This is local dipshit Bruce Haywood:

As you can see, he LOVES to overeat. He loves Krab Kings, Whataburger and every other high fat, high calorie, fast-food crap around.

Overeating is not healthy. It leads to morbid obesity (which Bruce clearly has) and usually early death. Bruce would do himself a world of good by losing about 270 pounds, but that is way too much work. Bruce would rather force you to wear a mask and get an unapproved vaccine so that HE feels safer. Bruce cannot be inconvenienced in any way. Only you can be.
Frankly, I could not care less if Bruce eats his way into an early grave, but Bruce also happens to be a vociferous maskhole (like most libtards) and Covid Cult member who loves to try and shame people into getting masked and vaxxed because he supposedly cares about his health.
This makes Bruce a hypocrite of Haywoodian proportions – and his hypocrisy is now MY problem because douchebags like him are demanding people like me be injected with an unapproved vaccine that doesn’t really work.
If you point out masks don’t work and that more than a few people are STILL getting sick AFTER taking the vaccine, he implies you are a stupid, right-wing FOX News-loving mouth breather.

EVERY doctor? Hardly. Thousands say the opposite:
In fact, back in 2003 during SARS I, the government of Australia threatened a fine of $110,000 for even SUGGESTING that masks work:
Farce Mask: It’s Only Safe For 20 Minutes
Feeling stupid yet Bruce? I don’t think Bruce is capable of feeling stupid. Like a fish can’t “feel wet” – it’s his normal default state of existence.
Not to mention, Bruce’s own messiah St. Anthony admitted in private emails that masks are useless against a tiny aerosolized virus:
Fauci Says Masks “Not Really Effective”
Looks like the vaccine is pretty ineffective too, from where I’m standing:

Little does Bruce know, that his OWN TEAM is now admitting masks are completely worthless:
Biden COVID Advisor Admits Cloth Masks Are Worthless
Oopsie. A Biden COVID advisor on CNN said this. Hardly the “crazy right wing” that Bruce was pinning his hopes on.
Bruce can never EVER admit he is wrong about masks, no matter how many mountains of evidence pile up against him. That is because he spent the last 18 months bragging about his mask wearing and bitching at everyone else to do the same. To admit he was bamboozled is just too painful to bear – so he will keep doubling down forever like a moron.
Add that all up? Bruce is clearly STILL the dumbest man in Lampasas!
Congratulations, buddy.
As for “dummies” telling people not to get the vax? Here is a compilation of a group of DEMOCRAT dummies doing just that!!