Men Versus Wimps

Many in Europe will freeze this winter thanks to greenies and their idiotic policies.

Now, a world without German industry is a real situation on the table.

Zinc, Aluminum Smelters Shuttered In Europe Due To Soaring Power Prices

Up next: societal unrest, nationalization, and hyperinflation.

We cannot follow the Europeans down this disaster path.

Not too long ago, when shale gas was discovered beneath the Pittsburg Airport, private companies were brought in to drill it out.

That’s how a real civilization works.

Nearly 6 months into an epic energy crisis, and these lunatics still calling LNG “stranded assets”, and talking about a world without fossils fuels.

Socialist Clayton Tucker – “Water Expert”

One of the many fake hats Clayton Tucker wears (besides cowboy, rancher, energy expert) is “water researcher”. I think that HE thinks if he Googles a topic and reads one article on a subject, he is now a “researcher” with “special knowledge”.

Such is the feeble mind of a socialist.

Anyhow, Tucker has most definitely lied about having some kind of special knowledge about water:

Any bozo who has to put “he/him” on his profile should automatically be disqualified from office.

Here is the type of groundbreaking research Clayton engages in. Clayton Tucker and the other Bernie Sanders acolytes use alarmist garbage like this to justify their Green New Deal:

As you can see, Clayton Tucker has copied and pasted a ridiculous alarmist article from far-left lib rag Vox. It’s from four years ago and clearly is complete and utter bullshit, as this never came to pass. Just like Clayton Tucker’s claim that “climate change is an existential threat”.

Does Clayton Tucker ever go back and realize he was massively wrong on this and maybe be more careful going forward? No, of course not.

See, I am old enough to remember magazine covers in the 1970’s screaming alarmist bullshit about the coming ICE AGE. That’s right. They even discussed dusting the polar caps with black soot to absorb the sun’s heat and WARM the planet! Back then, there were morons just like Clayton Tucker screaming “the end is near” – thankfully, we didn’t listen to them.

9 best Hysteria images on Pinterest | Ice age, Magazine covers and Global warming

With age comes wisdom. I’m old enough to have been through dozens of these alarmist bullshit scares. Being a socialist is bad enough – it means you are incapable of critical thought and don’t know your history at all. But being a 30-year-old socialist? Well, that means you lack experience and wisdom too. A terrible combination in ANYONE who wants to run for office and try to run your life.

My advice to this kid is to go get a REAL job for the next 15 years or so, THEN come back and run for office. Right now you don’t know a damn thing about the world, kid.

Here is some more advice, Clayton Tucker. Please read this LONG list of failed alarmist proclamations so you can see how badly you are being played right now by the “global warming” assholes. I remember a lot of these from the 70s and 80s. None came true.

Dim bulbs like Clayton Tucker and his socialist friends use this garbage to justify their Green New Deal. Tucker HIMSELF has says he wants Texas to go “100% renewables”: