After I publicly noted we hadn’t seen a Covid update in a week, almost immediately Mayor Talbert (coincidentally!) posted a new update, as seen below:

Sounds scary! FOUR hospitalizations! Although the “under 18 in the ICU” note has vanished – as predicted.
Unfortunately, this does not match the Covid update given the very same day by the Radiogram yesterday (11/30/20)

Radiogram says only ONE resident in the hospital and 49 active cases. Talbert tells us the very same day that it is FOUR in the hospital and 46 active cases.
Oh well – what’s a 300% markup on hospitalizations between friends!
I also think it’s hilarious that Kline Whitis Elementary – where most of the kids aren’t wearing masks – has only had TWO covid cases over the last 4 months. Both recovered, of course.
But over at the HIGH SCHOOL – where they are ALL forced to wear masks and the kids are older and arguably more capable of following directions on how to wear the damn things – they have had THIRTY-SIX KIDS catch the deadly plague and THIRTEEN STAFF. LOL.
Gee, it’s almost like not only do masks not help, perhaps they even make things WORSE as these poor saps are fiddling with their masks all day and TOUCHING THEIR FACES FAR MORE THAN THEY OTHERWISE WOULD.
But what do I know. I’m not a “health authority” or a $200,000-per-year school superintendent. Just a dumb yaloo Lampasshole using common sense.