Dancing COVID Nurses Who Supported Draconian Mandates Switch To Climate Change.

Perhaps one of the most unsettling narrative relationships during the covid pandemic lockdowns was the assertion by various governments, think-tanks and media pundits that the mandates weren’t just good for “stopping the spread,” they were also good for “saving the environment” from what they claim will be inevitable Apocalyptic climate change.  While the covid agenda has all but disappeared thanks to millions of people and half the states in the US rejecting the restrictions, climate hysteria is still alive and well.  

One of the most obnoxious trends in covid propaganda was the constant TikTok dance videos.  Dancing politicians, dancing talk show hosts and dancing nurses all telling us to comply while frolicking around like maniacs.  Well, it’s not over, because the dancing covid nurses are back, and now they’re here to tell us that accepting carbon controls is just as important as the mandates.

Beyond the numerous question on how nurses managed to have time to make so many group TikToks if the hospitals were “overrun” with patients dying of covid as the media asserted for the first year of the pandemic, we must also ask:  If they lied about the effectiveness of the mandates, why should we listen to them about climate change? 

Not one draconian policy enforced by governments made any difference whatsoever in the transmission of the covid virus.  The lockdowns were pointless.  The masks were pointless. Social distancing was pointless.  And the official median Infection Fatality Rate of covid is a mere 0.23%, which means that 99.8% of people were never under any threat from the disease anyway.  These facts were well known by medical professionals by early 2021, yet many of them continued to push the mandates.

Invariably, as the summer heats up so does the hype surrounding climate controls which would do little or nothing to shift the existing state of the Earth’s temps.  “Record temps” are often touted, but these records are limited to a short time from of around 140 years of official data (since the 1880s). 

But what about before then?  When we look at the real history of the Earth’s climate, the temps today are incredibly mild.  Not only that, but the global warming events of the past all occurred without human involvement.

One has to wonder, if this is the case, why are no carbon control proponents or climate scientists talking about it?  Is the situation much like covid, where they tell you to “believe the science” except for the science that contradicts their claims? 

And let’s not forget, these same people have been telling us the Earth is on the verge of burning for a very long time.

Or was it freezing? I forget….

People stopped idolizing nurses after the pandemic scare.  Dancing for the climate feels more like a desperate act to regain relevancy, rather than legitimate activism.   

All of the morons pushing “global warming” now and telling us to live like cavemen to “save the planet” are just watermelons: green on the outside but commie red on the inside as they seek “climate justice” – which is just another name for communism.

Beware! It will “devistate” [sic] us all!!!

Reminder: There are ZERO solar panels or wind turbines at Comrade Clayton’s parents’ house where he lives or at grandpa’s “ranch” where he pretends to be a cowboy/farmer. Hypocrite!

Reminder: commie piece of shit Obama doesn’t seem too worried about rising sea levels either at his 6,892-square-foot mansion with seven bedrooms and 8.5 bathrooms at Martha’s Vineyard. Hypocrite!

There Is No Climate Crisis. History Shows Us The Earth Has Seen FAR Worse.

Whenever high temperatures are reported in the US or Europe the news is hyperinflated into wild theories of climate Apocalypse by the media, but weather history suggests that the panic is fabricated rather than justified.  In fact, any hot weather event you can pick out in recent years is likely overshadowed by a much worse event decades or centuries before “man-made carbon pollution” was ever a thing.    

[Hey – whatever happened to “global warming is giving us more and bigger hurricanes?? I don’t recall a single hurricane this year! Oh – we’ll ignore that inconvenient fact this year, I guess]

For example, the media is frantic over the current drought and “record temps” in Europe this summer, warning that it could become the “worst drought” in 500 years.  Of course, this claim opens the door to a question that climate scientists and propagandists don’t want to answer:  What happened 500 years ago? 

A similar level of global warming hysteria was present during a heat wave in Europe in 2003, as well as in 2018.  The few climate scientists still not bought and paid for by governments and the UN have had to point out that these droughts are nothing compared to the living hell that was the drought of 1540This event is often termed a “mega-drought” because the region suffered historically hot temps while receiving almost no rain for a year.

Temperatures that year averaged 5°C to 7° C  above average temperatures in Europe in the 20th century.   In US terms, that means daily summer temps of around 104° F. 

Hundreds of historic accounts written at the time describe around half a million deaths, along with vast wildfires and a winter in Italy that “felt like July.”  Keep in mind that carbon levels in Europe in 1540 were 30% LOWER than they are today, yet, the region suffered perhaps the worst warming event in its recorded history. 

Explain that one, Comrade Clayton and Comrade Haywood!

Today’s climate data is based on records held by the NOAA and other institutions, and these records only go back to 1880.  So, whenever you hear the mainstream media rant about record temperatures, they are using a tiny sliver of global weather history going back a little over a century.  Any honest scientist in this field will tell you that the Earth’s climate record is vast compared to the limited data used by global warming ideologues, and the majority of destructive weather crises have occurred well before man-made carbon emissions.   

It certainly wasn’t carbon pollution from cars, farming and industry that caused the crisis in 1540.

Try doing any research on the 1540 event and you will be buried in a pile of mainstream articles that acknowledge the disaster but then try to use it as an example of why we must comply with carbon restrictions and climate authoritarianism in 2022.  They say “Look at what happened to Europe in 1540.  You don’t want that to happen again, do you?”  

Of course, humanity had no say or control over the weather in 1540, just as we have no say or control over the weather today.  There was no carbon based global warming back then, and there is no carbon based global warming now.  

Scientists still have no idea what caused many of the warming events of the past including the crisis of 1540, so why should we have blind faith in their claims that carbon is the cause of warming in recent years?  In fact, the NOAA and other climate research institutions still offer no concrete proof of a relationship between carbon emissions and rising temperatures.  Their argument is that they have excluded all other possible causes, leaving only carbon as the remainder.  This is not science, this is haphazard guesswork.  

If there was ever a field that defies the logic, reason and analysis commonly associated with the scientific method, it is climate science.   

Set aside the fact that billions of dollars in funding are paid out to climate scientists every year, but only those scientists that operate from the assumption that climate change is caused by human beings.  That is to say, there are numerous incentives for scientists to discount other causes for global warming.  They are not scientists, they are paid political activists.  Luckily, temperatures are not that high.  The NOAA’s own data shows that the average temperature of the Earth has risen less than 1°C in the past century.  This is nothing, so why all the panic?

Let’s just say that carbon controls are a powerful tool for micromanaging the population and justifying authoritarianism in the name of the “greater good.”  If the public is convinced to accept false climate change narratives, then government would have the ability to control every aspect of daily life, from the amount of electricity we use, to the food we eat, to the businesses we can run, to the level of production and the size of the population.  This is not fiction this is reality, and it is happening much faster than many people realize, all in the name of saving the planet from a threat that doesn’t exist.