How Long Before Greentards Blame Recent Rains and Flooding On “Global Warming”?

We all know the drill by now. When there is a quiet hurricane season, it’s because of global warming. Busy hurricane season? DEFINITELY global warming!

Polar vortex? Global warming. Cold weather? Global warming. No, seriously.

No snow? Lots of snow? Windy? Cloudy? Can’t get your dick hard anymore? Global warming.

I give Comrade Clayton the fake rancher six days before he posts something about the floods being “proof” somehow of global warming.

I feel absolutely awful for all the REAL ranchers out there. I can’t believe the destruction I’ve seen on social media. Cows in trees. $40,000 of hay washed into oblivion. Just brutal. Especially after the last few years of drought has already made their lives miserable.

There is ONE (fake) rancher I will NOT feel sorry for. That is local communist Clayton Tucker. I hope everything he has is under two feet of water and/or permanently destroyed.

That may sound quite cruel, but he has spent the last 4 or 5 years running around lying about being a rancher and farmer. Essentially enjoying the “cachet” or prestige of being a salt-of-the-earth hardworking man without any of the actual work or stress of running a business or a ranch.

Dummy forgets his previous lies about being a rancher for the 17th time.

I view it like stolen valor. Like that asshole Blumenthal (Democrat, of course) who lied about serving in Vietnam. Trying to steal admiration and honor without any sacrifices. So I REALLY hope Comrade Clayton gets fucked in the ass as a karmic payback.

Seeing something he loves get destroyed will also give him a taste of what asshole commies like him and his friends have done to America recently.