Since the City insists we need a $185,000 no-bid restroom at Campbell Park to handle all the throngs of people, I decided to go see how big the Labor Day holiday crowds were. I happen to drive by Campbell Park all the time and never see a soul. I thought maybe a holiday weekend might be different. Here are three photos from Campbell Park.

Not a SINGLE soul. Not only that, it was the exact same picture at Cooper Springs Park, the tennis courts, the soccer ‘complex’, the 580 Sports ‘complex’, the Riding Arena and W.M Brooks!! NOT A SINGLE PERSON using ANY of these parks. NOT ONE.
Of course, the Parks and Rec Director assures us that Campbell Park has “four big events per year”! Really? Four? What is ‘big’? Forty people? I have two words for you, you numb skulls: PORTA POTTY. Ever heard of them?
Remember these photos when the City is trying to spend hundreds of thousands on more parks amenities because “all the people” want them: