Power Blackouts Loom For Quarter of All Americans

And no, Comrade Clayton, it’s not Greg Abbott’s fault. It’s the fault of WAY too much “green energy”. The very green energy that ignorant fools like yourself insist we install more of.

When you prioritize electricity from intermittent wind and solar via massive market-distorting subsidies, it destroys the efficiency of the grid by forcing the rest of the supply stack (dispatchable) to dance around wind and solar’s intermittency.

[I doubt Comrade Clayton even knows what the word “intermittency” means]

If batteries are the solution to wind and solar intermittency who do you think balances the intermittency without batteries? Dispatchable generators.

So the subsidies for wind & solar have two distorting effects, not only do they encourage way more wind and solar penetration than is ideal but they also ruin the economics of the entire rest of the grid, the dispatchable backbone.

This means investment for dispatchable generators gets starved at the same time that investment floods into intermittent sourcesbut, you can’t get rid of the dispatchable sources because they have to be able to replace 100% of the intermittent production at any given time.

It will show up in subtle ways at first, like the Winter storm Uri disaster in Texas, but over time it will take less and less “extreme” weather to break grids. The system is designed to fail.

Wind and solar are the woke power providers insisting that they be accommodated at the expense of the reliable power sources. They hurt the efficiency of the grid, increase costs and reduce reliability.

If Greentards were REALLY interested in what’s best for the planet AND for humans, they would be pushing nuclear hard. Texas could easily build 3 or 4 nuke plants to handle baseload needs. But Greentards block nuke plans at every turn.

If we see rolling blackouts this winter, be sure to carry your torches and pitchforks to where they belong: the houses of radical liberal greentards like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood.