This Hysterical Dame Should Have Her Kids Taken Away

I can’t even tell you how mad this article made me. If you want to know the result of a year of fear propaganda and what it was done to people who are supposedly educated then read this awful piece. The neurosis and fear is almost too much to stomach.

Hysterical Dame Freaks Out Over Nothing

Speaking of idiot parents…..

Out of 5.8 million students in Texas, we still have about HALF still at home and remote learning!

We’ve also been informed that even if these remote learning kids fail the STAAR test in the younger grades, they “can move up to the next grade”.

Yes, you read that correctly. If your kid is actually going to school, working hard and learning so they can master skills and move up to the next grade, they are complete suckers and saps because the moron kid who stayed home in his pajamas and who failed the STAAR test will ALSO be moved up to the next grade.

It must be so awesome to work in the government school system. You get huge raises like “Doctor” Chane Rascoe (now getting $170,000 per year nine months PLUS huge benefits), you get more money thrown at you all the time just by uttering “it’s for the kids”, but you are also not held accountable for the kids actually learning anything.

I guess letting the failures move up to the next grade just like the kids who worked hard will teach the hard-working kids a valuable lesson: in America, the laziest and dumbest people get to the top these days. There is zero point in taking responsibility or working hard because The Powers That Be (usually in the government) are going to fuck you anyways. May as well just become a cart donkey like Bruce Haywood and other libtards.

Why pull the cart when everyone else is sitting in it and getting a free ride?