooch. Hmmm…wonder why Finley didn’t go with JNW again THIS time?]

Oh, and also “scope creep” – which is a fancy way of saying “we just keep adding shit and agreeing to more because – once again – it isn’t OUR money“. – ALSO known as “change orders”, which is how these contractors fleece their customers. Oldest trick in the book.

Christ, TJ Monroe is making Misti Talbert and her Old City Hall debacle look like a penny-pinching Jew with this outlandish waste of money.

This is EXACTLY like the Old City Hall debacle a few years ago. A bunch of children acting like it’s Christmas and Santa will give them everything they want. A $59,000.00 canopy? Yeah, why not. A pool changing room for $49,000? Hell yeah – that is obviously a necessity we can’t do without. Some random vague bullshit like “expanded renovation” and “technology” for an additional quarter of a MILLION bucks? Yes please!

Any City council member who votes to approve this shit should be voted out of office when they are up for election next time. This is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe they are even bringing this up publicly for discussion. I’d be ashamed to bungle things up this badly and ask for a 44% increase in the money wasted on this idiotic project.

Some Lady Rented Out The Hostess House – Shows Us What a Shit Pile It Is…

Catherine Groothoff recently rented out the Hostess House.

It did not go well:

The City only just barely took control of the Hostess House a mere 29 months ago! What do you think they are…miracle workers?

Catherine must be new in town or she doesn’t read here. If she DID, she would understand that the numbskulls who run the City can’t be bothered with the little things. They are too busy arguing about how to blow the next million dollars on some hare-brained project – like the Business Pork.

You want them to spend $400 or $500 to fix a sink and get a new microwave? Surely you jest. They are busy planning to spend $1.4 million on the Hostess House “facelift” and “minor repairs”. It will take another year in addition to that $1.4 million. They cannot be bothered to replace a microwave. What fun is that?

From the October 2019 minutes

I’m sure they DO have people to fix a sink, but they are too busy wasting time and money putting in hose bibs, pipes and a $12,750 water tank for a local moron to grow a couple of squash at the Community Garden!

It’s the same reason they blow almost $200,000 on a “pavilion” but literally 100 feet away at the local pool, they won’t spend any money to hike lifeguard wages to make sure the pool is fully staffed for summer. They’d rather close it an extra day every week.

It’s the same reason the City electric fund is “in trouble” and rates had to be hiked on everyone last November while they simultaneously give out hundreds of thousands of dollars in ‘free’ electrical subsidies to rich developers at Stone Valley, Hidden Oaks and Hillside Acres.

See how it works?

It’s also the reason the water fountains at the 580 Sports Complex have been non-functioning since March 2020. They cannot be bothered with something that tiny. They are too busy deciding if they should waste $1.3 million on a bike path over there that nobody will use.

No outlets anywhere. Bizarre.

Now, I’m not sure who to point the finger at… I’m just going to go ahead point it squarely at Cathy Kuehne since she is up for election next month and actually has a challenger. She’s also the one who was quoted that they should keep the historical look at Hostess House “even if it costs a little more“.

Cathy Kuehne: great spender of OTHER people’s money since 2018!

TJ Monroe Spending Makes Talbert Look Like a Penny Pincher

I used to call Mayor Talbert a “drunken sailor” for her propensity to blow money like an inebriated seaman on shore leave. She was instrumental in wasting $1.5 million renovating Old City Hall as well as handing out hundreds of thousands in “free money” to developers like Deorald Finney and S2M2. Terrible decisions that the City is still suffering from today.

But TJ Monroe is putting her to shame with some of the latest ridiculous money wasting going on now.

Here is a taste:


In October 2019, when the City decided to take over the Hostess House, we were told it needed a few “minor repairs” and “minor decorations”. They spent about $6,000 on a new HVAC at that time also. So a normal person might think “eh, they’ll spend eight or nine grand on some stuff and that will be it”.

You’d be wrong. By August 2020, the new estimate was $500,000. [see page 20]

The CURRENT estimate is $1.3 million dollars. That’s $1,300,000.00 on an “event venue” that currently brings in MAYBE $10,000 per year in rental fees after expenses. So it will only take them 130 years to get their money back.

Only true shit head politicians could go from “a couple grand” to “$500,000” to “$1.3 million” and not blink an eye or maybe question if this was even REMOTELY a good use of funds. Clearly nobody learned a single thing from the $1.5 million Old City Hall debacle, because they are about to do the exact same thing AGAIN!


WAY back in July 2020, a local school teacher heard a radio ad for a skate park/outreach center in California and thought “that would be cool!”

No, I am not joking. That is exactly how the whole thing started. Link to entire article is HERE. The name of her non-profit is “Wings of Eagles Outreach”.

Anyhow, we heard the usual nonsense about how this would be a public/private partnership and the usual hints were made that there would be private donations and volunteering…kind of like the “Bike and Hike” trail project that never went anywhere.

Initial skate park costs were said to be around $200,000. That was SO last year, though. NOW the estimate is $400,000 [see page 20] and I can guarantee you the final cost will be far higher.

Seeing as how “Wings of Eagles” had a grand total of $5,824 in their bank account at their last non-profit filing, something tells me they aren’t going to be shelling out hundreds of thousands to make this happen. No, that burden will fall on the taxpayers.

Personally, I think the skate park is a terrible idea. Mike White and Misti Talbert were huge champions of this thing. Time will tell if it was worth it or not.

But the fact remains that we went from “I heard an ad on the radio! Sounds cool” to $200,000 to the current $400,000 tells you all you need to know about how TJ Monroe operates and how little she values tax dollars.

The Goldfish Swim Tonight: 5-10-21 Council Meeting

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.

Join us on – tonight’s analysis will be tape-delayed due to family obligations.

We will see TWO new council members tonight – Zac Morris and Herb Pearce. I have high hopes that they will NOT be Goldfish and instead bring the view of PRIVATE SECTOR citizens to the table. Time will tell.

Find us at The Original Lampasshole

Tonight’s possible highlights: Hostess House debacle and Bike Trail debacle.

14 Fish Tank Castle Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images
Artists conception of two Goldfish (Monroe and Williamson) next to $1.5 million dollar City council chambers

Ya’ll sing along now….

Hostess House Debacle – Running Total of Expenditures

** Last updated 10/25/22 **

Unfortunately, this blog was not around when City council started on the Old City Hall debacle. So the best I could do is go back through a ton of minutes and try to add up all the waste. It was a tough job, but I proved the OCH “remodel” cost WAY more than Finley’s oft-repeated nonsense of “only” $1.05 million dollars. It was REALLY more like $1.6 million.

Unfortunately, $550,000 is a rounding error when it comes to government waste around here.

Anyhow, I get to start from the very beginning with this Hostess House nonsense. I have no doubt this list will grow to be long and nauseating. Here we go:

Feb 14, 2018 – City pays Lamco Construction $19,270 for “Hostess House repairs” [city council packet 3/12/18]

October 2019 – City takes over Hostess House from DRT. They told us it just needed a ”few minor repairs”:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 20210609_180353.jpg

November 19, 2019 – Council votes to spend $5,850 with All Seasons for a new 5-ton AC unit [Dispatch front page news].

August 10, 2020 – Council votes to spend $2,500 with Hendrix Consulting Engineers (HCE) to evaluate the Hostess House [Council minutes page 7 item 7.3]

February 15, 2021 – HCE report is huge and repairs look expensive. Council debating what to do. Council member Cathy Kuehne is quoted in the Dispatch as saying they should keep the historical look “even if it costs more” [Council packet pages 26, 27, 28]

March 8, 2021 – Council votes to spend $6,600 with Reliance Architecture to draw up a “master plan” [Council packet page 10].

October 25, 2021 – Council votes 5-2 to approve $130,570 payment to Reliance Architecture to plan the Hostess House “upgrade” – representing roughly 10% of project cost.

January 18, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$8,460for “Predesign”

September 12, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$14,775for “Construction Docs”

August 22, 2022 – Reliance Architecture$32,012and$12,312for “Design Dev”

Current expenditures: $164,790

August 16, 2021 Dispatch Article – Project now estimated to cost $1,380,000.00 (page 39) – up from $200,000 five months earlier.

October 24, 2022 City council meeting – project now projected to cost $1.88 million.

Current revenue from Hostess House to City: approximately $1,200 between Oct 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020.

Projected revenue for FY 2022/2023: approximately $10,500 (revenues $16,000 and costs of $5,500 anually)